It is all cyclical, for the future look to the past 3,6,9
Other urls found in this thread:
>Digits 696
Nice. Bumping for the truth
Also I might try and make another version of this just for fun
I mean of the OP pic
Posted this in previous thread. You can't possibly tell me you haven't seen this video! It's from 2007 I think... Power of the black sun. I found it looking for the DCD song. Cheers homie. You most likely aren't who I think you are, but if you are...
>Pic related.
Ever live in a place So Fucking like this?
Also I don’t know if you’ve watched this but I thought it had some pretty good animation and information
damn good shit user powerful how are you liking lightning and the sun? You should read the secret doctrine next
kek you will like this one even better I added this to something else
nice one can you incorporate these values into some of you art? I would love to have them to post at the kike shills when they think they are being slick kek
PS from previous thread... Yeah, dude. I haven't finished your vids, but I've always been fascinated by the exact replicas of spiritual motifs, created at the exact same time, on the exact opposite side of the Earth. Birdmen fighting snakemen. Snakes eating kids. Men with bird heads killing snakes...hmm. I guess it's nothing.
kek it is something you will find what you are looking for it is all there
Yeah, I became a Buddhist at a young age, when I thought, "Christianity is about worshipping a Jewish guy who got killed by Jews, for not being Jewish enough. What else is there? Asatru is kinda fake, no real lineage. Wicca was made up in the 50s... We'll wait a second. The Vedas we're written by Aryans. They Buddha was Aryan. And he was a kshatrya, a warrior, not some fruity priest! He's followers sometimes puss out, but the real deal is hard core.
It’s a brilliant work. The contrast between Genghis Kahn the Mongol and Akhnaton of Egypt was perfect to establish how Adolf Hitler had contained with him the characteristics of both Lightning and Sun. The whole thing is fantastically put together with all her sources listed as well. I’m going to read Ride the Tiger afterwards, have you read it?
WE are the SUN
>secret doctrine
I haven’t heard of it. Who’s that by?
hahaha this bro knows all of that it is 100% correct you will find all the conclusive proof of all of this on the channel
What should I include specifically and how should they be displayed?
I have not but I hear good things about it mt reading list is very long as you can imagine I am studying Chaldean magic atm
Only our spiritual leader and heart of the Reich the Fuhrer's jewel
spoopy but I like it
meh be artistic have you heard of a channel called zohar stargate? look at their logo also look into the what is the black sun vidya, I love ones where we take the Illuminati logos and replace the all seeing eye with the black sun or the free mason G with it this one you did is bang up I used it on a shill he posted an image of the brainlet guy where he has horns have you seen this one?
Yeah, the teacher I study under is a white man, who studied with the best Tibetan vajrayana gurus... And he sometimes mentions how the Vikings, Greeks, and Indians had the same Gods. Like, Gaelic and Sanskrit are more similar than Latin and English. We have a blood-religion, and if we can stop them from fucking with it, it will psychically make itself known once again
That Etherium Gold stuff is a bit difficult to get shopped to where I live so I ordered Monatomic Gold Formula Liquid - Phinheas Manna 8oz Ormus instead. Will give it a shot. I find sleep deprivation and a small amount of alcohol help me meditate deeper, too.
right on this stuff is something else
indeed it will it cannot be hidden much longer
Well, I speaks to the idea that that the Aryan root race existed and thrived under a previous sun. The black sun. Source of Aryan power. It died, but will rise again, as will the Noble race, the aryas. Here's another 80s band, degenerate, but tapped in to the Black Sun. Anyway, this is dark music.
the black sun refers to the bumhole and is a tribute to our long tradition of rimjobs.
Heil Hitler
kek not really the message we are going for but interesting
>And he was a kshatrya, a warrior, not some fruity priest!
>fruity priest!
Degenerate detected.
Yeah, I re watched it for the first time in years and years. I don't agree with gay stuff, etc... But somehow, I support a authoritarian culture for the ape like, idiot masses, while understanding the value of antinomianism for the elite. Fuck that is probably what the demo-crats say, too.
