Is there a single capital city in Western Europe that is a majority native?

Is there a single capital city in Western Europe that is a majority native?
What the fuck happened?

have to kill the politicians first, then deport.

Wtf why are there indians in norway

>be in india
>there is poo on the streets
>want to leave india where there isn't poo on the streets instead of just cleaning up and preventing the poo

Indians aren't even the worst. Pakis would take the 1st prize.

only poland

Central Europe =/= Western Europe
so the answer is no?

its kinda sucks that eastern europe is whiter than western europe but at least there is a game reserve for white people

Honestly breaks my heart.

U.S. is the same way for Washington, D.C. IT's not even a "oh look, niggers from the 1600s" thing, there are Pakis, Poos, Somalians, Syrians, Cambodians, every shithole on earth represented.. But so few whites.

Capital cities of states in the Midwest, no where near the Mexican border, with historically no slaves, still are filled with these types.

people grew too succesfull, fat and lazy
they dont care anymore

this is what i hate, if you can't make something of your own country stay the fuck out of mine.

Canada will get worse before it gets better. Sorry leaf. Hard times ahead for a while.

oh we are fucking game over. white people are being replaced 100%

>South Indian
>Street shitter
It was the horse fucking field shitting Aryan niggers that did that


Most are still white.

Go to bed, Aziz. And for Krishna's sake please stop raping women in America. You can do that back home. You are giving Aryans and Dravidians a bad name in this country. The Americans do not know the difference.

What's the opposition to cuck globalist Trudeau politics like in Canada? How can they sell themselves at what percent of the population are you working with?

America has every selling point on an ethnostate, 1950s white conservatism, segregation, all ideas of a better time. The problem here is numbers, we are far too outbred.

What happened? You euroqueers didn't impregnate enough women, so the rich imported workers.

rome. all 100% niggers there