"The Girl Who Cried Suicide"

I'm fucking tired of this empathy trap, almost every girl that I know cries suicide for everything. Is this another weapon in the woman's arsenal? Is this a genuine mental problem? Is she just baiting me? I'm sick and tired of hearing this shit.

How does Sup Forums deal with this fucking faggotry?

I've never had to deal with a cunt going suicidal but then again I've never been in a serious relationship and the few women that do interact with me know I don't fall over for that kind of shit.

Get off social media and stop hanging out with losers

Tell her to kill herself by choking on your dick

>Is she just baiting me?
Yes she is just leave

>she does it
>15 years in prison

I relate to your decisions, I rarely try to start a serious relationship with anyone

A very good suggestion, a golden star to you.

I already am out of social media, It wasn't really that hard to get out anyway.

The problem is that she is one of the few redpilled woman who I know, anything that goes wrong with her she starts "Oh, I should have killed myself a long time ago" "Oh, I cut myself" "Oh, give me attention". it is starting to get on my nerves

Women are stupid and whores for attention. I once had a girlfriend that fabricated this whole "my ex-bf stalks me attacks me and beats me" story just so she could get away with bruises from rough sex and fuck us both. Women are garbage and deserve to be locked up.

That is what I'm trying to avoid...

One of my exes wouldn't stop threatening suicide and I promised her I'd call the police on her if she threatened one more time. So I did, and then she never threatened again.

Wow man...
Nice job!

She may be redpilled but her mental state sure isn't

Let's be fair, today, a woman who isn't crazy is a miracle to find.

I hate this. My sister does it and drives the family she lives with crazy. You tell her to clean up once in a while, she cries about it and orders helium tanks to show off how much she'll kill herself. I don't even get sad about it; it just sends me into a frenzy about how angry I am that she can't even be asked to be decent.

>Helium tanks

To commit suicide? Tell me everything! spill

>I'm fucking tired of this empathy trap
You're mistaking a 'Get out of Jail FREE' card for a trap.

>gf goes full retard one day
>screaming, crying, breaking shit
>annoying and loud as fuck
>tell her to leave
>she attacks me
>kicking, punching, biting
>backhand the shit out of her and tell her to stop
>she goes into 'poor little girl' mode
>"I-I'm gonna tell the police you raped me and then you'll be sorryā€¯
>take her phone away
>go downstairs and call police myself
>tell dispatcher my gf locked herself in the bathroom and is threatening suicide
>police arrive to screaming crying gf
>when one tells her to calm down she attacks him

She got taken to the hospital and locked up for a 72 hour psych evaluation. Failed with flying colors and was put on a 30 day hold in a proper institution.
No one, not even her parents (her meltdown started because of an argument with her retarded mother over the phone), believed a single word out of her after that.
The rest of our time together was mostly uneventful, because her stupidity had removed the Sword of Damocles that hangs over every modern relationship.

She was obviously insane, so we didn't last when the novelty of getting blowjobs anywhere and everywhere wore off; but I still keep that One Amazing Trick You Never Knew Existed in the back of my mind in case I ever meet a broad I want to keep.

when your gal threatens to legally fuck with you
do it first, and twice as hard.
it's the only way to ever be on comparable legal footing
just know that you started a countdown timer on your relationship

The goal is to gas yourself, if that's what you wanted to know. What she doesn't know is that most commercial helium tanks don't have enough helium to actually kill you.

That is a really good advice.

You really deserve a medal man, good job!

>That is a really good advice.
Yeah. I'm not Canadian.

Cops are predisposed to believe certain things:
>A nigger stole my bike
>Any broad who says her man beat the shit out of her will fuck me if I arrest him
>No one sober goes to Taco Bell at 3am
>I'm gonna get so much pussy when they give me my uniform
>I'll be Sgt. in less than 2 years
>I have to balance blowjobs with speeding tickets

You're playing on the predictability of the kind of guys who become cops, as much as the predictability of chicks being stupid.
Somehow, it all works out well.

Cops always believe that the first person who calls 911 is the victim.
Use that any way you want.

I remember your story from another thread

I'm not one to defend cunts, most women are morons. Threatening suicide can also be a last ditch effort to control you. But, I do have this screaming suspicion, that if you're really against empathy, you're part of the Cluster B mental disorders.

Empathy is a good thing, one of the last things to mature in your mind. See shit from her point of view. If her side of the story is just as retarded as you suspect it is, keep being a dick to her, but if not you're probably fucking up a lot, enough to cause someone to consider suicide.

>that if you're really against empathy, you're part of the Cluster B mental disorders.
I'm not against empathy, I just do not like when people use cheap empathy traps to trick me into doing what they want.

You got it wrong user.

I bet the dad in that picture voted Trump

its a mental problem and a tool in their arsenal.

99% of the time it's just a way to manipulate because they know that it's a good way to make most insecure/inexperienced men cave to their emotional demands.

I'll admit I dated some really mental girls in my late teens and early 20s, like really disgustingly mental girls who would overdose, cut themselves, and yes, threaten suicide - often. I was a beta retard at the time, didn't know any better, hadn't dated any girls before, and I fell for it every time. It made me cry when a girl would threaten suicide and act all sad. I kept falling for it for a few years in two separate toxic relationships.

Finally I just became worn out and sick of it and started telling them to go ahead and off themselves if they threatened. The last time she took a bottle of pills saying she was killing herself I just called an ambulance for her, got in my car and drove away, never saw or spoke to her again.

That was years ago. Now if I meet a girl or start a relationship and find out she has mental problems (alcohol abuse, claims she was raped/abused, drug abuse, cuts herself or has old scars indicating she used to cut herself, claims she used to be a slut, or threatens suicide) its an instant NOPE for me, I end it right away on the spot instantly.

Life's too short to spend with fucked up mental women and anyone of them who has a history of these kinds of issues is likely still going to have some lingering problems even if she claims "shes changed."

Advice to you if you're with such a girl threatening suicide and trying to manipulate your emotions: get out of the relationship ASAP. She'll cry, she'll grab onto you, she'll plead and beg and promise to change, and when you stand firm and say NOPE she'll threaten suicide as her last ditch effort to change your mind, but you have to be strong and just say "do it faggot" and leave and if she actually does it, well that sucks but its not your fault or problem.

>I remember your story from another thread
It's a good story.
It also has the benefit of being true.
>My sister, GF, pet kike, Mom accused me of being NatSoc, wat do?
>LOL. Call cops and tell 'em she's batshit and wants to eat medicine more than dick!
>It's Super-Effective!

At the worst, your psycho ex eats his soul.
At best, she calls you for a free ride home.

It's also usually true.
911 privilege revoked.
>"look at my C-cups! I'm victim!"
>Computar sas U crazy bitch.
>I give sucky, sucky!
>Not sure
>Fuk U then! Eat U face.
>Whew. Home Safe.

No better way to shove it in and break it off.

I wanna be like you user

>See shit from her point of view.
>911 IZ MUH HERO!!

I hope you choke to death on 40lbs of immigrant cock.
You're exactly the reason I call 911 when a broad first acts weird.
It's my only option.

*cries* I'm done be a sensitive SGT.
>LOOK at the cries on muh uniform
>I WUZ PROMISED free pussay!

>I wanna be like you user
25 years after the wall,
Polezai still gets to rape best pusy.

It's either bipolar disorder or manic depression. Both of which are extremely common in young women today. I believe I read somewhere that around a quarter of all millennial women have some sort psychological disorder.

>I believe I read somewhere that around a quarter of all millennial women have some sort psychological disorder.

Yeah. They think they're men.