To avoid political and social trends?.... They feel no connection to their peers so they don't care what's happening to their peers in society as long as they escape it. They hate lots of the modern trends and where the minds are changing on friendships, relationships, values, and politics of the new far left and far right. So the conclusion they come to is to isolate themselves from it all and refuse to talk to most people. What are your thoughts on this solution? Good or bad?
What do you think of people who Isolate themselves from Society?
they aren't procreating so it's not like they'll pass their lifestyle along
>asking a board 99% filled with such people
Are they the modern intellectual hermits?
>implying this lifestyle have something to do with genetics and not with social/economical/political situation and general upbringing
What kind of upbringing would these people have compared to the ones who don't isolate themselves? They live in the same world as the others but make the radical choice to drop out.
I don't understand this 'same world' notion. Go to your neighbors door to door and see for yourself that everybody else life is different.
I mean we're reacting to the same outside world trends but we react differently and come to different conclusions. I see myself as an observer of the world though, not a participant. The world just happens to me.
I think they browse Sup Forums.
Its a reflection of a sick society and her failure.
We are economic auto-didacts, self-taught philosophers and gifted visionaries. While others waste their life labouring under the orders of those who see only material cost in life, we pursue leisure above all else, knowing as we do that leisure and time to oneself is the basis of genius. Despite many people disliking the culture and society they help maintain through their work, and despite understanding now that we have only a single life on earth and that any meaning we attribute to it as the result of self-willed or socially-inculcated ideologies. they continue to wake early and trudge to their jobs for one single reason: Guilt. Throughout time religions have taken advantage of Man's guilt. a guilt experienced for no logical reason except that he unlike other animals is a self-aware being whose abstract thoughts conflict with the apparently practical, rational reality he finds himself a part of. We post-guilt NEETs will not bow to internal or external pressures encouraging us to sacrifice our contentment and sensitive dispositions for the sake of attaining money, or womenfolk. We alone stand proudly, detached from but keenly observant of the slave masses who yell at us for not being as unhappy as they are. We alone, we band of true men. defend our right to live a dignified life against those wishing to deprive of us of it. Yes you can mock. you can criticize. you can echo the demands your masters make upon you. But who is likely to regret their lives more? The noble and dignified NEETs who spend their truly precious time reading, pondering, philosophizing and engaging in critical, urgent debate online? Or the miserable, resentful masses. their eyes bloated and sagged by excess folds of skin. their hair falling out and their gums bleeding from stress, their bowels destroyed by a sedentary lifestyle spent at their desks clicking endlessly while their boss breaths down their necks? This is reality. This is 2018. We are the future.
What if they are disgusted at a lot of the new left but also a lot of the alt right? But also disgusted with neo liberal globalism and neo cons like Bush?
I know I am.
Do you think we are unaffected by society's views at this moment? It sort of seems this way given we don't follow the trends. It's like the world just happens and we observe it.
That's how I am. I have a house and I'm employed but I keep my mouth shut because I don't know any good people.
>Do you think we are unaffected by society's views at this moment?
Yes, most people are not needed in todays world and the future people will be more physically isolated more connected trough the internet. The world is moving into globalism, because all the big companies are moving there. Next 5-10 years humanity will be more isolated because of technology however it's not a bad thing. It's all depends what people like.
>pass their lifestyle along
NEETs tend to be one of the most active participants on the internet. They will most definitely pass something along, and their thoughts and beliefs are especially virulent.
I'm a hikikomori and I view it as sort of a tiny act of defiance against a degenerate and corrupt world, I not only refuse to work for this garbage society but actively drain it's resources for my own gain by collecting NEETbux.
The collapse can't come soon enough.
I want to literally sleep through the next crisis. I don't want total collapse but something better.
You won't meet any good people if you never open your mouth.
You will find the most people take more away from you than they give. Isolation is an act of self preservation.
Choose your participation wisely. The West is very very sick. Don't be "shamed" into participation (read: Spend money so the Jew can tax you).
