I don't want to save the white race or Britain anymore :(

>Become so disgusted by my race and country I am kinda glad to see our decline

>People don't say please or thank you, saw like seven people be rude to staff when I was staying at a hotel for a wedding last weekend, see it all the time

>Go to gym hit 115kg x 6 on the OHP and feel great, see every piece of equipment has been loaded with plates not taken off, dumbbell everywhere, go to do steady state cardio half the treadmills broke because idiots use them to do dips on the handles despite the gym having 3 dip bars

>Go to my local nationalist group open event, most of the white people there are low IQ council estate scum who are some of the dumbest, least cultured people I have ever met

>Go to movies take brother in a wheelchair from serving in the Military, people don't move so we can access the isle, people on phones all film, chewing gum on several seats, talking and general yobbery

>Go to my local pub, they have taken down the old paintings and drawings of historical figures of our area and replaced them with pictures of football players and the beatles

>Go to the arthouse cinema in my city for a night of David Lynch films like Dune, Lost highway etc, after the first film, a bunch of people are sat in the audience complaining that the film is boring and about nothing, one not meaning to be ironic says that she wished they had gone to see den of thieves instead

>Volunteer at the local old folks home, most of the visiting grandkids are awful cunts who sit on their phones for 20 minutes then fuck off and leave their elders to rot away

>Go to the local corner shop, selling because so many locals go to the new tesco because it is slightly cheaper, a 3 generations ran 100 year old shop is now going to be sold to a store chain

>Local school have announced they will no longer hold the annual lads football tournament because it fosters a negative atmosphere of overly aggressive competitiveness between classmates of differing teams

>I am so fucking depressed

Other urls found in this thread:


I know the feeling user, sometimes, we are our own greatest enemy...

I feel the same user, modern society especially in the cities is absolutely terrible.
I moved out the city myself, but it's all the same.

What's the alternative?


You need to stop dabbling in the lower tier of society.

You have to understand that the welfare state and socialism has caused a massive dysgenic of all populations in the West.
What has happened in the black community in the US has basically also happened in all white communities to a lesser extent.
tl;dr: we are approaching idiocracy, the people you see around you are not your race

Amen. it is just that i refuse to quit. it only shows that there is so much left to be done. sometimes i wish i could just stop giving a damn

Where do you suggest we go instead? The corrupt and arrogant upper class is hardly better.

Become an individualist.

Fuck living to be a part of a team of cucks, left or right.

Take care of your family, and yourself.

>do all this
>not even a mention of getting laid with a hottie
>"b-buh I'm depres guyse"
lmao, off yourself paki

My Uncle lives in a country cottage, in a small village, I went to visit him, they had gaypride flags on lampposts and took down the hanging crosses in the streets so as not to offend some hypothetical minority that isn't even there.

I am starting to just hate everyone. I play weekend league and so many of the guys are such faggots that I actually get along with the nigs there because at least they are unabashedly masculine and act like men.

>Where do you suggest we go instead?
Do they still have gentlemen clubs?
Else, hang out at university campusses, join their projects/go to their gatherings.
Truly, university has become the high school of 20 years ago.

don't care if this is bait, stop this fucking nonsense right goddamn now. pull yourself together this is exactly what they want, miserable and docile ready and willing to accept their fate. they don't want to see you succeed, and they certainly don't want you to be happy, thats why those two things are the most important things you can do, keep fighting the good fight and don't let the nanny state win by giving up, its not easy but nothing worth it ever is.

I don't agree user, both my parents were from poor post industrial towns, grew up on welfare. Me and my four brothers grew up in poverty, we are all highly intelligent, high IQ, two of us own our own businesses, two were career soldiers.

Welfare enabled my parents to raise kids who own multi million dollar companies created from scratch and employ over 100 people each.

The issue isn't welfare, the issue is a dropping of social standards. This comes from a complete abandonment of principles and identity following ww2.

I understand OP.

Used to be really into helping to try and save this country, the race and people. But everything keeps going backwards. I see graffiti that says ‘fuck white people’, but you can’t even make a scene about it because everyone else thinks that it’s okay to hate whites. Majority of the population are clones, walking in and out and never forming a solid opinion on anything.

I’ve tried so much to stop our race from becoming extinct but I don’t know what to do anymore.

>Become an individualist.
Careful! Being alone is very addictive. Soon you wont be able to stand the sight of the average retarded person because you would rather just be alone with your thoughts.

