Jojo Thread

Did the anime make you like any character more? Do you expect to change your opinion about this beautiful bastard or really anyone from part 5?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Diamond_Is_Unbreakable#Episode_list

something tells me DP are gonna ruin the gang in favor of making Gio shine

Gappy makes me happy

Nah, DP is faithful to the manga

>Did the anime make you like any character more?
Made me sour on Josuke and early part 4 but made me like more of the minor villains in part 3.

>Part 5
Probably not. I don't mind Gio. I'm just really ambivalent to him. I don't think it will make me sour on him like with Josuke.
I think a couple characters and fights will be more interesting. Seeing Tiziano and Squalo will probably be better if the anime gives them a little more. Melone and Secco too for minor characters, both fights will benefit from being animated.

I'm just interested in general. I like the slight different interpretation and colours between the games, anime and illustrations. I'm more curious than expecting anything.

Part 5 needs more added scenes between the gang

I want to make Ghiaccio my pet and listen to his ramblings 24/7

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad

I got sunshine in a bag

I'm useless but not for long

The future is coming on

I've got sunshine, in a bag

>Did the anime make you like any character more?
Dio and Kars
>Do you expect to change your opinion about this beautiful bastard?
Probably not unless he gets anime only interactions

Why do people like part 6 again? It had a few good characters and some enjoyable fights but a majority of it feels like complete shit. Doesn't help that a good amount of the stands are really dumb. Making a stand based off of a cryptid and given really random powers was retarded. Don't even get me started on Heavy Weather.

it's the worst part but special snowflakes say it's good to look cool and sophisticated

>worst part
>when SC and PB exist

I'm not the biggest fan of part 6 but it had chemistry between the characters and actual plot. If you're into bizarre gimmicks like Araki then you'll enjoy part 6. The biggest problem with it is that some of them are unthreatening gimmicks with no tension. I feel like people hate it because it's between action packed VA and SBR with amazing characters and story

At least Stardust Crusaders had a better main cast and the stands while shit for the most part, they were better than Stone Ocean's.

True, but it also had second third blandest JoJo and consisted of 90% filler.

>second third
I meant third. I originally typed second, but then remembered Giorno exists.

>desudesu talk
I'll check it out. I'll reply to you on VBDB soon by the way. I will now fuck off.

Kewl got Ultra Jump, looks like we're gonna see the next evil Stand user in this chapter.


Please. Will my prayers be answered?
Can't he at least gives us the chapter title?

What is the most Filler arc of JoJo?

Yukako will make an appearance in the new Rohan one-shot.

Like 70% of Part 4

Probably part 4.

>tfw it's my first wait for the new chapter
How do you guys contain yourself?

Daaaamn, Yukako looks pretty nice in Araki's new style.

Haha, I get that much but at least Polnareff and Joseph make up for his rather bland character. Most of the main cast in 6 isn't too good though. Like, Emporio and Hermes.

>Been waiting consistently for 2 years
You'll get used to it but fuck is it hard when a chapter ends on a superb cliffhanger.

Finally, still crossing my fingers for female rocks

It's been getting easier since I started working and now have the money to buy JoJo SAS to ease the pain

The Sun

Hermes was a great bro though? Like, sure she didn't get many fights but her bromance with Jolyne was great. F.F., Jolyne and Hermes had great interactions overall, but Emporio turned out to be an MVP in the end as well so I'd cut him some slack.

Anasui and Weather though, while they didn't get many interactions, their interactions with eachother were gold and their Stands were fucking great too.

Dio's Sons or most of new enemy stands made by Kira's dad. Dio's sons weren't too amazing though, Rods are dumb, Van Gogh was good dumb, The son that's backstory was Holes had a fun fight though. Most of the part four fights were pretty good, except like, Janken Boy.

>DP thought it was a good idea to give the sun a full episode

>Rods are dumb
>Dissing motherfucking APOLLO 11 and Jolyne on fire
Rods were one of the most surprisingly hype fights in the series dude, also helped a fuck ton that Rykiel is one of the most underappreciated minor villains. He had a stupid outfit but his character was genuinely great.

Rods was better than anything in part 4.

I like Hermes and Emporio. Jolyne was rather boring the more it went on. Without Hermes she wasn't too interesting. FF was nice, though she didn't stand out. Anasui could of been a really cool character with that introduction they gave him, but he just becomes a joke. Weather is alright but after Heavy Weather I can't think of him without thinking of the stand.

Stardust Crusaders.

Threadly reminder that David is working on the Sagrada Reset anime and Part 5 will be announced right after that ends.

>post yfw yasuho fucking dies this chapter

Yukako looks barely recognisable outside of the uniform.
I'm guessing the flower crown abomination is the daughter that needs saving?
Thee premise alone is very baffling. I guess Araki read something that caught his attention.

