Jordan Peterson: "I take antidepressants"
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not anymore
Nigga is woke as fuck.
>lives in canada
I would have killed myself years ago
you lost, Schlomo.
source faggot.
His hair is also thinning in that pic, but now it's fuller thanks to FUE.
I take escitalopram, feels good
On JRE from last week he talked about how his health was shit but then he started only eating meat and vegetables and all of his symptoms went away and he lost 7 pounds per month for a year or something. I wouldn’t have believed him if I didn’t see this video showing he used to be chubby.
memeflag leafshills shaking in their boots. you can't win this war.
He looks better before than he does now.
I'm not listening to 3 hours for a couple seconds. Source or fuck off.
IIRC he said he cut out carbs: just meat and greens. Sounds like a really expensive way to eat.
the face of Canadian failure
Ketogenic diet could turn Sup Forums into the new Reich army but they don't want you to know
The show he's on there, The Agenda, the host just got #metoo'd a couple days ago and the whole movement in Canada has crashed into the brick wall of his impeccable reputation, vs. the flakiness of his accuser.
This only a week after #metoo #believethewomen reached a mad crescendo when the Ontario PC party leader was given the boot just hours after ANONYMOUS charges of 'being creepy' he flatly denied.
Peterson has been exposed as a Zionist:
yeah no shit dude is one of the most depressed public speakers i know of. in all of his talks he looks like he is about to cut his wrists
he just went paleo and his depression went away
its something that has worked for many people
Screencap this: He is going to start shilling a diet plan that his daughter will be selling.
shilling this much for drugs
No. He quite clearly says here he is still on anti-depressants and even advised his daughter against quitting.
Good observation.
thats over 1 year old
he has recently said he wasnt on them anymore, you can see how much fatter he was
and half of the people here don't even workout, let alone eat properly
They are slaughtering him an even banned him from faceberg for even trying to save young goy men.
Also pay attention to the body language. Jordan is facing his daughter as though she is presenting for him. This guy is a scammer and went as far as drugging the absolute fuck out of his half breed daughter
Prove it your greaseball. Fucking post a link more recent and I will believe you.
They are slaughtering him for even daring try saving young goy men, and even banned him from faceberg.
>Jordan is facing his daughter as though she is presenting for him
Which video? What do you mean by this exactly?
Watch it. Not only does he admit to SSRI usage out to 2016, but admits he encourages his daughters usage throughout. For those who have used SSRIs or known those who do, they aren't something you quit overnight and walk away from unscathed.
lol the guy that can;t function tells others how to live
You've probably never been aware enough to be depressed. typical brainlet
clean your own room peterson
oh is that what you are?
see, when i have these pills i know everything.
when i don't i try to suicide
is that why you post for all of canidastan?
For 5 grand he can fill out a questionnaire and I will tell him why he is such a cucked faggot on the JQ and immigration. Of course facing what a pile of shit he really is will only make him more depressed.
What did you mean by "presenting for him", like shilling the drugs for him?
Not politics
Oh shit, yeah she's shilling the diet stuff already. Peterstein was shilling it on Joe Rogan HARD last time he was on.
as is presenting ideas in leu of Peterson. If you are shilling/presenting/speaking for someone, you will face them, or use arm language or both to indicate such. Basic body language.
I don't know how anyone could watch Peterson talk for more than 5 minutes and not notice that he's a bit mentally unstable in some way. I mean he's very smart and has a lot of interesting ideas, but yeah, there's definitely something a bit... "off" about him
The man is a snake oil huckster who is ravenous for shekels.
OP: I suck cocks
The gift that just keeps giving.
He's a typical e-celeb.
I know. I think he is a jew too.
56% of jews who have 'peripheral uveitis', express it the way peterson describes his eye condition.
Sam Hyde is an actually artist though desu
Chemical cosh for the questioning masses, which irreversibly affects brain chemistry and immediately alters behaviour.
Woah, really good find. He describes that condition in that video about the antidepressants?
I think he is a jew as well, the shekel hoarding just gives it away, not to mention the fucking neurosis and poor constitution.
His daughter looks like a tranny. So does his "wife".
Look at his wife's deceitful nose in this pic.
peterson is going to "relapse" and then subsequently "OD" within the next month
We're all already dead.
you can sell anything to the gullible right
>taking care of your emotional wellbeing is bad
oh right I forgot you know better than clinical psychiatrist that antidepressants are jewish mind control
kill yourselves shills and stop fucking making 9000 JBP threads per day you inbred mongoloids
Yes. lost the timestamp but will rework into OC for tomorrow. I would suggest you do the same.
His wife is confirmed a jew or jew/mongol. I still think there is a likelihood he is, himself, semitic.
I didn't pick up on that at all, and listened to it as recent as yesterday... he was discussing the benefits he and his family had from switching to a no-carb diet.
They are terribly vile looking creatures. I will be on the lookout for your OC.
Stop sowing seeds of doubt and division. He's triggering the fuck out of (((academia))) and is a strong charasmatic and respectable bridge out of the Normie matrix into right wing ideas. Your Nazi flag doesn't fool anyone lefty shill. We all know Peterson is the bulwark against the complete and utter takeover of academia by leftists and progressives. He is changing the Overton window and is paving the way for and emboldening other conservative academics. Kys
Rogan asked him for the specifics of the diet and he was evasive. They are going to sell a fucking diet, mark my words.
