American "White" Ethnostate

Can someone tell me how the fuck a nation of disgusting mongrel mutts is ever going to be able to create a White Ethnostate? I'm here right now and I'm convinced the only legitimately White people are tourists or people here on business from Europe.

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There are "whites" in America but whites can't make an ethnostate because white isn't an identity, it's a skin color. Only the Anglo and the French, the slav and the German, etc can have an ethnostate because they have the shared cultural and historical backround to base it on.

>There are "whites" in America

Where? I've been down south and it's nothing but endless niggers. I've been to the fabled rural areas and the "whites" are obvious 56%ers with traces of nigger admixture. I'm actually shocked how true what I thought was just a meme created for banter actually is. Americans really are these disgusting raceless goblin creatures in real life. The fact that any of you can actually LARP about being White is disturbing to me, because you seem to be serious.

They are rare, like below 56% of the population but they do exist submerged in that stew of weimarican filth. I'm not an American though, I moved to the U.K, after I did my genealogy and found out that all of my ancestors are directly from the U.K, and I thought to myself that I wanted my children to share English blood rather than be some euromongrel (in a best case scenario). So yeah, they do exist, they are just very very rare and almost all of them are euromongrels who are 15% italian 20% British 5% Irish 15% French 25%German etc etc.

Very few people in America are not shitskins, obviously mixed race "white" mutts, or euromutts. This is why the average american is so offended by the amerimutt meme. So many Americans have curly hair on Northern European ethnicities that are not supposed to have it or clearly non-Caucasoid noses etc. Mutts are non-Whites.

You seem like the one one LARPing here. For someone so well traveled, i'm surprised you've some how managed to come across no whites at all.

It's true, no Whites by legitimate European standards. I understand that Americans have much lower standards when it comes to this kind of thing, which would explain the disconnect here.

Define white.

Someone of purely European ancestry, of a certain distinct phenotype. The closest thing to White people I saw were obvious Euromutts and you could tell there were traces of some other ethnicity in there from their features, can't say what though. I can instantly pick an American from a crowd of "White" people, nobody else on this planet looks so unnatural as you do.

Try to define what these supposed features are, because ill be honest friend, it seems to me you've made up some superiority complex off of a contrived view of how "Americans" look.

No, I'm not here to go round in circles constantly spoon-feeding you information that you can easily find on the internet because you want to pull the "you can't define white!" bullshit that burgers invented. You're trying to drive away from the point of the thread which is that a nation of non-White people wants to create a White Ethnostate for reasons unknown.

I'm half Swiss half british. What does that make me?

Ok, lets see here. Do you agree with this?

A mutt. Guarantee you're more than half-and-half too.

being white is simply being a mix of WHG ENF and ANE, the more ANE you have the more "Aryan" you are.

so anglo, germanic, and nordic ethno states can form and ally with each other and it wont be raycis?

A mutt. Someone like you pushing for an ethnostate is pointless.

I had platinum blonde hair as a child lol

So? You're still a mutt.

amerigoblins can make their own ethnostate and call it greater israel, and put the jews at the top class with a system of apartheid between them and goblinos

Idiots here think that 56% white means that every single person has 56% European blood in them.

False. Americans are pretty good at segregating ourselves within our communities. 56% white means 56% of americans are white and 44% are niggers and beaners and yellow monkeys. But each of those 4 ethnic groups does a pretty good job of segregating from each other, and when they get together it’s usually not pretty

Okay. Which european nationality will be helming the American ethno state if it ever happens?

Yes, we shouldn't commit brother wars, but the Anglo is happier with the Anglo, the French man with the French man and so on and so forth.


There is simply no way that "56% of Americans are White" is actually true. Especially not with pic related going on.

/thread 2


Realistically the German Americans would likely get the most power since they are the most common white in America, but in reality it would probably balkanize into an Irish American ethnostate, an Anglo American ethnostate, a scandi American ethnostate and so on and so forth.


Okay maybe it’s smaller, doesn’t change my main points. 56 meme means that Americans aren’t German or Nordic or Slavic or whatever, there a mix of European ethnicities. That’s what America is supposed to be, a melting pot for all races of Europeans.

