>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>The Memo
>Pres Trump @Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/8/18
>SoS T-Rex meets GUA Pres Morales 2/8/18
>SoS T-Rex meets CHN Rep Jiechi 2/8/18
>CJCS Gen Dunford talks to some ladyboys 2/8/18
>WH Press Brief (Dep PressSec Shah) 2/8/18
>DefDep Press Brief (Dana White) 2/8/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump @2018 Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/8/18
>IntDep Video: Promises Kept 2/8/18
>NoKo full military parade 2/8/18
>VP Pence post JPN speech presser 2/7/18
>More VP Pence w/Troops in JPN 2/7/18
>2nd Lady Karen interview 2/7/18
>VP Pence speaks to troops in JPN 2/7/18
>VP Pence meets w/JPN PM Abe 2/7/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/AF Gen Selva testify @House 2/6/18
>WH Video: VP Pence in Japan 2/7/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis) 2/7/18
>AG Sessions in Tampa Bay FL 2/7/18
>AG Sessions @Reagan Alumni Assoc 2/6/18
>We're gonna B52 the shit outta you 2/7/18
OP pastebin:
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>Mr Wyden
It passed by the way.
>Mr Rubio
this will probably be my last thread before bed anons, one more lewd is in store.
>Mr Infoff
So this bill easily passes House right? Trump just got a 2 year budget deal passed - when was the last time we had something that's not a CR?
What's interesting in the new budget
Remember anons, never let bitches cause you issues in life
There's always another one out there waiting to be taken
You just gotta grab em by the pussy
Why did moot abandon us, bros?
Just got home from work, did Randlet eventually relent on the budget like usual? Are we gonna have an actual budget for once?
Goes to the House next, estimated time was between 4-6:00AM ET for that, but that was also under the assumption Rand would take another hour in between the Clotute vote and the actual vote, which he didn’t.
>There's always another one out there waiting to be taken
Women got worse over time. They aren't worth it nowadays. They are too risky.
Its existence, mostly.
He's mad he sold.
Shekels, he has a fucking yacht now.
Probably got tired of the visits from the three letters
just saw the chyron on euronews, looks like rethuglicans shut down the government
Is it happening yet?
good night user
just stop.
Trying to correct it and say "b-but it was chapstick" just makes it even more laughable for some reason.
Your boy blew it. The speech delivery sucked and was buzz-word salad, there was a broke ass junker car in the background, and he screamed Spanish into the camera.
People don't like to hear language they can't understand. It makes them feel like they are being invaded. The American people don't want to be mean, so they may have some cucky positions on whether or not to deport Daca infiltrators, but they for damn sure don't want to be forced to learn Spanish and most Americans would like English as the official language.
Also, isn't your party the party of women and shitskins? And you put out a white man? If white privilege exists (it doesn't, economic/power privilege exists though) but if it did, can you name anyone else who would be a more shining example of "white privilege" than Droolin' Joe fucking Kennedy?
Way to look towards the future. Wowee.
Psst. You aren't getting the white voters back.
Sorry, you just aren't.
He couldn't stand the constant threat of indictment for CP distribution charges in return for code changes to the site by the FBI so he sold off to Hiroshima Nagasaki
The End.
Joe S. here!
I was browsing /ptg/ at university today when all of a sudden i hear the squeaky fire door open up behind me and a rather large short haired xer walked through into the computer lab. I saw xer small dark, beady eyes look aggressively around the room, scanning for anything that xe might take offense to, then suddenly they snapped to my monitor, the anime and swastikas alerted xer right away, xer shitlord alarm went off! Waddling over to me with a huff and a puff, pins clinking and clanking together, ripped pantyhose streching to the breaking point under the pressure of xer's girthy legs, at least a foot in diameter. Xe comes up to behind me and stand with hands on xer hips, "GET OUT." xe screamed at the top of xer lungs at me. "GET THE %@$& OUT OF THIS LIBRARY!" I was stunned, mentally i had thought i was prepared for this, but once confronted with it in person I buckled: "uhh M-ma'am I'm just browsing some anime f-forums" I stumbled with the words, intensely cowed by xer powerful oderous presence. "I KNOW WHAT THAT SITE IS IT'S THE Sup Forums AND I KNOW YOU ARE A N*ZI! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LIBRARY BEFORE I CALL FOR MUSCLE!"
I didn't know what to do, so I apologised, quickly logged off the computer grabbed my binder and pencils and left, forgetting my recharger cord for my cellphone attached to the computer.
I wasn't ready for xer, /ptg/ and i folded under pressure, now I feel like a shell of a man, thinking I should just an hero...