>Peterson is the bulwark
Bulwark this:
This is one of the most Jewish posts I've ever seen on Sup Forums.
He is raising a cult you cunt. His goal is not enlighten white men like Plato or Aristotle, who would have advised first, the slaughter of foreign hordes.
His goal is to dissipate white male dissidence against ZOG whilst cashing in. Gas yourself.
mfw someone gets it
You legit dont need to work out on Keto thats whats so nuts. Ive lost 60 lbs on lazy ass keto.
dry mouth
irregular heartbeats
trouble sleeping
Less common
Buzzing or ringing in the ears
headache (severe)
skin rash, hives, or itching
Call your doctor at once if you have:
a seizure (convulsions);
unusual changes in mood or behavior;
a manic episode - racing thoughts, increased energy, reckless behavior, feeling extremely happy or irritable, talking more than usual, severe problems with sleep;
blurred vision, tunnel vision, eye pain or swelling, or seeing halos around lights;
fast heartbeats; or
severe skin reaction, fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, burning in your eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.
I heard it can demineralize your bones and cause all sorts of health problems, heart problems too.
This is the problem with academics. Just drink vodka instead.
Tell us more about how Alex Jones is /ourgoy/.
He's a clinical psychologist not psychiatrist and he is not permitted to give drug advice.
Concern trolling shills have been at this for DAYS.
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or cannabis, or both; yet in moderation.
Beer is ok too. The point is Peterson is a shill who ought not have any more value than what he has already provided in so far as reking SJWs.
Neoconservative shills have been shilling for DAYS. They make 10% affiliate sales off of Petersteins horse shit brainwashing kits resales:
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We have an endocannabinoid system which fits like a lock and key with cannabis based medicine.
Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects
All that stem cell research and here we have cannabis producing neurogenesis in the brain, a flower.
Zoloft worked for me
These are further examples of concern trolling.
These retarded faggots are banking on you not checking the links.
Funny enough my depression went away on a vegan diet.
I think Whole food diets are the way to go. Did you know McDonald's fries has 17 ingredients?
All this video shows is that he is ignorant about the JQ. Like every fucking boomer aside from David duke. He didn't grow up with access to things like Sup Forums.
Tell me you actually think that it is bad for white identitarians to have a respected academ is speaking out strongly against postmodernism, feminism and political correctness. In praise of masculinity and the western tradition of thought. A guy with a huge audience and a huge microphone for ideas crucial to staving off the multiculti pomo madness into which the West has descended.
So he doesn't know about (((their))) nature or at least isn't willing to talk about it publicly. How often do you talk about the JQ in public? So he wants to make some money as his position as a tenured academic becomes more and more precarious. We all need money.
He is incredibly useful to the movement directly and indirectly. I personally don't think he has that much to say that is of genuine theoretical depth or importance, but he's opening up a space for conservative voices in academia. If the media and the academy manage to kill Peterson for being too radical, what precedent does that set for the rest of us who are considerably farther right? We will b3 voiceless, completely and utterly.
He isn't the final solution. But he is an important step in the right direction.
This one.
Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher : Gwen Olsen
The side effects from ALL "antidepressant" medicine, are concerning. Not to mention some include anxiety and suicidal thinking...
way to make yourself look like an edgy retard
See, you yid. The problem is not his avoiding the JQ, he will get hit hard for that as we go on. The problem is his use of drugs AND the avoidance of the JQ.
I commend you.
wow what a fag. I've subjected myself to you innumerable retards here for 12 years and I don't need fucking JEWPILLS. Can't wait to hear about him hanging himself for being associated with "Nazi Frogs".
And female hormones.. he is gunna do a Bruce
The "muh just naive about jews" hypothesis. What utter bollocks. You have no evidence. The world has known for years what Israel is doing to Palestine, most of the footage is from over ten years ago, some of it from the 90s.
>So he doesn't know about (((their))) nature or at least isn't willing to talk about it publicly. How often do you talk about the JQ in public?
The "he won't address the JQ" argument. Giving a speech fellating Israel and the jews at a celebration of Israel's founding is not the same as "not addressing the JQ".
You are a bluepilled fool if you think a Zionist can be trusted. He is an agent of Zionist jews who admits his intent is to stop Whites from resisting White genocide.
You're a delusional chesscuck, and you simply do not understand the machinations of the jew. You're actually worse than the paid shills shilling him here.
>The FDA has required that boxed warnings be placed on all antidepressant medications warning they may result in increased risk of suicidal tendencies in children, adolescents, and young adults aged 18-24 years old.
I think it has to do with antidepressants giving depressed people newfound motivation, which may be what actually convinces them to finally carry out suicide plans.
Which kind are you on, if you don't mind me asking...?
veganism is cancer. It was cancer for hitler and anyone else how follows it.
Humans are omnivores. Have some meat, some greens, dairy (if you are white), fruit and a bit of grain and you will be ok.
Better yet do the above while being physically active and you wont need some philosemite to work out your life for you.
Hitler was partial to squab according to his chef's kitchen diaries.
filtered and reported for sedition.
Milk thickens the lymphatic fluid of the body and increases congestion of the lungs.
Milk consumption and mucus production in children with asthma
Also it is an absolutely heinous industry in terms of animal welfare.
I deleted my comment as I misread the other posters.
only if you're a pussy.
If you are paid to post that it will just be used as more evidence of sedition, counterpart to treason and an illegal activity.