End your masturbating, find a white wife, pick up permaculture, suck the system dry until the whole system collapses!
End your masturbating, find a white wife, pick up permaculture, suck the system dry until the whole system collapses!
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how about i do everything except for the last one and get a job so i can not live in abject poverty subsistence farming and eating trash food from my ebt card
>work 9-5
>live comfy subsistence farming lifestyle where you can spend your entire waking time with your family and your old soviet car
Easy choice to me.
okay varg!
I work from home and its not 9-5 a day.
Who the fuck is this?
Have you ever done farm work?
I agree with prepping and having food independence, but "comfy" is not how I would characterize subsistence farming.
Make sure to break into a white woman's house and rape her and her daughter while running from the police after murdering someone!!
Make sure to defend Islam and the Muslim conquests that saw 2/3 of the White world raped into slavery and combined with sandnigger dna.
Make sure to idolize niggers who live in the jungle because they "aren't Christian" or "alt-right."
some french fuck living on social welfare and larping as a viking on youtube
>there are people who will argue against this
but there is no welfare here, + i dont make music or write books and board games for my youtube followers to buy, nor do i know where to cash in the views if i had a youtube channel
There goes the money for fuel, solar panels, lego for kids, furniture and other things i need money to buy
So is this guy mentally ill or just extremely centrist that sees shitty people as good?
Honestly he just hates Christians.
he hates them even more when they dont hate him back
He didn't defend Muslim conquests or Islam, he just said that a lot of Greek texts were preserved by Islamic scholars. Is this not true?
A jungle person living off the jungle is probably a lot more healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually, than your average American city pleb on a diet of McDonalds and opiods. That was his point.
>He didn't defend Muslim conquests or Islam,
>"Thank you Muslim Turks, for saving Europe."
You can try to make it about "preserving literature" but we all know what the Muslim Turks were famous for back in the day.
Mentally ill murderer, sociopath and general failure at integrating into society.
Take the /vargpill/
Work for a few years, live really cheap as you do and save enough money to buy a plot of land and have enough over to pay the property taxes for a couple of decades. Come home white man.
They can't