Black Panther bet big on diversity and became king of cinema


I have never seen Sup Forums BTFO this hard. Everything you wanted and tried to do ended up doing the opposite. THANKS! Now BP is the GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME and earning INSANE AMOUNTS OF MONEY.

Some quotes:
>Black Panther just claimed the title of best movie in cinematic history, and that’s no coincidence.

>Keen observers will note that it certainly didn’t hurt that pasty cave trolls from the active white supremacist cyberterrorism group Sup Forums came up with “operations” to attack the movie — which, as usual, immediately blew up in their faces (thanks in part to our exposé).

>Complex writes that “Black Panther is selling out theaters and pulling in billion dollar box office projections.”
>“Black Panther could help Marvel gross $2 billion worldwide before even the end of summer,” says Washington Post.
>Schools all over the western world are sending students to see the historic movie. Even celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and Octavia Spencer are carting off armies of little ones — and poor ones, too — to feast their eyes on the marvels that might have been had Africa not been destroyed by European colonial powers.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Delete all negative reviews, claiming they're racist

Take off that flag faggot. You aint like me.

>90% black

pick one

How can they delete negative reviews when they haven't even started to accept pleb reviews yet? CAN YOU BASEMENT REJECTS EVER GET ANYTHING RIGHT AT ALL?

>Whiter than you muhammad
>UK is cucked
>Sweden is fun xDDD
Americans are so polluted with the niggerloving that a movie is given 100% score just for the sake of being nearly 100% black.
Just like giving the best movie 2017 to Moonlight, I was embarrassed for you guys.

>A movie does well financially

>Delete all negative review

LOOK! A 100% RATING!!!

Do they actually believe their own bullshit?

Why’s anyone blaming Sup Forums? A bunch of fucks here love comics, movies, and nationalism. These stupid nigger lovers don’t know what they’re talking about and don’t like black people or themselves

Why is the bad guy (Michael B Jordan) a black man? Why is everybody in this secret African culture speaking English? I'm literally shaking right now

False. Why do you lie?

I agree, this will be the best comedy ever. WE


You going to actually pretend they didn't publicy say they will delete negative reviews? I mean I know you are fucking around with the meme flag but you are going full retard now

Fake news, stay mad wh*te boi

It's talking about fake reviews and it's not something that's happened yet.

Again, why do you lie? Why do you feel threatened that a black movie gets to be #1 for once?

>Everything we don't like is fake news

>critic reviews
>all jews
really activates my almonds.

>movie isn't even released yet
>trusting the rotten jewmato's critics

Is anyone even the slightest bit suspicious that Rotten Tomatos gives a lot of movies ludicrously outstanding reviews BEFORE they're released? I'm 101% sure that they get paid to do that to generate hype and publicity for large-budget movies, and that they probably ban or silence "major critics" that give bad reviews to movies that deal with "muh diversity"

>Pic related

>this movie will beat silence of the lambs and shawshank redemption on ratings

What a time to be alive.

Do you honestly believe a superhero flick is flawless and is the greatest film of all time?

>I don't like this movie because


Unless they are making nigger jokes, how you know what's a fake review?

Reminds me of that fat cunts comedy special on Netflix that caused the star rating system to be removed, ah criticism is not politically correct, let's disregard it cause it's racially motivated and have our KANG circle rape and feces fling at how great a fake nog utopia is

>100% score
Are you dumb or what?

I havent even see this movie, but I read about it on twitter. I show the tweets to my wife's 8 year old son and he HIS JAW HITS THE FLOOR. sadly he pass away yesterday

I’ll review it once it comes out on torrent. Fuck giving these jews or nigs my money

I'm fine with a movie that stars a black lead and several black side characters, etc. But when the entire movie becomes "FUCK WHITEY WE WUZ SUPAHHEROZ N SHIET" then of course nobody that's sane is going to want anything to do with it.

>would ya titfuck this slampiggy oink oink

>another nigger pussy shill thread
come on, anons
>beautiful fields of sage

You get a fucking 6.8/10 from IMDB hows' that a fucking win?

