How should the Jews die?
How should the Jews die?
gas dude
for the first time.
In bed surrounded by loved ones
A comfy bed?
They should just be forced to stay in israel or wear a gold star. much easier and cleaner.
Irreversible genetic mutation into mass sterility and unzippered RNA over time.
They will destroy themselves with lies.
Retired and from old age after serving in death squads killing people like you.
>retrieve entirety of kike shekels
>melt shekels down in large melting pot
>melt the shekels into liquid form
>douse the kikes in their own shekels
the same way we all should, natural causes.
Top kek schlomos
On a non-meme note, this is very vague. Some Jews are innocent and weren't raised with connections to the ZOG.
jews have infiltrated Sup Forums? the fuck
kek you havent noticed?
The elite kikes are inherently malevolent, but middle class/poorfag Jews don't have the connections to be as corrupt as Zionists. Do you think that once a newborn Jew exits the womb it is given a certificate to the ZOG or some shit? The average Jew should be exiled, the Jewish elite should be executed.
Actually this.
No, as long as some jews survive they have the opportunity to subvert us again
Under this logic we should just nuke ourselves as well to prevent the white race from cucking again.
Doesn't matter, as long as they die without reproducing.
the worst death for any Jew
Peacefully in old age, surrounded by loving family members and knowing they lead a fulfilling life.
slowly, but quickly.
Came here to post this
I've been seeing a lot of posts like this, and not only in this thread. Why are ((they)) posting en-masse right now?
Burn em, and gass em. Not too fast but nice and slow so we can hear their cries for help. Best way to find them and exterimate is to bobby trap a penny on the sidewalk. Should get em' easily OP.
The Jews literally know what's best
Trust them
Honor them
Follow them
They will lead you to the promised land
Not a chance. Get in the oven.
>The average Jew should be exiled, the Jewish elite should be executed.
fighting their own war against Iran
so, alone?
I just wanted to break up the echo chamber.
user, I must direct you to the showers. This way please.
>This isn't already in the works via Noko
we all die retard
The threads being slid right now were right, you really are in panic mode.