Honestly I'm comfy as fuck in an 8x8 room with a small bed, desk, internet, game controller and hotplate. I work about 20 hours a week putting up freight and sleep late every morning. It's the easiest fucking job in the world.
What more could you want?
We are entering an age where the internet is our window and otherwise we can just live in our 8x8 space. I've been realizing that lately.
I simply just don't want to go out anymore.
Sup Forums is filled with these weirdos. I dont even know nothing about the anime shit you guys post. you fags are into irrelevant bullshit.
My parents both praise hard working individuals. Meanwhile I hate virtually everything about their lifestyle and their attitudes. I see no point in it. I have a full-time job and pay a small enough rent where most of my money is my own... But what's the point? Why bother? I don't care about money, never have and never will. Beyond what brings my satisfaction, I have no real use for it. Why spend most of your waking hours working just to make enough for the gracious opportunity to work more? Work to live, live to work? There is no purpose in that.
There is little purpose in life beyond fulfillment, which I am disgusted by people who get satisfaction from raising a child in the modern world... such a horrid place to feel happy raising a child. So easy to corrupt, but you are expected to hold a smile the whole time and accept everything. So I indulge in entertainment, but with a full-time job I get so little of it that I'm chronically depressed and suicidal. I have no real use for the money I earn beyond platitudes and things that bring minuscule amounts of enjoyment.
I've even been thinking of ways to get on disability to escape the wageslavery and retake my life. Unsure of how hard it would be with my circumstances but it's more desirable at this point to try and "An Hero" if it fails, than to keep up this absolute charade of a "life". Worst case scenario which has been spinning around in my head frequently is "attempting" suicide in a way that would leave me crippled if failed, already fully thought out and planned.
TL;DR - I understand the sentiment and reaction, but I doubt people are doing so to escape the "far right". If anything they are the backbone of the far right and probably the most well-versed in its inner-workings and knowledge base. That's why you infrequently see threads about the "Superior NEET lifestyle". They take the time from enjoying themselves to enjoy shitposting.
>don't know about anime
>on taiwanese nickelodeon hey arnold re-run internet fanpage
Nigga wat?
Bad. In that if they looked long enough they could understand that 1: they don't NEED to conform to the ideological view of everyone around them and 2: By shutting themselves in like that they rob themselves of the chances of a happy and rewarding, productive life running into others how feel and view the world more closer to how they do.
If they're citizens they're doing their nation a great disservice. Pablo and Achmed are filling the void they create not working nor making families
You're bouncing across extremes bro. Just cut work down to about 20 hours and focus on simple pleasures.
I'm kind of putting my life together again after divorce. I have a tiny house and that's it.
I've found that there are certain things I enjoy day after day. Like hand brewing coffee with a pour over cone. Or laying in bed on a rainy day. I love to post on the Chans or research subjects I like online. I love to just listen to a spotify list from the bluetooth speaker as I do some lucid dreaming. Right now I'm practicing various types of grilled cheese sandwiches. I try this cheese and that. I may add egg or caramelized onions or jelly. It's a fun hobby.
You just have to get used to being your own best friend and really finding relish in those simple pleasures. Work just enough to make some money. Do a decent job but otherwise stay fairly detached from your work. Walk in, earn for five hours. Walk out.
Most people you see and interact with in the Real World make you sick. Pig women. Immigrants. Slobs. Crazy fuckers.
I'm not ashamed anymore by living this way. It's comfy. It's peaceful.
No need to An hero. You just need a break from the Sick Society. There are others who feel like you too. But we motor on after the low spots. You can too. Experiment with various hobbies or research. It can be very fulfilling to learn new things, even if it's something seemingly miniscule.
Subtract your mom and dad or whoever keeps a roof over your head and you're no better than a homeless bum.
>if not SRS excellent copypasta
Both parties suck man
if you have the internet you are not isolated. True isolation would break half these retards.