I am married and have two kids. I don't base my life on fucking THOTS

Bloody hell mate, that's heavy.

you're a virgin

Stop trolling you dickhead.

Youre talking push press right? Six reps at 115 on a strict overhead is legit. But yeah this is one part the board leaves out. Our own behavior has deteriorated quite a bit

perhaps your depression will go away when you raise your kids well and as they get a bit older you'll see that they will carry on your legacy and pride in themselves.

Congratulations, you turned into americans.
Culture enrichment complete.

>You have to understand that the welfare state and socialism has caused a massive dysgenic of all populations in the West.
>socialism causes dysgenic trend
>says nothing of multiracialism
Boomers are actually retarded.

>I am married

>as they get a bit older you'll see that they will carry on your legacy and pride in themselves.
Not in a Children of Men future where they are going to be actively hunted in the streets for being white. Shit's fucked lad. You guys are just an open air lab for what's in store for the rest of us, and you guys went down with a peep.

>my parents were on welfare
>the offspring is now rich
>this is proof that IN GENERAL welfare is not dysgenic
user, please look up distributions. Do you truly believe a significant part of welfare kids do well? Youre on the absolute edge of the bell curve so dont make the horribly ignorant fallacy of using your particular situation to make general claims.

PS: for every guy like you there are 1000 Anons raised under welfare who did not make a post here

Say what you want about America, but there were far ore pleasant friendly people there than where i live.

I got to stay in Texas for two months in my twenties visiting family friends and I loved it. My grandad said it reminded him of living in Yorkshire in the 50's which made me laugh.

Europeans mock America but America is far less socially cucked than Europe. We are disarmed, have hate speech laws and give refugees houses in kensington while old people die from exposure.

At least I ain't Swedish.

Bottle up your hate and grow strong. You're not alone.

>says nothing of multiracialism
This is Sup Forums, is it really neccesary for me to state the obvious facts about low IQ niggers in every post?

The question of the OP was: why is MY race degenerate, a.k.a. white people (unmixed)
I told the OP to not be in the lower tier society where niggers/white niggers live.

>Go to gym hit 115kg x 6 on the OHP

Damn fucking impressive OP if true, whats your bodyweight?

It's a mixed bag really. Yes, texans are based (in the white parts of course) and in lots of other states as well. But when you get to the culture enrichment centers like the coasts, that's when things get really faggy really quick.
The only good places left it seems are the northern states in middle america, and even then its being imported with niggers and spics.

You never know these days.... especially after the mass influx of boomers and plebbit retards.

Let me be clear user, you are right if you are merely arguing welfare is wildly out of control and needs to be stripped back. However I would completely disagree that most white welfare recipients are not later productive members of society.

The issues are

1. Non white welfare recipients are usually isolated in ethnocultural ghettos and are completely unproductive, thus skewing any usable statistics

2. Standards have dropped massively, so you end up with a completely stupid woman in a post industrial town having seven kids, who then go to a shit school, where standards are so low the teachers can't control them, they then go to youth offenders, there is no manufacturing work so unemployment and prison lay in store for them.

This could be solved if we had kept our standards, it isn't a problem of welfare, but the lowered standards that result in the cannibalization of the welfare state.

3. A society can't be made up of only intelligent people, if so it would be a meek and soft one. Tough, hard working and middle of the road IQ populations are what made the white race great. Try conquering continents and occupying colonies with a bunch of Gregg Johnson's and Millennial Woes types.

My Grandad was a non-educated neanderthal who served in a war, had 6 kids, worked all his life and upheld the patriotism and honor of our nation that later, smarter and more educated generations cast aside.

A lot of us would do well to remember that IQ and intelligence are not everything.

Been training for over a decade so not that impressive to be fair. I am 6 foot 215lbs

exile the queen back to israel

Fuck off /leftypol/

Your perspective is all wrong. You must always see the positive in the negative and opportunity in adversity.

When you see ignorant, lazy people then you must think. "Good. Impressionless clay. With the right officers, these idiots will make brilliant soldiers."

"People without a history? Excellent! Then I will teach them."

Always lead, never follow.

As for the stage of history. Everything is dialectics. Push-pull. Every action provokes an equal and opposite reaction. The worse the better as they say.

