Dear Hu-White People

You have no culture you're nothing but culture vultures, prove the contrary?

This is an advanced form of what you guys call "huts"

That's not true, white people have a rich and diverse culture. We got the Snuggie, and line dancing, and uh, dipping saltine crackers into ranch dressing. I'm sure there's probably more too.

>huehue hu whites have no culture unlike us almighty spics


You live in white culture you stupid mung



>haha stupid white thinks his pig skin brothers are cultured huehue

>white people have no culture

Ever heard of AMERICA?

European culture is incredibly rich and beautiful. I wish I wasn’t just an assortment of European heritages. But, European’s culture is a lot better than niggers’. What culture do niggers have, besides eating their dead relatives and drinking their dad’s semen in rituals? I guess they have rap culture, which is retarded.

"White" people have no culture.

But irishdo
French do
Anglos do
Scandinavians do
Slavs do
Germans do
Meditteranians do
Iberians do
Slavs do

Stop bundling the different and wonderful peoples of Europa under the simple of white, they are brothers, similar but different.


and whats behind them of course




The Sons of Rome

Coward, you must reveal your flag before I answer your question.

Unfortunately they can’t... all money aside there’s nothing impressive about white people. The white man just tries to suppress other races because Stacy doesn’t want to fuck them anymore she wants anything... not white. “Fun fact” in North America it won’t work their next generation already wants to fuck Tyrone and Jamal and slowly but definitely white people will get wiped erased from history (or at least become the minority.)


Tire burning and killing people based on hair size and skin color to cure aids or gain superpowers. Also mud cookies

H.M.S. Victory (Replication) - Beautiful Ship


You mean the culture of putting women on pedestals and still allowing them to act like spoiled victim bitches? Or the culture of working hard to ensure sub human hordes literally won't starve or freeze to death with the trillions in tax revenue that keeps them alive? Or how about the culture of creating a system in which people can truly be whatever they want if they want it bad enough. From the way it stands white culture is the only culture keeping this already shitty world turning




Here's your (you)

just like nignogs do not know their ancestry,
are you supposed to assume every white person knows their ancestry? that is insensitive

if they don't know you can't just call them british, thats like saying blacks were just congolese if they don't know where they were from


>posted using a white invention on a white invention using a white invention.


>stupid hu whites wish they had a such a rich history like us based blacks

> when niggers dont know the diifference between culture and pop culture
Thats why you had to pay attention in history class jamal

Posting on the internet is white culture

Responding to bait threads that are this shitty is a part of white culture.

I do it because i like showing people the beautiful white art


Of all the retarded leftist arguments, this is easily the fucking dumbest one. Obviously white people have originally white cultures, you fucking dimwit.

>Everybody copies Western culture.
>Everybody claims the West has no culture.

Sup Forums is white culutre

my honorary white waifu