Baleeb it, leaf. I only go on Sup Forums and /o/ I knew about Sup Forums since college after seeing IRL graffiti about Sup Forums but then starting using Sup Forums myself after HRC started claiming Pepe was a Neo-Nazi hate symbol
It's bad but it's their only option. Once you've acquired a certain level of perception, you can't see yourself as part of this warped society and engaging with people becomes a constant misery.
However people like this have always existed because society has always been sick to a degree.
>a happy and rewarding, productive life running into others
Ah, this reminds me of an angle I meant to touch on.
Many people on the Chans are Red Pilled. You really can't help taking the red pills if you've been here for more than a day.
They say Knowledge is a Burden and this is true.
I think a great part of the "Ah fuck it" attitude I have concerning participation in society is that I see society for what it is, a great big charade.
How can I honestly discuss some sitcom with people when I know it's all propaganda from the Jews?
How can I have a decent conversation with a woman now that I know her female nature better than she does?
How can I talk politics and pretend to give two shits what the MSM says when I know its all manipulation?
And that's the burden of becoming redpilled. It isolates you. You can now only talk to others who are on your power level. It's completely empty and vapid to talk to normies. That is why this trend of isolation is growing. Nobody sees the world the way you do now that you've woken up. I've tried to go to parties and gatherings and I'm absolutely fucking bored with Normie conversation. It's almost painful to hear them talk, like it's apes making mumbling noises.
I don't care. Do what you gotta do, and I'll do what I gotta do
Nobody's enjoying themselves on $700 a month. That's what the monthly NEETbux payment is in burgerland. Its not much at all. You'd need 2 other NEETs to even afford a tiny apartment and even then you'd have no money left over for food and utilities.
If you think you're depressed and suicidal now imagine how you'd feel trying to cover your basics on a fraction as much money.
>I think a great part of the "Ah fuck it" attitude I have concerning participation in society is that I see society for what it is, a great big charade.
What killed it for me is realizing that for most of society, that charade is inevitable and absolutely necessary.
That's because most of humanity is barely human, just barely competent at pretending but simple animals in all other regard. Gradually society has shifted to cater to them.
I am deeply schizophrenic. I cannot operate in society. Regardless of the hallucinations, I am also very lazy. I see no point in work or social relationships. I am apathetic about all things other than the internet.
>if you do not have a job you're no longer better than a bum
There is nothing, you're just some meaningless star dust snowflake, nobody is better than anybody it's just a opinion. you're just cell to transport information to next generation of humans till this evolution or progress don't need humans snowflake. Time is the most valuable thing in your life
This is all true but what was the point in befriending normies anyway? 3/4 of the people I COULD associate with only think as far as what bullshit they plan to watch on TV that evening and what trips to the mall/movie theater/hardware store they plan to do on the weekend. They know more about the ins and outs of the Kardashian sisters more than they know details of their immediate families. They drive what the billboards tell them to drive they jam out to whatever crap happens to be in the Top 40 on the radio and they wear whatever clothes the people on the TV tell them are cool.
I want NOTHING to do with people like that and get very delighted to run into other redpilled people that see through the bullshit of modern society. This can be done without going full hermit NEET, and that's why I say its bad in that being asocial hurts the individual, not society.
Go ask Ted Kaczynski, that sure worked out for him.
For me, many people are vapid, mean and demand excessive amounts of conformity. I prefer to live in my own imagination rather than talk to most people. I construct my own fantasy worlds and live there where anything is possible.
I'm lIke this after working at walmart for over a decade. There's literally nothing to do at 7am when I get out at work and people think I'm crazy when I tell them that 2pm is late in the day, so I guess I'll be isolated until my casket closes.
I can't cut work down, this job would get rid of me the moment I asked and replace me with a random bloke from the countless job-agencies skewing the unemployment statistics in my city. The job market, on that note, is just too terrible otherwise. I have kept applying for other jobs for countless months now to no avail. I'd gladly work 20-hours or so a week, even lamenting with someone that I would gladly work 4-hours every day of the week. But it's just not an option, it seems. It would probably axe half of my problems, but leave others/create more.