And most people are the same as they ever were. They just need leadership. If everybody was totally aware and perfectly self-motivated who the fuck would follow orders? Who would sweep the streets? An entire nation of swaggering egotists carrying field marshal's batons. What a useless utopia that would be!

I don't care if there is just one of us left. We will still win. History is on our side.

Despair is a weapon. Pick it up. And use it...

Fuck off you bog Irish prick. All of Ireland is leftypol. Up the RA and remember the GPO, but lets push immigration and flood our country and the North with Nigerians and Chinese.

My population are bad enough, the Irish are the lefties of Europe ffs. Their idea of nationalism is beer, green shirts and a bunch if immigrants and calling the English wascists.

We have lost the veneer of culture in this country.
There is nothing left to remain loyal to here.

Thanks mate, just had a rough time dealing with it lately, in general I am not a mopey guy but sometimes this society fucking eats at your soul.

fuck off shills

The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:









Western whites are fucked beyond repair, currently at self destruction phase. Jews are just an evolutionary pressure factor that facilitate the change.
Your genes will become an ingredient of the future mulatto underclass.

>the Jew freaks out when it's called a Jew
Gg lefty faggot

Disengage a bit and just take care of yourself user, you are an eagle among chickens, figure out and do stuff that refreshes you

White isn't a race, Anglo is.
Stop using terms dumb amerimutts made up.

We fucked ourselves by going to war to defend the likes of your shitty country.Should of let the Germans starve your population like they had planned and make it part of the Reich.

I have the same feelings.
Slavs are so fucking retarded, not surprised everybody hates us.
Same shit happens here adjusted for local specific.

Shill thread

Augusta per Angusta

Good points.
I was more implying that welfare queens who have 5 kids with 3 different fathers are bad. If you hit a rough patch and need some short term help to get on your feet, welfare is fine (you paid into it yourself anyway through your previous taxes)

This is sometimes what I have against Sup Forums I love you guys dearly but seriously you guys are way too conscious of what's going on most of the time and that's not how an average person goes through life.

Stop being so reflective on everything that is happening, the only way you're actually going to improve your situation generally is live in a way that's most contributive to society if you do that and throw caution to the wind then you're bound to make some impact either small or large.

I think too many people here want immediate changes and quick solutions to all the problems in the world but I doubt you're going to find it here because this board seems like it's just a bunch of reactionaries even on the best of days.

It's like this from a female perspective too. I'm married with children, but I don't have female friends because I don't recognise anything in their modern culture I want to participate in.
Painting their nails? Getting their hair done? Watching soap operas? Kardashian or equivalent shite on the telly? Radio 1 or any BBC radio for that matter these days.
I stopped working outside the home on having a family, which made me a pariah and outcast for modern women anyway, Wanting to raise your own children is seen as beneath them, because they buy into the shit in their stupid magazines, and that their schools drill into them.
Yeah, sorry about the blog post.

>my local countryside pub recently had all the old rustic decor stripped out by the new landlady who replaced it with John Lewis furniture and a 'exotic' menu just to appeal to the new massive housing estate they built for yuppies fleeing London

I want to fucking die

Thanks for being a good mum and wife and not a degenerate piece of shit.

This post made me feel better

My childhood town had a 300 year old pub/inn and 15 years ago it was turned into a hipster bar, they literally tore down gorgeous oak beams and added gaudy chrome ones.

They stopped serving ale and started doing sliders, fuck this shit!

This lads, I did it to myself and now I have become complete shut in that meet his friends few times a year.

Yeah sorry for being frustrated by the state of Britain, everything is fine!

Stay inside, play ChampManager and put Ronaldo at Achrington Stanley. Manager status - WORLD CLASS


I'm coming back to Britain.
2nd generation Ex-pat.
Let's just say your streets will have a few less kebab shops when I hit the port.

The weak die, the strong survive
Nothing wrong with anything there



If you want to move back here you need to stop speaking American


Good morning UK! Have a wonderful day!

OP the masses will do as they are told and right now its to behave as apes. Hedonism, greed, degeneration of values. Its a cause and effect because of ((them)).

Black pills are for cowards don't become one. Instead be glorious and have the masses look to you for guidance and strength. You obviously put a lot of emphasis on your environment and rely on it (which is a bad idea) so I'm trying to help you m8!