>Dio's Sons
I think they had a place, it made sense with the dynamics of family and the idea that Dio corrupts everything he gets his reaches too. The interaction with Rykiel and Pucci is really good for Pucci's character to. He is trying to replicate what Dio did to him but for the sons.
Sky high is a retarded stand and could have been design/handled better but it was a great fight with neato art.
I'm not as hype on BR as some but it was a very fun fight regardless and Versus was nice change of tone between the three of them.
The fact all three of them are different types of weakness all fit in with the pat too. Not wasted filler at all.

There's also 9 episodes left in Monster Hunter Stories.

Great, now she looks exactly like my ex.

I was talking more about the ability in general. Rykiel was a kinda cool allude to Jonathan, and I like that, but it's more of the rods that ruined it for me. Also, while Jolyne on fire is cool, it leaves me wondering how the fuck are there no burns, like how most wounds in part 3 were gone right afterwards with no good explanation.

David's just supervising that iirc. Fuji TV's staff is working on it the most.

But yeah looks like Reset and MH will end at the same time.

I liked Jolyne more and more as the part went on honestly. She was one of my favourite JoJos because of her growth. Her badass moments like lighting herself on fire or the fucking Mobius Strip really made me love her, but I think I just really liked her at the end, especially with how she sacrificed herself to save Emporio. Really felt like a Jonathan-like thing to do.

As for Anasui, I think he served his purpose. He was a dickbag but a funny one and even turned out to be more of a bro near the end when he took shots to protect Jotaro and the others. Weather was fucking one surprise after the other, every time him or Pucci showed up you knew something insane was going to happen, it made me enjoy the part quite a bit.
I guess I can sorta see where you're coming from. I used to be really big on weird paranormal or unexplainable shit years ago so seeing a Stand about fucking rods was actually very interesting for me.

I hope they get really snazzy with the storyboards in part 5.

That's pretty fair, but I was mostly thinking of the fights rather than the characters in question. Fucking dumb for me not too but still.

I'm sure they will honestly, part 4 got pretty fucking creative with their storyboards and directing. The Lock, Rohan 2, BTD 1, Ratt and Enigma come to mind, if they get a bigger budget (hopefully they do) I could imagine part 5 being the best animated part yet.

Nobody likes part six.

Only good part was the gay priest.

Nobody likes Jojo.

Only good part was the poses.

I really wish I wasn't so crunched on time so I can post longer things. I found that Jolyne lost most of her appeal once she was just interacting with the others, her badass moments are quite nice to watch though. Möbius Strip might be my favorite moment in part 6

Nobody likes Araki

Only good part was Baoh

I hope they don't drop creative cuts midway through like they did with part 4


Nutman makes me nut, man.

Nobody likes manga.
Only good part was fanservice.


>making a character with no personality shine

I think the only thing that would satisfy you would be to have the anime be done by Studio Fantasia.

Reminder to ignore "DavidPoo"fag.
Agreed, it was nice that they brought those back though for the 3rd cour. Noticed them a lot more, and they were fuckin' delicious in the last 5 episodes.

Nobody likes anything.
Only good part was that one thing.

Don't you dare baiting Giornofags again

Part 5 might be able to go a bit further especially if DP has no other anime to spread thin on.

Deadly Queen has already touched this (you)

Nobody likes the observable universe.
The only good part is Earth.

God damn I forgot how creative part 4 got with its shots sometimes. Stuck out a fuck ton more to me than anyones from part 3 or 1.

I'm expecting that the part 5 anime will hopefully be even more creative but with the added addition of having some 10/10 animation with a bigger budget since part 4 was pretty successful in Glorious Nippon.

Did you leave already? Good riddance, fuck off for good.

Nobody likes the act of living
The only good part is Death

Davidpoo fails to the capture the creepiness of the original panel. They replace Kira's blank facial expression with a weird "scrunched face" and added way too much shading.

I hope not.

Most of the episodes you listed had like 1 or 2 creative cuts while the rest of it looked mediocre.

If by faithful you mean being a boring panel for panel adaptation then sure.

Why did Davidpoo smear tar all over Kira's face?

Do you think that Part 4 was a bad adaptation, or merely a flawed, but serviceable, one?

>The Lock
>Rohan 2
Okay, now you're baiting.
>Boring panel for panel adaptation
But that's literally what you want, isn't it? Judging by how the "comparisons" you post only really lack detailed shading in the anime version, all you literally want is a panel-by-panel adaptation, a motion-comic in other words.