But we actually have an elite, while their version of "the elite" is, "who's most oppressed, crippled, retarded?" Not "who is most intelligent, spiritual, realized?"
Anyway, I like coil for their strange music, and I don't care about them being fags .
Evola believed that bhramins existed to coronate kshatyas, and that kshatrayas were the top caste. Whatever, find a vedic source for your faggy horseshit
try this
Yeah, either we're totally on the same page, or you're (((intelligence))), but then again, you started the thread, and I just noticed it .
The Kshatriyas were historically the ruling, administrative class, but it was always understood that it was the Brahmins who were the highest. They did not rule because their focus was higher, less material. The same can be said of Celtic Druids, who were the same thing as Hindu Brahmin. And, if we go back far enough, we can gather evidence from the Vedas that it was originally the Brahmin whose authority was both spiritual and temporal. It appears that there was a usurpation at some point in the Bronze Age. If you're going to bring up Evola, that was the original ideal to which he wished to return.
Regardless, your attitude and language tell me that you're not prepared for this. Stay angry. Hopefully you'll eventually ascend from your Orcdom.
: ^)
Insightful video thanks
Dude, my first experience if dharmic religion was iskon devotees at hardcore shows in nyc, in the 90s. They're was a bunch of NYC skinheads who converted to vaishnava Dharma. I didn't stick with it, I felt that tantric Buddhism worked for me. But have you read 'masters of mahamudra' by Keith Dowman? Or anything else by him? It's amazing. Also, "aghora" by Robert Svaboda. Amazing, awesome, it's more relevant for us, today, than for Indian people 1000 years ago
kek you nigs are so paranoid it kinda funny sometimes, here is a secret I am a computer scientist and I promise they already know who you are and what you know
Read evola. Thee kshatryas actually controlled the brahmins for millennia. After all, the kshatryas were crowned by brahmins. It wasn't a race to the top, it was a mutual relationship. And I'm not mad, I'm happy right where I am, rich, white, educated, spiritually awake, and riding the tiger into the Kali Yuga.
no I haven't read them but ty for the suggestions I will check them out. Check this also when you get time
hell here just watch this entire playlist
Thread might be dying, and I'm gonna go to sleep. Here's a last link you might like. Tracy twyman. Weird alchemical investigations, seems crazy, but she has the annotations.
Thanks again, I've saved your channel
the Hindu Gods are so majestic and peaceful
yah ty good night my friend
>for the future look to the past
This is very similar to what Q says. A lot if stuff Q says is quasi-mystic and I find it unnerving, because I have no udea if he realizes it.
Do you know what Q means? Look into the shared gospel of mark and luke
She might be nuts, but she understands how the bankers control us through alchemy, and so on. It's crazy, but makes sense. Also, she has first hand knowledge of baphomet, international banking, Satanism, etc.. she was involved in it and got out.
Yes, the relationship between Brahmin and Kshatriya from the middle-Bronze-Age onwards could be seen as analogous to the relationship between the aristocracy and prieshood of Medieval Europe (with the exception that Medieval Catholic priests were voluntary rather than hereditary). The aristocracy held executive, temporal power, but the priesthood was still considered the "first class," even though they lacked official power.
If you are informed on this material, then it is odd that you would be throwing about epithets like "fruity" and "fag" to describe those of a Brahmanic nature. You can deny that you are angry, but it still makes you sound like a nerd indulging in power fantasies.
nice ty am reading some of the site now
Could you tell me briefly? It's the line and the circle combined, which has penis/vagina/vajra/bell creation symbolism
what role does Zoroastrianism fit in this? also a vedic aryan religion
Can someone redpill me on this video
And the significance of Saturn? What is the black sun? I'm very confused
>Q from German: Quelle, meaning "source"
This is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about. I have no idea if this Qanon guy means spiritual source or just mundane source.
Go to sleep, ari
Just because you put political in your title doesn't make it so.
Yeah Eastern Metaphysical doctrines are so pure and in tune with nature (obviously)
It's a shame that all of these people renounce their involvement with National Socialism just because it was defeated.