I even tell people I'm not a "full-time" worker because I cant stand the "lifestyle" and the lack of meaning in one's life stemming from it. I need more "me" time, but nobody cares. "You should be grateful for having a full-time job. People would love to have that!" (pic related is my reaction). By definition, that *should* be valid reasoning to get on disability in itself since it "restricts my ability to work and/or support myself". But Canada is... rough... with the "gibs" when it comes to "Ethnic" Canadians. If you're an immigrant or other such fuckstick, then you get EXTRA-GIB-ME-DATS ontop of regular ones and other benefits regular Canadians are being shafted out of.
Try moving somewhere where the rent isn't $700 a month dipshit. I could rent a whole fucking house in my area for just over double that with all utilities except internet. The one I'm specifically looking at is a fucking NEET paradise with some other garbage NEETs won't use like a large backyard and a (cuck)shed. I wouldn't even consider this a "cheap" place to live either.
>Plus there is more than just 1 type of NEETbux m'laddy
But if you isolate yourself from most of society you no longer have to deal with most of it. Even going out to places normal people abandoned is nice, especially since they've taken over the net.
So you're a fucking Magapede? Fuck off.
There's not much choice today, unless you want to live like a zombie.
The amount of young males isolating themselves from society is higher than ever because society is excluding us.
Except others think my beliefs defy reality or human nature. Many would rather have dystopia and it's sad.
I wonder how these people could listen to top 40 now and stand it. How could they stand the ugliness of it all? It's like I'm detached from all this.
I think society is isolating people who don't have normal brains. If your brain works abnormally they sense your offness.
Greatest motivator for men was always getting a girl. There was a time where every one man was paired with one women. He was motivated to provide for a girl and his children.
Now we live in society where its encouraged freedom to do whatever you like to act out your natural instincts and this is not how civilization was able to be built. Now only top % of chads get all the girls. Bottom majority of men dont have the reward to maintain the society so they will do whatever else is available. Now the majority of men will only provide the bare minimum for themselves.
>Want to be a NEET and live easy.
>Guns are my favorite hobby though.
>Guns and everything related requires a lot of money and social networking the more in depth you go.
>Work just to fuel my hobby now. Hate everything about work and everyone I work with.
I lived like this for the last 5 years. It's difficult to motivate yourself to participate in a corrupt society.
>gradually accumulating hate and also guns
Great combination!
You can still do that while leaving the house to work at a job and go to the store and maintain relationships with people you do like though.
As one of those people, I'll repost a write-up of my feelings or thing I have noticed about myself, ironically from a shitposting thread:
>I am very low in intelligence and have no future due to my irreparable flawed personality traits and aforementioned low IQ
>I repeatedly insult myself which is a duality of my own self-hatred and self-love, a pity effect which is a mask I keep up in order to delude myself that im not really living my life, im not REALLY stupid, I'm just pretending to be retarded
>I'm incredibly neurotic and thus almost always try to avoid otherwise commonplace activities such as driving, if I am intellectually challenged and I hit a roadblock or two, I will repeatedly back down and withdraw, activating some kind of circuit in my brain that immediately turns that "get some pity" reflex outward, intent on dragging down other people with me when I inevitably mope and then withdraw, hoping they'd be stupid enough to follow me and shower me with more pity and perhaps resources due to said pity
>For any who saw through my trick, I would be easy prey. Instead, I am a predator, or rather a parasite, an opportunist, feeding off of the generosity of others. Once they too observe that I was only using them for my own selfish needs, I withdraw, meet new people, and repeat the process.
>Some would tell me, "Just kill yourself!", and while that would be a logical course of action for a legitimately desperate individual, instead I disguise my actual comfort with my current set of deplorable circumstances with a "fear of death". I know the way I live is horrible, utterly wrong, not deserving of a white person in the very least, but I feel that deep inside, I like living this way. I must, or I would actually listen to my conscious calls for self-improvement.
Without a future in higher education, which I always talk my self out of, nor a future in good, honest work due to my poor physical condition and intolerance for repetitive labor, I am doomed to NEEThood for the remainder of my hopefully short days. It will come upon a foreign executioner, any ideology works, they will see me for who I am, whether an apostate, jew-like, white male, or otherwise. Being very agreeable, I can see myself being almost eager on the death trip to the concentration camp.