Fuck off.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out the flaw of the part 4 anime, but to say there was nothing good about it at all or to say it was a bad adaptation is a fucking travesty. Part 4's adaptation was flawed here and there but for the most part it did the part justice, especially with the much smaller budget it had in comparison to part 3. People who claim it's a bad adaptation have clearly never seen an ACTUAL bad adaptation, like Berserk or One Chapter Per Episode Piece.

>especially with the much smaller budget it had in comparison to part 3
Don't forget that it was also aired as 1 continuous Season, unlike Part 3 which was split into 2 parts with a 3 month break.

Precisely, it's not entirely DP's fault that they were restricted like this, it's WB's. If part 4 got a season split the 2nd half would've probably looked far better, but even then it's at least admirable as hell that they didn't make the same mistake as they did with SDC's last few episodes. The last 5 episodes of DiU were some of the best in the entire adaptation.

As mediocre as you can get. The atmosphere and music choices especially is something they fuck up on.

The Lock and Rohan 2 were the only decent episodes you listed.
>Boring panel for panel adaptation
>But that's literally what you want, isn't it?
No. If they're going to do a panel to panel adaptation then I want them to do iconic panels justice.

I really hope we get an animation artstyle similar to Part 4 but on a higher budget - i love when Part 4 made those creative shots

>As mediocre as you can get.
You don't know the meaning of the word's_Bizarre_Adventure:_Diamond_Is_Unbreakable#Episode_list
>OVA: July 31, 2017
Is there a source for this?

>The last 5 episodes of DiU were some of the best in the entire adaptation.
see Occasional sakuga can't save a poor episode, there was almost as many shitty off-model shots as there was in DIO's World. The music choices were terrible too.

Because your definition of iconic it flawed. Iconic doesn't mean "cool panels that I liked". After all they did daga kotowaru and Josuke getting pissed over his hair a great justice


Everything I've posted is iconic besides

>The atmosphere and music choices especially is something they fuck up on.
In some cases, yes, but they also had more episodes with astounding choices of music. Choices like having each minor villain in the 3rd cour get their own theme (Fucking ENIGMA boys) was really good. Kira's theme in general was used brilliantly, and then there's episodes like Rohan 2 and BTD 1 and 2 which created some of the most tense atmospheres in the entire series due to how well the OST was sued.

You're talking out of your ass if you think the majority of the part 4 anime failed in the OST department, it used it really well in far better ways than say, part 3 or 1.

Also, the ones you've listed aside from Killer Queen's reveal and the Highway Star spread (which wasn't even bad) are the only "Iconic panels" you've shown. Do you even know what the phrase means or are you talking out of your ass again?
>There was almost as many shitty off-model shots as there was in DIO's World.
Only for CDIU 1, and even then that episode had some absolutely fucking gorgeous shots.
That example you posted is literally only one shot, cherrypicking examples does not prove in any way that the entire adaptation is bad.



>Using still images from the anime in your comparison

>Everything I've posted is iconic
Under which circumstance?

The only iconic ones you've posted were Killer Queen's reveal and the Highway Star spread, which shouldn't even count because you cherry-picked a frame from a moving animation which literally shows that spread a second later.

If you're going to make shitty bait, put some effort into it. You're a complete pain to respond to and a pain to ignore.

>Kira's theme in general was used brilliantly
It was obnoxious as fuck and reused constantly.
>Also, the ones you've listed aside from Killer Queen's reveal and the Highway Star spread (which wasn't even bad) are the only "Iconic panels" you've shown.
How the fuck is the BTD spread not iconic? It was even in ASB.
>Only for CDIU 1, and even then that episode had some absolutely fucking gorgeous shots.
Not really.
>you cherry-picked a frame from a moving animation
It looks like shit in motion too. It also doesn't show that spread, it shows the panel after.

>It looks like shit in motion too
Then why don't you show it in motion?

>In a 2013 interview for NHK Educational TV's SWITCH Interview: Tatsujin-tachi with composer Akira Senju, Hirohiko Araki discussed how music has influenced JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and revealed Snoop Dogg's album Doggystyle is in his music collection which he listened to when writing Vento Aureo and its gangster protagonists.
tfw we might get a Snoop Dogg song as the ending for part 5

See, if you were talking about Part 3 and it looked like this I'd get it, but With Part 4 they obviously stopped with the primary focus of making the adaptations more of a slightly animated Manga with really detailed shots but with little animation. They wanted to do something different with part 4 and it showed, with changing up the order of certain arcs, having three arcs go on all at once, and having actual animation and more original scenes. They weren't trying to make a panel for panel adaptation with this, and it's not like they didn't have some really good recreations of panels either.
This image is a testament to what I'm saying.

>2D skewed perspective
I always love seeing that be done.

Don't feel like making a webm

>and it's not like they didn't have some really good recreations of panels either.
>and having actual animation