Remember this happened... tis' possible to sway the masses..
>pic related

great shill tactic

fuck off

It's called knowing your market. Your demographic is not as profitable as the one they pander to now.
Welcome to capitalism.


>Millions of white Englishmen and Brits died because we decided to go to war for pathetic non-countries like Belgium and Poland

Move up far north its (not scotland) still nice up here, no pakis and alot of respect for our past.

Kind of agree, I want our people and culture to continue, but our culture is absolutely dead and utterly disconnected from the past now, and our people are a stupid, willfully cucked mass. The only "nats" are hooligans who can barely seeing a sentence together. I truly think Britain is worse than Sweden or any other memed nations. I just want these islands to burn to the ground.

>too proud and stubborn to stop though.

>>Go to gym hit 115kg x 6 on the OHP
Right. I suppose you have a 225kg bench as well?

Looking at places online to rent right now user, can you suggest some not poor but not super expensive places?

blame churchill, he railroaded parliament into ww1 in 1914 and did everything to get us into ww2, he destroyed this country for pointless reasons of self interest, he didn't really give 2 fucks about poland it was just a convenient excuse.

I live in the west end of Newcastle and its pretty cheap. most of the suburbs of Newcastle are pretty nice and cheap. Try other Burroughs too like Gateshead for even cheaper

There are many cultured, well mannered people in Britain its just you hang out with losers and the lowest tier, yobs, chavs etc..
I suggest you get an education, not just a pointless degree but something that will make you yourself cultured and at least well off if not rich. When you are at that stage (and even before that) you will meet and be introduced to people who are not scum.

are you a celt or an anglo?
that is how anglos act, they are just white niggers.
albion is for celts, not niggers.

I don't bench. I used to do weightlifting but after I stopped I do a really minimalist routine not doing the Snatch or C&J. Looks like this


Weighted dips

Front squat
Bulgarian split squat
Prowler pushes

I treat is as an upper lower and usually do it mon, wed, fri, sun.

Learn Asian language, move there, become rich and happy

Alright mate, cheers.

Shut up virgin.

Thanks user. Raising the next gen of Right thinking Anglos is all I can do.

The fragmentation of culture and community is the New Left's legacy to the West. Try to hold on to what's left, and stay strong. You'll be needed for what's to come.

>going to war to defend the likes of your shitty country
>actually believing this

You went to war to contain Germany's rise, not to "defend Poland". You went to war for greed. You went to war for the Jews

Too near to Manchester. That place is infested, badly.
There will be a fallout from all that one day.
Same for Cardiff, Glasgow, Bristol.....


Everywhere like that has somewhere near it thats bad if you think like that the only place to go is abroad

Don't worry because British are a black race anyway. Their just returning to their melanin roots.

and these are white people you're talking about?

jesus fuck britain

This sounds like somone with an yank proxy say.

Would you have chain stores raise their own prices just so small business could compete?

The only times I see that sort of behaviour is in London from non-whites and the white underclass. Most whites in Britain are decent people you just don't talk to them. The most decent people are usually the quietest.


it's true

if China was 10 years ahead of where they were none of this would have happened

This is the filthy jews' plan! Attack everything sacred and good to destroy the white race. Don't give up! Redpill your friends and family! Great Britain Hail Victory!

I'm considering W & N Wales right now.
Maybe SW Eng.
Sick of seeing the police heli out here, Weds it was out for armed robbery on a Polish shop.....yeah.

An individual doesn't have traditions; they just have habits.

Why is it so many people believe these retarded conspiracy theories on the right, it makes you question your nationalism if retards like this buy into it.

Britain went to war based on its principles. We knew another world war would crumble the empire, we did it because it was right to.

Hitler wasn't some noble pro white gentleman, he was a German Supremacist and Nordicist who had children shot and gassed to death based on his loony Rothschild alex jonesish conspiracy theories.

This is a man who was so retarded he knew Germany had lost and decided to plow ahead, let Germany be completely destroyed and then shot himself while millions of German women got raped by Slavs.

But yeah tell me how Germany was fucked by the Jews, not by electing a nutcase who was a sexually dysfunctional failed artist who destroyed Europe as a continent.

But yeah fuck Churchill.

Where abouts are you originally from mate?

>being this reddit

you have to go back

Delusional goy.

I would abolish the capitalist economic system and replace it with a gilded planned economy to restore meaning and a healthy society which isn't about materialist oblivion.

what retarded conspiracy theories