Utterly useless, all I can do is regurgitate memes.
>normal brain
What exactly does that mean?
Someone that won't conform to the pressure of being "normal"?
What if that's not your motivation for isolating yourself and you like the concept of freedom and nonconformity?
>Greatest motivator for men was always getting a girl.
Nope, only for men who are in love
I have different desires than a women. life is not all about this primitive stuff but we all are different mentally. When i was young i had these feelings for women but not anymore and don't seek them.
Its not THAT difficult to avoid people Sup Forums would hold contempt for you know.
>Working at walmart over a decade
I like going to places that most normal people have abandoned and explore them. I use industries most people consider dead since the internet has been taken over by normal people.
>How can I honestly discuss some sitcom with people when I know it's all propaganda from the Jews?
>How can I have a decent conversation with a woman now that I know her female nature better than she does?
>How can I talk politics and pretend to give two shits what the MSM says when I know its all manipulation?
Fucking this. And it HURTS, that constant need to supress your powerlevel. So you just isolate yourself rater than deal with the normie dumbfucks that make up 90% of society.
This. New left is just fags but the new right is just edgelords. Internet has always been full of fags and edgelords but now they're creating online ideologies.
No. It's biological brain differences.
Don't you have a dog to blow there, Jean-Claude? I voted for Sanders, but I am happy Trump won since that lying bitch Hillary didn't
Yup, this is pretty much me.
I'd rather avoid people than having to supress this shit all the fucking time.
It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't both purity spiraling hard.
Ideology without understanding will be the death of humanity.
So you're saying you're retarded or mentally ill? What do you mean normal brains?
Normal means nothing it's just a emotional opinion
It what I get for having no skills, qualifications, hs diploma, and living in a place where it's really the only game I have in town. I get messages for job offers at $9/hr for places an hour away. Hopefully I can have a respectable job in engineering in my next life.
Everything feels like some type of imaginary social construct the world decided and that subjective reality is meaningless. What's it mean if you think of many things as imaginary constructs that have no logic or reason and are just arbitrarily assigned?
I also fundamentally disagree with this, I find in myself no need to seek a sexual relationship. Even before I started feeling bitter and resentful towards myself, I noted that I didn't really have a "Crush" or interest in someone since I was eight years old.
Now to add to that, given how broken a "man" am, or at least perceive myself to be, I am actually against the idea of finding a partner for myself. On the emotional level as I would be a poor partner and a worse parent, on the mental level as I would cause severe distress in a potential partner, and physical/genetic level as I don't believe at all that my genes should be passed on. Almost all of my anguish is self-inflicted and a result of my individual failure, not some sort of victimization or circumstances outside my control.
Same here, I work in a field 2/3 of people have zero idea what it is period.
I basically don't have any reason to participate in society. I've always been poor and my interests have been mocked so I get by with very little. I'm introverted so I have nigh zero social needs and thus my material needs are also lesser due to no peer pressure or keeping with the Jones' crap. I've also determined that in line of my own beliefs in eugenics I shouldn't breed so that also lessens interaction. Also no reason trying for politics since radicals like myself have no chance of making a difference. And finally no point to do it for the continued existence of the system since it's going to collapse during my life anyway. Basically it's the sweet point where nothing's worth it. Statistically speaking people like me are bound to happen in an individualistic society since there is no real collectivist push to force us to participate in society.
The trick is just make the normies keep talking and ask questions about their hobbies so they think they're interesting enough to talk about. Always be neutral with your responses. Sprinkle in some jokes every now and then. Just be as boring, vague and uninteresting as possible; this will have a reverse effect on the normie and they will see you as extremely interesting because you are someone they can talk to who doesn't hate them for their boring trivial bullshit.
But in the end it's all a facade, like a lion's roar. It's the phony game. Normies are just tools to be used, never forget that.
