I'm the sexiest.
Princess Principal
Yes, you are.
Fuck, just give me the next episode already. I'm tired of waiting.
Where will you be when Princess Principal saves anime?
I don't know who the sexiest PriPri is, but it's definitely not Ange. She's not even that cute.
Ange is for little girls to have a prince, mainliest pripri.
For once Ange posters speak the truth, how interesting.
What are you implying, that Ange lies? That never happened.
Want to be honest with each other over and over until our frienship gets ruined? I'm ovulating.
Dorothy's so beautiful. I can't handle it.
Sure thing, hetero.
>Try not to act like a traitor.
>Try not to act like a traitor.
>Try not to act like a traitor.
Ange lying on my bed.
Ange doesn't lie.
death fanbase
Trying to force constant threads for a show like this with only one episode out probably isn't the greatest idea, there just isn't enough to talk about yet. Everything that happened has been figured out, every angle that could be speculated about has been. Now all thats left is jokes about lies, people pretending to be retarded and to have not understood and "i want to X girl Y" posts.
You do.
Let's hope the thread don't go the way of Flip Flappers'.
There wasn't really much at all wrong with those threads besides the constant shitposters later on. The majority of the time there was both enough interest and enough to talk about to sustain the threads 24/7 as they were.
You mean the shitposting? Because without it Flip Flapper threads were great. The shitposting couldn't even really tarnish my enjoyment of these threads.
As it was airing, sure. I enjoyed a majority of the threads. I just meant after it's over. If the show can sustain this quality or at least doesn't fall completely flat, I want it to be remembered well.
too late
All that really happened there is as more and more people who genuinely enjoyed the series moved on the threads got more and more full of just the dedicated shitposters. Around half of the Flip Flappers based threads I see nowadays are bait threads. I don't even look at them anymore despite having spent the whole season in them when it was airing. I think more people who didn't watch it go in them to shitpost than actual fans now.
Hope we see Ange with a tuxedo next ep.
We won't, but here's hoping for a dance.
Terrible job, user.
And now, from here on, you have to do this for every girl.
Is it just me, or do girls in 1920s clothing just look really adorable?
I'm finding myself incapable of thinking lewd things about them.
If you could dress up your imouto as one pripri who would you choose?
I find myself incapable of not thinking lewd things about them.
I came to say exactly this.
Chise literally isn't that cute.
You are literally wrong.
>Ange gets lillies in OP
>Looks like a boy
>can't cook
>lizard like in Jurassic park
user please.
I believe I speak for everyone here when I say Chise's flat boy chest is a complete turn off.
If I want boys, I have Ange.
Are you saying Ange might like girls? That she wants to be the perfect prince and protector for her? That she wants to make Princess scream from pleasure until she's sore and hoarse? You're imagining things.
That's hidoi. Meant she was some sort of invader.
Hey, anons. Please help me transcribe the OP.
Here's what I got so far:
The Other Side of the Wall by Voids_Chords ft.MARU.
Can you feel that nothing tangible(?)
Like the cure we seek inside of life
Can we ? to make it ?
Rid of lies
Innocents(?) got to stay alive
I will never be this sick
I’m a girl that sees through the lies
Cause I know, know it all
Got to fly somehow(?)
Can I cross the war(?)
What a ?
what can you show me now
Run away ???
catch me say
don’t let me down
oh yeah ???
start to shine ???
??? let it go
carry on,
show the way how to survive
>Please help me transcribe the OP.
There's whining in vain about the fact someone posted a thread about a current show, too.
That title was claimed a long time ago.
You're pretty cute though.
got I hate the english op it's so fucking shit.
Thank you.
Usually I do agree, but this one is okay.
What about the ED? It's my favorite OP/ED combo of the season.
When will they learn?
Can someone explain this anime to me? I am very stupid.
They were lying the whole time? Does that mean that they aren't really spies? Then what are they? Are all their actions a lie? Is this anime a lie?
This thread is a lie.
You are a lie.
Is that true? Sounds like you're lying to me.
They lied when they said that they lied.
I wouldn't like to you, user. You can trust me.
