Hiroyuki Nishimura Resigns as Director

Hiroyuki said "I cannot take anymore of this nonsense"

InB4 Source

Other urls found in this thread:


are we getting the old one back?

I don't think Sigourney Weaver would want to comeback

Fuck, now who's gonna bake the bitcoins?

m00t is working for Google now you realize that right?


Has something to do with the RNM technology, whatever that is.


who is mott?

fake and gay


Q predicted this

MFW Sup Forums buys Sup Forums

How big was his penis?


What's this guy personally like? I mean we kinda knew Moot, the kind of guy he was the vision he had. Sure he wasn't the most flamboyant public personality but he interacted when it was necessary. When we hacked the Time to make him men of the year, he played along, got a nice tuxedo and went on the red carpet smiling. Mister Nishimura has proven time and times again that this is just a business for him, at best, he feels no particular attachment to this place, at worst, he flat out has no idea or interest in what's going on here.

He didn't say that, it's too grammatically correct.
I'm surprised he lasted more than a month or two desu.

gib proofs

You mean complete American and Japanese victory? Maybe if he stopped caring what the nsjw surrounding him and American narrative thinks he wouldn't let us bother him so much or rather what we stand for.

well the source is no shocker.
weab world news.

Is this where the original "You mad bro" pic came from... or is life imitating art?

Getting drips but this just in, Remote Neural Monitoring affecting this and other boards.



So is anyone else excited for April Fools 2018?

He can't handle the truth. You got nuked 3 times by shlomo .Hiroyuki. why deny it?

Sup Forums + /d/ pls

¿wat am i thinking faggot?

Sup Forums'/d/.com



how about a Sup Forums /k/ Sup Forums aka /polka/ master board?

I don't think the joke this year will be board mergers, though. Something different every year, and I think we'll be pleasantly surprised considering how fun /mlpol/ and Sup Forums harbor were.

Did somebody say /polkatime/?

Spider infantry would be really ineffective.

>nazi loli with big guns
Too much power, brah

Hiro has literally done nothing but infest the site with malicious ads. If he left it would be an improvement.

I thought Konami fired him already?

>Not using an adblocker

Either Baby Boomer or retard, either way, fuck off. You don't know enough about computers to be here.

In regards to the topic.... yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he did resign. Who would want to own this shitty ass site? Does it even make a profit?

Plus it would damage one's reputation, as this site has made the news in the past for tons of bad shit, like dumb fucks making threats and getting arrested.

How the fu ka should I know? What the hell does eye tracking have to do with thought monitoring?

It does when you datamine your users and cash out.

Hiro isn't gonna leave. He fakes his bad English and is constantly data mining on here.

Link to Q prediction?



who is this semen demon?

As much as hir0shim00t is more-or-less tolerated on this board, you don't want him to stop. The next owner will definitely shut this place down.

I'll end you for that

Q predicts he'll end you.

How can you be two places at once?

>Hiroyuki Nishimura
OP is that you?

Not comment


10.3million dollars IMF? I'm the liar huh?

it just keeps going and going. I thought the instrument might be defective, but it works fine

>I'll end you for that
>"Do it faggot."

Life imitating art. Trollface is just a really exaggerated shit eating grin. Guys with giant jaws and big cheek dimples can imitate this look effortlessly.

good. maybe the shills will finally leave

>there's people that believe this stupid shit
>muh psychic machines

Fuck. some user made a thread saying Hiromoot had sold us to the chinks and chink hate threads were being robo-banned which was promptly pruned, can anyone confirm this isn't the case?

We need answers!
>inb4 Q predicted this.

fagmoot works for google now, and is literally full sjw tier for last couple years. Its why he sold



Looks like an asian jew IMO

Know how I know you're nu?

/mlpol/ 2 electric boogaloo

I seriously want the reddit fags gone, those 3 days were so nice

Q predicted that as well

>Virgin plotter vs CHAD COLLABORATOR


Hiro is a faggot of the highest order because he doesnt care and placed cancerous ads recently that sometimes deface the page.
Also moot trolled Sup Forums often and was a funny guy.