What do real 56% mutts look like

Is the 56% meme face based in reality? Are there actually any people who look like pic related in America? Post examples if you have any.

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it's just gonna be fat white people but because they're fat and ugly "They're mixed"

Most americans here, have you seen the Sup Forums meetup pics?

There are. It's called mexisharts. Most people where I'm from are either aryan or italian

fuck off JIDF



> Are there actually any people who look like pic related in America?
Probably, but the average huwhite person wouldn't consider them white.

Huh. Is blaming canada part of their plan because it seems to me most shitposts here are leaves

this dude literally has a legit pube affro
how the fuck does he think he's white


>muh JIDF
The point of this thread was to inquire whether or not there actually exist mongrelized people who look like the 56% meme




I heard he touched another man's peepee one time, so the straight part seems doubtful also.

>face based

Girl on the left is pretty hot tbqh

I lived in america for three years. We're talking the stupidest people on the planet. Ruled over by jews. They're so stupid they bailed out their banks after their banks swindled all their money, and then they elected the same nigger again to the presidency!

I guess I can see it, they look like a mixture of Mexican and Jewish
That's actually really fucking sad


here's a pick me up mutt then

God what a fine crew...

they aren't even trying anymore

let me guess you live in appalachia

figures you'd be hot for short bus riders.

Finland, can you explain this to me?


I was kind of confused what you meant so I'm glad you clarified. I would say for the most part yes, but you do have some who can be considered conventionally attractive and some you have to look closely at to realize they're mixed.

Took a break from Sup Forums....this is what i see.....nice


Her face is aesthetic and cute. I like the beauty mark above her lip too



I've seen ugly people, but I don't really live in mutt central, like California.

Im a mongrel and so are you can we be saved?

Me brain hurt
I don't like not have the triple digit IQ

We don't know yet.

I saw something similar today, but more hideous, it was a cashier and reminded me of idiocracy

The 56% meme is based off of hispanic subhumans

This instance is found at the bottom of SCP-087.

Im i going to burn in hell for all eternity?? For being a mongrel?

American here, yes many many Americans do actually unironically look like that image which is the best part of the whole meme

This actually gave me a laugh. Based leaf

I don't know where that meme face comes from but its from South America. I live in a mixed neighborhood, with many Latinos and I see that face a few times a week. Offhand Id say its Venezuela tho it maybe from a country nearby, its not any country for sure- its not Argentina or Bolivia for example imo.

The meme on pol I know about, because it works against mixed Americans who come to pol to laugh at those more mixed than them. The reality is America is majority white and le meme face is rarely seen outside of large cities. White people dgaf what others think because we are still in charge, its everyone else pretending they are in the club because they have legal status in the US that get triggered

Self hatred is worse for you than being a mutt.

But why thou? Im white in America but im nothing in finland

if you want to meet her, i'll ask for you, i'm her brother.
pic related

You are a handsome Aryan ubermensch and I hope you breed with a lot of women

Yeah I know you’re trolling but I have a thing for cute chubby girls like that and I would probably unironically date her

you don't have to hate yourself for being a mutt, but we are trying to stop the mutting of western countries, so that way more people don't end up with an identity crisis and we stop white genocide


i look pretty similar i guess. it doesn't bother me though, at least i still have my constitution.

gib 56 percent gf


At least the guy on the right has a good woman.

Pic: look at this sneaky porch monkey.

I was just trolling you stupid cunt! We're all mixed!! Weather you like it or not
Muhahahahahaha! Muhahahh


>genetic gsoup

Just look at them. They literally look like the mutt meme.

holy fuk

Literally this

But you spics literally are the mutt meme

No, you are the meme.

one last (you)

Yeah, that's pretty damn close right there.

Crew of genetic rejects imo desu.

>No, you are the meme.
What ever you want to believe pea brain pedro

Just look at the mirror skylar...you know it to be true...

Robert deniros kids?



They look like Danny de Vito


this post is a psyops too. think about who benefits from what.

I can see the other statements he said except promoting all-right e celebs are probably true, but cannot see why promoting alt-right celebs is to benefit to them. To me it looks like a psyop to discredit alt-right figures (rules for radicals, attack individuals of the movement, personalize them).

and the excuse of him "liking white ppl" looks unbelievable

>Robert deniros kids?

El Goblino

Also this dudes name is Israel Sanchez. I challenge you to think of a more quintessentially American name.



>discredit alt-right
anyone who describes themselves as "alt-right" is already a faggot
the "alt-right" is a label the MSM adopted to lump anyone young and on the right into the same group.
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire

So traditional, that Brittany

Of course it's bullshit. Just look at his logic. "You can't trust any Jew...except me." Would have been nice to call out this disgusting Shlomo personally, but c'est la vie

Well look at the white women who became coalburners. Say what you want about the white man race mixing with the asian but you see far more white women/black men than you usually do white men/asian female couples.

Why do they look generic like they look so much the same without much variety. Its almost like they became Jewed.

I think the plastic fashion promoted at the beginning of the 21st century was to camouflage the mass mongrelization of society.

Kill yourself kike

He's right. If you visit 50%+ spic areas that guy is walking around all the time.

Keked really hard

No spic your country is a bunch of rape babies

This is a Sicilian man. Le 56% is just southern Italian.

Nice try at spin. Almost fell for it.

But since others might fall for this, i will point this out - The point lies not into weather alt right is bad or not, but what ((they)) are doing, and why they are doing it - it is in their interest to destroy alt right or any other white identitarian movement.

The way to do it is to personalize the movement into individuals like Lauren Southern and attack them, since its much easier to attack individuals on their flaws and much harder to attack the whole movement.

The next step would be to accuse me of being a JDIF like the fin, correct?

>Spic infested areas



muttposting is the best thing this board has ever seen


This Weinstein bashing has gone too far!

Reminder that the poster child for le 56% is just Italian, as well. He does not have any disorders. Now go away Sup Forums discord.



Well over 300 million people. So I'd guess yes.


Checks out