Is it strange to be in love with a girl's hair?
Not at all.
What did they mean by this?
That Beatrice-chan is moe.
I wonder if the conversation picked up at all on 2ch.
This loli blocks your path and slaps your spy-fu on the ass. What do?
They were talking about us
>769: Sup Forumsで人気があるようです
Seems popular on Sup Forums
>773: 海外受け良さそうだもんなこういうの
Gaijin popularity looks good
>775: 外人って銃+女の組み合わせ妙に好きなイメージあるわ
I have the impression the Girl + Guns combination seems to be strangely popular with gaijin.
Other than that they have had about 1150 posts total.
The Sup Forums formatting totally fucked that up but I guess you can all still read it and understand it. It is a chain of replies.
Shit taste
2ch comments on episode 1 from before
>Steampunk Milkyholmes.
>Afraid the main character will die near the end.
>This is a pretty good season. The shit English in the ED is terrible.
>It won't sell well.
>Because they wont sell well original works are avoided.
>Feeling enthusiastic but worried it will run out of steam midway.
>Although it was dark and heavy from the start I didn't dislike it. I wonder if this is aiming for overseas popularity?
>The school element is not necessary.
>They should murder regularly also I would like to request a shower scene.
>It's not bad but the OP is out of style.
>Thought the character was cute and then suddenly they murder.
>Got tried from watching the complex setting and all the lying.
>I'm afraid the girls will be caught and tortured in the future.
>OP is in English, Background Music is somehow like GITS. Think they were conscious of what music would be popular overseas.
>Ichiro's screenplays are like Guilty Crown and Valverave. Think it will kill off characters near the final episode.
>Liked it, this is my favourite.
>Want to see a spy girl get caught and raped.
>It was like a movie. 3Hz does good animation as long as it has a good schedule.
>Think it was cool.
>Seems like moepig bait steampunk GITS.
>With this atmosphere total annihilation END seems likely.
>Have moe killers was good. Not sure if good is the appropriate term lol.
>Shouldn't use moe characters in a serious animation. If you want to do a serious animation use girls that are more heads tall.
>Watched the first episode it was interesting.
>the OP is out of style
Fuck this guy in particular.
>They should murder regularly also I would like to request a shower scene
I like this guy.
70% of that sounds like shit taste. Not surprising.
>3Hz does good animation as long as it has a good schedule.
Guess they were referring to what happened with Dimension W and Flip Flappers there.
Is that Agnes Oblige from Bravely Default? It looks like Agnes.
First 2/3 of Flip Flappers had amazing animation with no CG.
Most of the posts that make a judgement call on the series itself are positive in there though. They don't seem to much care for the Engrish singing though.
Who the fuck is Agnes Oblige?
That's actually okay if most of those who watched it liked it. I just meant posts about the girls getting caught, tortured, killed and/or raped. Also salesfags.
Yeah the schedule fell apart near the end though and the animation quality noticeably declined. The same thing happened with Dimension W. This time though 3Hz has ACTAS acting as support studio. So I think they will have ACTAS maybe do every 3rd episode to give 3Hz more time.
Yeah the exact same posts were made here really though. Just a lot more posts here than there is the main difference.
Do they have much talk of this show on futaba?
spies are INNOCENT and PURE and NOT FOR LEWD
Great, another lie. Just what we needed.
The only innocent and pure and not for lewd spy is the boy.
Beatrice is not a boy.
Not much, 1 thread per day with 100 or so replies (except for the one when it air).
Why do they lie?
princessin' ain't easy
OK, are you the 2ch-kun from the old time?
Silly Ange, spy can't love spy!
>spy can't love spy
Aren't spy girls constantly falling in love with spy boys?
>>Want to see a spy girl get caught and raped.
this is what 2ch and Sup Forums have in common
But I don't want to see any spies getting caught and raped.
Did someone say TA?
Yeah, they sure were great after episode three. 99% cancer and 1% worthwhile discussion. We definitely want that to happen again.
I hope this show has more hats
Invisible Man when?
Hats are reserved for ladykillers. Shit, it's true.
Is it Sunday yet?