I mean, I also camp and hang out with other kommandos, but they are the only people I care about. Why can't everyone enjoy being outside with friends, exercising their rights, and being real?
This is definetly a contributing factor. As a non-chad who is forced to interact with chads
it's awfull.
There is a screencap somewhere about how non 'alpha' males are dehumanised by the modern workplace because they are forced to watch women interact with and chase the top men all day long.
>Get amoged all day long.
>Sit at home & chill out on the computer.
Jesus, I made $9/hr 20 years ago, even back then it didn't go far at all.
yeah wtf OP
Soon user
Just wish I had that perfect girl to drop out with me. Build us a little shelter out in the woods and just live in our little bubble. That’s all I want.
>We are entering an age where the internet is our window
That's true, basically we are not that isolated, we all are connected through the internet
Pic guy is me except that I have a job in construction biz. I still consider myself opted out of society.
I am as you describe and have creampied a qt virgin white chick without paying no larp so I may very possibly reproduce
this is now a waifu thread
A lot of it comes down to pic related. Not like I'm some super genius or anything, but I took this about a year ago before I knew calc.... I'm pretty sure I'm a solid 135 on a good day.
100 is absolute normie tier
110-115 is the "tee hee, I'm so smart! You should read science magazines like me! Oh call on me teacher! I have the answer! Look at me!"
120-125 is optimal for having a balance of being able to blend with normies, and not having such a firm grasp on patterns that the state of the world starts to physically hurt you
130- Smart enough to possibly be completely isolated from society, but not quite smart enough to do anything brilliant (unless you work your ass off)
140- now you have a good shot of becoming famous
150- pretty much guaranteed to be famous, or highly accredited somehow. At this point you will likely get an offer to join the elites in fucking the world
I'm genuinely a shitty human being. The things that I actually want usually involve things that are illegal and potentially harmful for myself and the people around me. Still, I thankfully know better than to act on those desires of mine. That does leave me stuck in between somewhere though. I have the conscience to prevent me from doing horrible things, but I also lack anything to drive me to actually do valuable things in life too. Isolation is the middle ground I'm somewhat content with. While it's not doing any good, it's at least not deliberately malicious to my peers.
>I should pretend to be a normie so I can 'go along to get along'
I know. And I do try. But it's depressing and fucks with my soul. I feel like I have to turn my IQ down 20-30 points or they get insecure and often even try to fuck with me.
Or I can just shitpost and play vidya where I dont have to worry about idiots.
It’s a result of damaging childhood experiences with a pathological society. They will probably never quite be able to function naturally due to years of conditioning from an early age.
>That's true, basically we are not that isolated, we all are connected through the internet
I prefer communicating with people through the net, IRL has so much baggage it's nearly impossible to engage with anyone in a genuine fashion. At which point it's just an elaborate and meaningless social dance.
Here on the net people speak their mind, act like little shits, lurk. It's lovely and pure.
Save your money.
See the world.
Bang foreign pussy.
Buy gold.
Have kids.
Pass down wealth to your offspring.
Teach them good values.
Dress well.
Buy a nice car. Clean it, maintain it, preserve it.
Be everything the childless feminists and dickless beta orbiters don't want you to be.
The strongest man on this planet is a guy that has his life in order and preserves, instead of existing as a parasite who destroys.
this is very succinct and powerful user
Right now I would say my life is somewhere in between Red pill and dead inside
Holy shit guys, sempai has noticed you,
happy now? What do you guys want litering this place day and night With my recordings or whatever. Yeah i'm" such a loooser lol xD" but you guys take the cake goddamit.
Go virtue sinal the ginger a Chile at a pizzaria ir something. Fuck, i mad.
>isolate themselves
They don't isolate themselves. They are ostracized unless they conform. You should have respect for those who resist the temptation to be just like everyone else.
90 percent of the time I feel no intrinsic motivation to fit in at all. It's just other people's arbitrary feelings.
I'm postmodern. Everything seems like some arbitrary social construct the world decided. I'm also so black pilled I'm blue pilled.