No ethnostate will ever happen because americans can't come to terms with what's white or not. They're all mutts.


Statistically speaking, the US is far more homogeneous than most European countries these days. You may just be here to shill though. But thought I would mention it in case your not a faggot shill.





>amerigoblins can make their own ethnostate and call it greater israel
>(ID: VeYAgxQZ)
G*d has spoken


The average self-identified white American is about 98% white. Race-mixing isn't very common among whites in general and was outlawed in most parts of the country until the 1960s.
Your shitty little d&c meme is not reality and your simplistic assertions aren't arguments or even good rhetoric, it's just pathetic low quality posting with no original ideas or creative innovations.
I mean, the only reason segregated white enclaves don't exist all over the country already is due to forceful actions by ZOG.

Ethnogenesis has occurred in the Anglosphere colonies and there is indeed a coherent white historic American people just as there is a coherent white Australian people.

White enclaves do exist but the kikes are trying to forcefully intergrate skinshits into them

That's what I was thinking.

Well, fuck y'all, then.
We'll just nuke all of Europe.
Leave and don't ever fucking come back.
I hope you die on the flight back to your shithole.

>hang out in parts of South that are known to be segregated and almost entirely black

Hah I love one king trump mutt in DC nice touch

White Australians are primarily Anglo Saxon, like almost all the way, and their cultural background is definitively Anglo, (they put the queen on their money, drink tea, accents are even similar etc.)

But you main point is that admixture between various European peoples can result in a people capable of forming an ethnostate and I would say that's true. But a key part of it is that the new synthesized people focus on creating a unified culture and identity, and I'm sorry to say I just don't see white Americans doing that. The 20% Irish man marches in his st. Party's day festival while the 15% German gets wasted at Oktoberfest. From what I see white Americans grasp more towards their European ancestry rather than trying for an ethnogenesis.

OK. Forget the "white ethnostate" memo.
What we really want is a country with no niggers, no jews, no spics, no poos, no muzzies of any kind, and no sand niggers of any kind.
I'm fine with shutting the borders down completely, if I'm being honest. No foreigners of any kind. No one comes in.
I sure as Hell don't want to step foot out of the US.
Except to visit Japan and maybe Russia or China. To Hell with the rest of the world. I want to team up with Russia and China to take over the world. Europe will burn to a cinder.

OP speaks the truth. Belgian guy on vacation here in Florida. Finding a white American, a real white with no admixture, is like a needle in a haystack. You go to the local Walmart and it's full of abominations. I mean literal 56% abominations. I haven't seen one person with blue eyes or natural blonde hair since I came here (been here 4 days). All the "white" women are 5/10s at best and hanging out with nigger babies in their arms.

It's like a different world. I understand now why Americans make fun of Europeans for not being white, they're projecting. They want to protect what little whiteness they already have. I do, too. It's so rare here it's worth protecting, like a rare diamond.

Yesterday I saw maybe one woman who looked natural blonde, she was in her 30s and actually skinny, healthy. I heard her talk and she had a clear Dutch accent. I knew she was a foreigner!

I suppose this is close to the truth.

I sure love me some Sup Forums discord shitposting. Every couple of months on the dot, it starts right back up again. It’s not even the boards fault, the discord is just complete garbage.

I kept hearing about how BASED the former Confederacy was, turns out it's right in the heart of your country's nigger infestation. As I've made clear, I've also visited the rural areas. While there weren't a lot of niggers per se, there were a lot of obvious mixed mutts. I suppose those things were what you consider to be "White"?

Needs more black people

fuck off JIDF

Yeah it’s always been like this. The mutt meme has picked up a lot of steam recently but this was decades of race mixing. We’ve always been mutts and soon your country will be too.

My ancestors built a superpower that owns Europe. If I'm not "legit white" I don't care- my people are objectively superior and once freed of the lesser races we will then proceed to exterminate you.

You don't own anything, your Jew overlords use you as their attack dog. Don't get it twisted.

How is trump a mutt? His ancestors immigrated in the 20th century and he's half German half Scottish. Not really a mutt.

They're literally owned by jews. I think it's some coping mechanism they've developed from being indoctrinated and cucked their entire lives.