A month from now when Disney is look at Black Panther's lackluster box office draw, they'll be asking themselves whether wagering the entire success of a quarter-billion dollar blockbuster on scoring diversity good boy points was really worth it

there was a thread last night that would suggest otherwise, you dumb nigger

A nigger ethnostate is cool. But if we want white dollars for white people in white lands, fuck us, right, kikes?

You are almost funny. Nice try, user.

It's just marketing to try and motivate black people to see it... "look they're trying to stop you".

If the last election is any indication about how easy it is to motivate black people to do something, it won't work.

>niggers only

That's just the media hype, the actual movie has the villain being the "fuck whitey" one.

check'd my neighbor god be praised

If it turns out the market wants negro movies then negro movies shall be made.
I on the other hand know that I won't watch or even pirate that piece of crap. Just like I didn't watch/pirate almost all of 2017's releases.

>BLM meme flag
>Fake News
you just fucked your larp beyond repair

people just like seeing Big Black Kings. it's in everyone's DNA, after all. it reminds us of the golden age... when the world wasn't ruled by reptilian brained psychopaths, but by actual humans.

Why do you assume anyone on this board cared about this movie? Props to them for not whitewashing any characters in the process. That is truly a move in the right direction.

Some critics are happy to praise stuff in exchange for free previews and to get their reviews printed in forums viewed by millions.

the benefits of an ethnostate and isolationism: The Movie

>golden age
>posts a picture of a guy on roids

At least stay remotely consistent.

It’s because of embargoes-there’s only a few who have seen it that are allowed to comment, yes it’s for promotion but this movie won’t drop below 75

Yeah, most lefties praising it have no real idea of wakandan politics.

very disgusting

>bet big on diversity and became the king of cinema

Guess you cant pull out the racist card every time something doesn't go your way anymore

>Best movie in cinematic history
What world are they living in? fairy fairy land?

delusional pretend time, the tweet

They banned negative reviews and gave away a shit ton of tickets.

What does betting big on diversity mean anyway? Would I be correct in my assumption that the movie is 90% black cast? How is that diverse?

The comment section is full of death and rape threats. Why do white guys always do this instead of simply writing your own opinion piece. You never see rpae and death threats to white centering articles about what a great tv show Breaking Bad is (it is) or something. See what I did there. I have the capacity for fairness and enjoying movies of all kinds even if they don't look like me. You are petty bigots.

Only in your feeble mind nigger.

>they probably ban or silence "major critics" that give bad reviews to movies that deal with "muh diversity"
there are no uncontrolled critics, that's (partially) why youtube is getting locked down. They're going to specifically hide videos from people complaining about their movies during the box office period. It should be noted this isn't just movies but any product/movement that pays for the executive package of google advertisement

Won't watch that piece of shit but another movie about NWO conspiracy bs getting called perfect is sort of funny.
Our 9/11 theory's are diverse including ethnic groups like Jews, Spicks or Niggers ,95% Jews is obviously diverse, but we don't claim to be the perfect board, although we are.

>I have never seen Sup Forums BTFO this hard
are you retarded? we're literally flooding it with praise and embracing the ethno nationalist sentiment. fucking lurkmoar you stupid piece of shit

Black Pander is the greatest movie of all time says Hollywood Jews in unison.

Bag-on-head then ITS CLOBBERIN TIME!

Fucking lie. Read the thread before you reply.

>How can they delete negative reviews when they haven't even started to accept pleb reviews yet?
So you are telling me the perfect scores are all from (((professional movie critics)))?


the market decides, not you, cuck. haha
if people want BBC, they shall have BBC.
whatchu gon' doo? das rite.. noting ha

Looks like there will be more pro-black movies! Yay! The white ones have been failing

it's already got two Rotten reviews

>is set to be released in the United States on February 16, 2018

what did they mean by this?