And just cuz I know someone will say this, no these aren't Muslims. It's totally different. They might say they're Muslim, but what they're doing is pre Islamic, and way more profound
My loyalities were to HH The Dalai Lama, Trump, and Hitler. HHTDL criticized Trump, Trump insulted Hitler (by calling Nazis evil), and now I don't know what to think. That's politics.
Begone brainlet
wat is this
Redpill me on Lucifer.
Not the christ nigger version. But the real thing.
"The light bearer". Is he from the same place Tyr and Woden are from?
answer me reeeeeeee
google it I am not talking about the letter
I'm sorry but Trump has and always will be an enemy of any true National Socialists. He lived in Jew York and did countless deals with Jews. His family literally has Jewish blood in it (Ivanka's offspring). He's never been on your side. He's the ultimate controlled opposition (look at his policies so far in the middle east - Jerusalem, Syria etc.)
He is being used to fit every angsty socialists view that every single old white man is a stupid buffoon. Which is exactly what he's doing if you actually remove the blinders from your eyes and see what he says and does. He acts like an illiterate and self-centred moron. He is what you would call a man "in Time" working for the agents of the Dark Forces (Jews).
The source. More or less.
I did, thanks. I still don't know if the Q in "Qanon" is meant to be a spiritual reference.
Lucifer= Light bringer/bearer
That sounds positive to me senpai. Why has the (((church))) made such an effort to brainwash people into thinking "Lucifer is satan" (a made up character)
Well if people use obscure or hidden biblical references in their names I would not trust them, like Enoch of the (((alt-right)))
So you are saying the top brass of the Nazi party are not political? ROFL gas yourself clown get out of here kike
As far as I know he is the deity, the dyad, the reflection of the true light, but only if you tap into it. I don't like using the term "Lucifer", though, because fundamentalist Christians misunderstand and fear it.
Satan is a made up thing. But not Lucifer.
Redpill me on Lucifer Sup Forums
Serrano says hes /ourguy/
What term do you use instead?
trust ,e it is not spiritual reference is a symbol for those with eyes to see and ears to hear
The short version is that creation is God's dream and you are not mentally restricted to your body so if you meditate on a specific deity in certain ways you achieve union with the deity. But the deity is just a thoughtform you construct and empower.
OP, who is Lucifer?
I use Eastern terms, so "Buddha Vairochana" or "Tara", etc.
That's the same as the allfather?
The source, the emptiness from which all things come, ues. Not any fake worldly god.
Oh ok. He seems the same as Baldur of Lucifer ironically. Kek whoda thunk it.
Ok so the Allfather
Well (((they))) give you a rotten foundation myth, telling you, you are born of sin and knowledge is bad and those bringing it to you are the devil does this sound like a religion that is good for the people? Lucifer the bringer of knowledge is evil, anyone that sheds light on the lies and corruption, do you think he is /ourguy/ or not? :)
Sure, everyone has a different term for it.
>do you think he is /ourguy/ or not? :)
These are Aryan terms and they are what should be used fuck all kikery, labels are a form of mind control meme magic and in the west everything is backwards and upside down
OC coming in hot soon, stay tuned
ergregore, get enough people to worship it and it becomes real, meme it into reality all is thought
Checked. This so much
In this case it doesn't need to be worshipped, just focused on. The image is the deity. The mantra is the deity. If you let go of yourself and think of the deity in a state of deep meditation, you can unite with the deity, and become it. Buddhist deities are sort of programmed to deliver enlightenment. I assume, but do not know, Lucifer originally did something similar. The whole thing is really much simpler than most prople make it.
Where as this true Aryan "religion" tells you, you are born of a true Buddha nature and to cultivate your mind and body and pursue and knowledge and wisdom do not care about worldly materials and most important of all there is no privileged priest class
Cereal question for you, then:
If Lucifer is a positive figure, and Prometheus is clearly the same or an equivalent of Lucifer, why would Zeus (also a figure of the Dharmic path) punish Prometheus?
Why is Prometheus both the demiurgic figure as well as light-bringer?