>one more lewd is in store
There's still some out there but yes it has gotten much harder
Maybe - but this one was 20 years old (21 next month). A normie, but definitely open to being redpilled. Virgin, very mild autism, and loves to play video games. 5' 11'' and can't be more than 170 lbs. I'd by my 401k that I'll never meet someone fitting that profile interested in me again.
Sup Forums is nothing but an FBI honeypot now.
So this bill easily passes House right? Trump just got a 2 year budget deal passed - when was the last time we had something that's not a CR?
Nope, it’s going to be a very tight vote in the house if it passes, even the whips from the parties aren’t 100% sure.
Math for it is going to be GOP minus Freedom Caucus plus enough dems to make a majority. Pelosi isn’t confident she can keep enough Dems in line, and the Freedom Caucus isn’t budging.
What's happening with the bill right now?
Not sure, last I heard there was a civil war between the beaners and the niggers on if they should support it or not. The House GOP has more budget hawks than the Senate as well.
Best bet is down south like Virginia or SC.
Since 2007(TM)
Passed the Senate. Off to the house to be voted on early in the AM.
Bill is probably plowing bimbos as we speak.
You would be very surprised, user. Never give up hope.
5' 11"? That's a big chick.
Why am I doing so badly in my exams. I just want to meet her expectations. This class shouldn't be hard
A vote.
They said they're going after you next, T&T.
grug best at trading rocks
grug be chieftain now, bigly
kek I still remember when people thought that things would get worse with moot gone rather than better
gookmoot is much better than old cuckmoot even if he is datamining us all
Tons of paper cuts.
I thought it was a Russian psyop. Hence all the anime CP.
Hey sexy
Not with that attitude you won't because women can smell that desperation for miles
Look man you got two options
Cut her out of your life and be your own man and see if she crawls back or continue to be a bitch and let a woman rule your life and emotions
lol that picture OP
Dead commies incoming?
Venezuelan Empire inbound. Hell, somebody has to try.
>meanwhile on prehistoric /ptg/
me support big blonde man. me no like witch lady.
They wish the Russians had that much power.
and there is next week’s agenda
>That pic
>Impending British Commonwealth/Venezuelan War
Its going to happen
Grump support me right to own rock and stick. Glint not. Me vote grump.
Me hear witch lady Glint eat youngling. Big evil.
because of Sup Forums
stromfags should have stayed dead
9 fries until AWOO
how worried should we be about omarosa?
Question is would the US intervene
Yeah, she's pretty tall, and really fit. Goes for a walk around the entire campus every afternoon. Loves to play in the rain, has traveled all over the country as a consequence of military dad. She's loves to scuba dive and is majoring in Marine Biology. Never had a drink, smoked a puff, or done any drugs. Beautiful dark brown hair usually worn down to the bottom of her shoulders, and matching brown eyes (But all white skin). She plays Smash but gets annoyed in a cute way when I beat the hell out of her as Marth.
>Completely cut the carbohydrated jew out of diet for a wekk
>Lose 7 pounds
#BREAKING: California Democratic lawmaker Cristina Garcia, who helped start the #MeToo movement, is under investigation for sexually harassing and groping a former male legislative staffer.
Oh, exciting.
how much carbonated jew are you drinking, fatty?
Correct. And if you come on my property or near my family I will thoroughly prove to you why rock and stick matter.
now go without eating for a week for the keks
Yeah, getting it all out now so it doesn't show tomorrow.
Sup Forums's been a honeypot since 2004
Last time they got toys was under Chaves, at least that I am aware of.
Our media pretends neighbors don't exist, most of the news are from United States of America or Europe.
Yeah you lost a fuckton of water weight. Congrats.
Was that it for the night? Can I shut off C-Span and go back to looking at anime tiddies again?
>there's an Amtrak train passing by a few miles from my home
I-Is it gonna make it, lads?
how does one manage to lose weight quickly?
ez GOOG money
9-5 baby
>7 pounds
goddamn, how much were you drinking?
Anything good happening while I had my sleep?
She will get off and her accuser will be tormented for accusing a strong woman of raping a man
The French have a jungle army nearby in French Guiana. Maybe young Jupiter will roll over and BTFO the commies to keep them in their prison country
now go low carb strictly vegetable, meats, nuts, and fruits diet for a month
An amputation would do the trick.
Oh boy, give me some sauce.
Not anymore. Now the federal government is a Sup Forums honeypot.
>and is majoring in Marine Biology
oh you
You guys trained people in Colombia to deal with drug dealers, too.