Hey /lol/, I'm 19. Hoe bad - politically - is t going to get in my lifetime?
And in light of this, where the fuck do I go?
Hey /lol/, I'm 19. Hoe bad - politically - is t going to get in my lifetime?
And in light of this, where the fuck do I go?
Go anywhere, run away! Leave your homeland, the nation your ancestors built, to the brown dregs of humanity who will then ruin it all in the space of a decade.
Run, little scared boy, run. Go to Iceland maybe.
It'll be fine, people are waking up.
Worst thing to happen is international finance gets the rope, which you probably won't have to worry about, unless you're one of (((them))).
You should stay in America but move out of the city.
Unfortunately leaving the city likely won't be possible, at least for a while. Outside of uni, I run several businesses - mainly social media management and ecommerce - and I have to constantly be tied to my phone and laptop to make decisions, ship orders, communicate with clients, etc.
That said, I have a really sound bug-out plan, I'll share in a sec
>unless you're one of (((them)))
Not yet but I am already HEAVILY investing my gains in both stocks and crypto, and have been for some time.
also, how* and it*, not "hoe" and "t"
pretty bad
You're a pussy dued. Go back to /9rk/ lmao.
You should have a good material net worth too. If the power goes out, stocks won't come back for a while and crypto's gone. Gold, guns and bullets are never bad either. I'd also recommend seeking out your local RWDS so you can run around the woods LARPing Fallout and Mad Max to prepare for what's on the horizon. Learn some skills to help you get employed now and other skills to help you fit in in a cooperative village environment.
Think about the legions of leftist retards that are being used only as political capital to be purged after the revolution and have 0 training as soldiers. Don't you want to be one of the people that'll be running around purging them in the name of God instead?
Why are you upset at the possibility of being in the war that finally ends our planet, if you're lucky maybe you'll get to kill a sandnigger before getting shot.
19 year old American here.
It'll be the same ol' same ol'. You'll see the same desperate politicians trying to get votes and support while spouting what ever is popular of that day.
Child, put your faith in Christ though. This world is temporal, God is not.
fuck off christfag your shitty religion is half of what's wrong with our world right now
>19, post sounds more like 14
Shit is going to hit the fan during our lifetime.
The political polarization that is increasing rapidly in the west will inevitably lead to civil wars.
Wrong board this isn't /lol
I'm saving to start into real estate now, user.
Also, my plan as of now if shit really hits the fan
>at both my house and my dorm, I have a backpack loaded with two gallons of water, food for a week and a half, an old laptop, sat phone and $1500 cash
>I have very easy access to it, and can be out of house/dorm within 5 minutes if need be
>Copied key to grandparent's summer home that's DEEP in the mountains in western NC
>have physical map marked with seven different backroads routes to said mountain house
>I drive a 20 y/o sports car so that's a disadvantage, but I'm really handy with vehicles and am saving for a new 4Runner as we speak. Will help for speeding down said back roads is I have to.
solid? Anything else to add?
>19 year old American here.
>How bad will it get?
It depends what people do about it.
You talk like everyone here is 70 y/o
Hold on tight, the ride might get a little bloody
Stay in your own country and prepare for the upcoming civil war.
Live life and love people. It’s okay to be angry at all the racism the left throws at us but the only way to beat them is with humanity and respect. We truly have to become Good willed men. No genicide, no war, there’s still plenty of hope. You can do it, just believe in yourself and focus on what you can do.