>Niggers falseflag hatred of the movie
>Like every would-be-blockbuster black film, use "whitey tryna keep dis fire down" rationale to recruit blacks to see the film
>Film sucks ass
>Reviews from people expose it as undeniably bad
>Critic reviews are far too lenient
Red Tails all over again. Had niggers quoting "we fight, we fight, we fight!" for a fucking week while also saying "Fuck AmeriKKKA" out of the same Kool-menthol-smoking gibmedats nigger mouth.

Why are the media and reviewers acting like this is the first movie ever made with a black guy in it?

Men In Black, Django Unchained, Blade, I Am Legend, Color Purple, Hotel Rwanda, Nutty Professor, Shaft, Training Day... all of these movies were better than Black Panther and all had plenty of black people in them. Why do all these fags act like a black man has never been on film before (not counting security camera footage of robberies, assaults, etc)???

Black women made a Democrat win in my state. A Democrat hasn't been elected in 20 fucking years. Its game over. Blacks can influence elections and everything. they know now.

lol it's a fucking superhero movie, nigger. If it gets a 'NUMBER ONE FILM OF ALL TIME' award or something nobody will take the kike movie industry seriously.

I forgot which genius on here broke it down but basically the left infiltrated the Marvel fanbase and tried to get the CEO fired a few years ago for donating to a Trump charity. This failed so they stepped up their tactics by becoming writers and editors to push their agenda. When the agenda driven comics didn’t sell, Marvel axed them. The point is the left will infiltrate something they want to change but produce shit. Because they’re not actually fans they won’t buy the shit and neither will the actual fans.

>Ban people from calling it bad
>Gets good ratings

the comment section on what? I wont send a death / rape threat, only rape promises. give me the link you pretend nigger I need something to masturbate and finger my asshole to before I go sleep sleeps.

Is that a rhetorical question?

You know damn well that diversity is code for non white

>I'm 101% sure that they get paid to do that to generate hype and publicity for large-budget movies, and that they probably ban or silence "major critics" that give bad reviews to movies that deal with "muh diversity"
I hope you're trolling because you just stated the most obvious thing ever.

maybe they know the time is right to really ramp up the divisions. A new phase in the operations

because if they acknowledge the past they can't keep agitating for more


so are we gonna write some reviews when the movie releases pol?

This, he is right, they banned all negative reviews

You're a full on tard. The critics gave the movie a good score while the crowds didn't like it. Just what happens when you go into a movie with falls expectations.

its like one of those totalitarian states where the leader wins again for the 35th time with 100% of the votes

no but they're waiting to see if you will go along with it, will you?


>to feast their eyes on the marvels that might have been had Africa not been destroyed by European colonial powers.

This is a joke right? The fictional city is advanced because of a made up resource called vibranium, not because of black people.

why do you keep insisting there's some kind of white supremacist right wing group thats out to get the film? i love marvel but even an infant understands its a silly movie franchise about superhero's how the fuck can you retards be taking this shit so seriously lmao

The fucking movie isn't even out yet. Critics are almost always fucking retards.

Actual legit tinfoil conspiracy theories and the debunked lie that Rotten Tomatoes deleted reviews THAT DON*T EVEN EXIST YET. All you got.


>Black Panther
Is it a Hollywood version of "Who Killed Captain Alex"?

What are you on about?
As a kid I used to read black panther.

If only you niggers actually took an example to him.

There's nothing to complain about since black panther did'nt get blackwashed, he was black to begin with.
No one complains about wesley snipes playing blade either.

Shit like turning Joanne of Arc black however is something to complain about.


I don't care about what propaganda pedowood shits out, I haven't paid to see a film in years

>the market decides
Apparently jews decide, not the market faggot.

If it's such a great movie then how is it lower than Paddington 2?

Why the fuck do people say that shit?

The scramble for Africa didn't start until 1870

liberals can actually convince themselves that niggers would've gone from the stone age to the space age in 150 years

i dont even give a shit about black panther lives matter or whatever, I'm just sick of cape shit.

the faggot owner of this site is a channer, trolling for shekels

>6.8/10 on IMDB