Lets assume that they burned racists at the stake, as they did heretics in the Middle Ages, would you all still be racist? I really doubt it. You cower in anonymity because you fear social reprisal. There's no way you'd risk this type of punishment.
Would you be a heretic in the Middle Ages?
Heretics are people who believe in lies and falsehoods though, so if anything it would be globalist neoliberal cosmopolitan bugmen who would be burnt at the stake
Unless of course you recant your errors and submit to confession and penance
I can be thrown in jail for hate speech. I am still an openly racist ass hole.
Eat shit
>Heretics are people who believe in lies and falsehoods though
There is no God. The burden of proof is on the claimant. Thus far, the people who claim God exists only say they have faith. But faith is belief without proof.
tl;dr You argument is invalid.
I would be a king. I would hack and slash my way to the top of the castle.
Welder here
A hash hot rock is about 5 times as painful as a steel spark of equal dimensions.
I've only worked with 2 niggers in almost 20 years. They were both called chalky
> Let's assume that they burned racists at the stake
No evidence for this happening in ANY society that ended up being worth anything
No and that goes for most of Sup Forums. Most here would have conquered and secured the holy land for the next 1000 years under Catholic rule.
This has nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity is not inherently racist. If it was, Christians would have slaughtered all the the other races immediately upon seeing them upon colonization of the Americas and Africa.
The bottom line is that Christianity has fuck all to do with the question.
Fuck you leftypol go back to... well. Don't anywhere. You are already living off of someone else who increasingly hates you. Stay a while. Until you can't.
There might actually be right wing terrorism if that was the case. If we knew that people were actually out to burn us, there'd be very little reason not to resist with all the violence we could manage and no reason to let yourself be taken alive. Also, burnings wouldn't fly with the public - if anything, those burnings that occur are advantageous for the "racists". The public feels uneasy about antifa, imagine how ordinary whites would feel about the prospect of them or their loved ones being burnt to death for a careless utterance, let alone their actual convictions.
I'd rather burn than be a muzzled cuck for the rest of my life. Also *saged*
>racist means genocidal
You're a fucking retard. The Bible has many examples of racism being promoted. Racism is fine. Hatred and racism are not the same things despite what modern society tells you.
You're a faggot
>would you all still be racist?
Who would there be to be racist against? You know they weren't all multicultural, right?
being burned at the stake isn't "social reprisal" you fucking idiot
I'd be secretly practicing Norse.
Hail Odin.
???? why do you think they had villages completely surrounded by 50 feet solid rock walls?
Nigger you are not the son of a Crusader some sandnigger in the middle east who's ancestor was raped by said crusader. In fact whites aren't crusaders at all we conquered but we did not crusade middle easterners are way more crusders than you'll ever be even if you wanna play holy knight.
Oh goodness, I guess I'm just a commie now then after that post huh user!!
You couldn't shill any harder.
We give you some replies to your nsjw thread and you only dig in your heels to the poo in the loo sewage left from universities and their sister liberal media.
Islam raped thousands upon thousands of white catholic and orthodox women and guess where the modern day sex slave trade leads to: Zionists and Islamic royalty.
Redpill yourself with the holy true blood of Christ.
The angrier you get here at us the longer you'll want to stay to prove us wrong.
The longer you stay the more you realize how right we are here.
Gradually you see the world around you as it truly is.
"Blind but now see"
You will see user, you will see.