What's his name Sup Forums?
Shoukoku no Altair
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fujobait guy
How was the 2nd episode? Hope the pacing issue was fixed.
currently airing
subs in 10 min
Yeah, I'm watching it now, but I'm only catching the end
What language are they trying to speak?
>What language are they trying to speak?
oh i thought they would pull GATE there
Either Romani or Arabic or Kurdish.
Romani probs but i need to watch it in order to get a grip.
>[HorribleSubs] Shoukoku no Altair - 02 [1080p].mkv
I like the ED more than the OP.
How many chapters did they adapt, by the way, it looks like they'll reach the 4 Rulers's arc looking at the OP.
Purple Sasuke
cant exactly pinpoint the language,
it has many dialects such as hungarian, chinese, central asian turkic, romanian
even some other balkan dialects as well
The Empire PM mentioned St. Michael? Does that mean Empire is Christian?
Didn't people say there are not religions in this show?
Do they have to cover the whole screen with their warnings like that? I wish someone made decent subs for this show.
That screen is just for like 1 second, its the same in Shingeki no Bahamut.
Don't see what it bothers you so much.
What's he writing, Sup Forums?
They were but it's not Abrahamic religions
Something called Erminism
instead of christianity, most of the Europeans worship the Earth spirit.
And instead of Islam Turks worship Water one
>Dear diary, today OP was turk loving faggot again...
I haven't watched Bahamut yet, so I didn't know. Since they write similar things in a more normal way in Japanese, I just find it weird.
>today this idiot came to me with yet another plan >that a small child could figure out.
I know but why did he mention St Michael.
Why doesn't Zaganos shower?
Would you lick his tears and tell him that he'll grow up to be a great paşa?
>just licking his tears
>not sucking his crossdressing dick
im dissapointed in you user
The fuck is that red shit on his arm.
Why is the OP so bad.
Supposed to be glove for handling the Eagle and Falcon
It doesn't sound like Romanian or Hungarian, but then again
>nip accents
It's even more annoying in Bahamut.
top kek
But he cheats on his wife, I woldn't trust him that much.
Seems what's into director's mind and and OP's band was incompatible.
Like he was expecting song like Mehter's rock/metal cover ( youtube.com
but instead he got the generic pop music that he had to work with.
i definetly spotted central asian turkic and chinese ones though
do you expect batshit insane guy who makes poisons in his spare time to be squeky clean?
Am I retarded?
Where is his arm in this pose
I've been thinking about it since last week, I'm more retarded than you.
And I thought I was the only one.
It's under the frilly sleeve thing.
He should if he expects Mahmut to smell his dick.
its under the white clothes
Its weird, because the way the white cloth is animated makes it looks like its behind the torso.
Wouldn't it be more evident that the sleeve was layered above the outfit in that case though? It looks like the sleeve is behind him, I thought it was a cape at first.
Didn't even realize that it was his shirt. I thought it was a cape thrown on his right shoulder.
This makes more sense though, his waist looks way too thin otherwise. Thanks for clearing it up.
I think it's more like this, and the wind is blowing the trim/frills.
The shoulder/arm part is drawn in front of the cape, so his hand can't be underneath the cape at all.
They fucked up.
In Japanese he said Michael-sama, blame CR shitsubs
>CR shitsub
It's Amazonshits this time
but yeah, both are bad
But it's not a cape it's part of the sleeve.
Why does this show look so QUALITY? Did Mappa blow their budget on Kakegurui?
Why did Mahmut ruse her by saying he didn't speak the language? To make her feel useful like a true gentleman?
I'm beginning to think it's user's eyes that are QUALITY.
>putting subtitles over Japanese subs
Please, don't do this.
I thought he was peeing there for a second because of the sound.
>This isn't bad animation
For a studio like Mappa, it's pretty embarrassing.
Watch Shara's dance scene again this episode and tell me that isn't QUALITY
swig swooog
im coomin for boot
It's pretty immersion breaking.
Just close your eyes for a second.
True in Bahamut there are 2 warnings of full text on your screen one after another.
Sentai+Amazon are a blight upon anime
They have 3 currently airing shows, so it wouldn't be too surprising for them to run thin on people.
3 shows leads to outsourcing to koreans which always leads to QUALITY
That was better than first ep, a shame about budget though.
yeah hopefully it will get gradually better like the manga did
The short fight scene was pretty neat at least.
>that ED
MAPPA is always on point with them
rape episode next week
Iskender will protect his master.
not sure about it mane
What do you think are the chances of Kato releasing an art book? I really like her drawings.
I'm really enjoying this show so far. Even with the QUALITY (which I was prepared for because MAPPA are also doing Kakegurui and Virgin Soul this season)
I want to kiss his exposed shoulder.
Don't you fucking dare doubting the bird
gonna buy it when i have enough dosh
just that?
Is the brown qt part of the main cast?
stop posting Zaganos
How gay is this compared to Arslan?
not gay as Arslan
MC just crossdresses for his country and spill spaghetti when it comes to women that's all
I'm three minutes in and my sides are already gone.
>Zaganos between legs of Mahmut
>also the triangle
Fujo Illuminati is a thing now?
Why is one of his arms red?
You might be onto something here, user. Pretty sure I've also seen some "eyes" drawn on the faces of most characters.
They also tried to kill your first post!
So purely out of interest what countries/empires/psuedo states is it that they're trying to portray? I get that the main focus is on hte ottoman empire, btu what other empires are there?
The others seem sort of European, so would it be serbia?
I like history, but I'm not all to knowledgeable about the ottoman empire, and most of European history sorrounding it, other than the first few crusades.
I wish Altair had eyecatches like Arslan. They make great wallpapers.
eagle gloves were popular among Turkics but seems Katono took some liberties of its design
yeah but there are still some wallpaper worthy stuff in there
holy roman empire is one, also i think there is venice.
it has nothing to do with history. it just takes names, cultures and places. that's it.
>Mahmut wears a glove specifically designed for handling birbs
>Iskender still perches on his shoulder
Something is wrong with either of them.
I wonder if there'll be a detective here who'd find the reference source for those tiles.
Türkiye Pashadom = Ottoman Empire
Bıçak/Mızrak/Kılıç/Balta Sultanates = Vassals of the Türkiye Pashadom
Baltic and Rhein Empire = HRE/Hohenzollern German Empire
Urado = Vlad the Impaler's Wallachia
Venedik = Venice
Cuore de Rumeliana = basically a Italian city states league
it's actually popular tiles in Turkey and you could find in every kitchen, bathroom or garden
Ask tilefucker.
Thanks, was just wondering because I'm going to study Ottoman histroy next semester, and was just wanting to do a little bit of digging forehand.
well, they are basic iznik tiles.
>study Ottoman histroy next semester
halil inalcık is your god and savior.