>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>The Memo
>Pres Trump @Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/8/18
>SoS T-Rex meets GUA Pres Morales 2/8/18
>SoS T-Rex meets CHN Rep Jiechi 2/8/18
>CJCS Gen Dunford talks to some ladyboys 2/8/18
>WH Press Brief (Dep PressSec Shah) 2/8/18
>DefDep Press Brief (Dana White) 2/8/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump @2018 Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/8/18
>IntDep Video: Promises Kept 2/8/18
>NoKo full military parade 2/8/18
>VP Pence post JPN speech presser 2/7/18
>More VP Pence w/Troops in JPN 2/7/18
>2nd Lady Karen interview 2/7/18
>VP Pence speaks to troops in JPN 2/7/18
>VP Pence meets w/JPN PM Abe 2/7/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/AF Gen Selva testify @House 2/6/18
>WH Video: VP Pence in Japan 2/7/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis) 2/7/18
>AG Sessions in Tampa Bay FL 2/7/18
>AG Sessions @Reagan Alumni Assoc 2/6/18
>We're gonna B52 the shit outta you 2/7/18
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Mccain hasn't been seen or voted since late December
>you now remember the nightly antifa / black lives matter riots that occurred after almost every Trump speech or Rally during the campaign.
Did Rand fucking do it?
He’s in piss poor health and he was up to his neck in some very illegal shit.
The illegals are deporting themselves right now!
The Wall will be built!
The economy will continue to grow!
1st for Barron, future Emperor of the Planet Earth and Conqueror of the Milky Way Galaxy
Why does the media stroke his 'red button'?
>tfw cops parked outside gym and can't leave
I think patrice could handle the modern era. dave chappelle is too much of a beta mindlet to do it
I love awoo posters too much
I'm banging Marla Joe-style. Stay mad, losers.
Bernie Sanders took over North Korea? What a mensch!
How much you wanna bet he's been dead for a while, but (((they))) don't want to make it public so they can keep his seat as long as possible. My grandma went through the exact same treatment as him last year and she died within 6 months of chemo and radiation. There's absolutely no way he's still alive.
are you armed? did you take hostages?
What do you plan to do when SWAT arrives? Are you going to negotiate with the crisis response psychologist? What are your demands? Tell us more user.
I'm remembering that a PAC that was in direct communication with Hillary dogwhistled Trump's Chicago rally and caused a riot to get it shut down, and we have them on camera admitting it but although one person was fired no charges were filed.
Harvey Weinstein is actually a caveman they found in the La Brea Tar Pits and brought back to life via cloning
>one less sugar in my coffee
This shit is terrible.
>this is my husband, the wife.
She wants the jew meat tho
What did you do user?
Someone call into C-SPAN and say something like, "Ever since the 17th Amendment was ratified we've seen a consolidation of legislative power in the Senate. Increasingly we see the House of Representatives - which was designed to be the dominant legislative house - undermined by the demands of the Senate. This is not how the founding fathers designed the federal government and it is hurting the entire country. Repeal the 17th Amendment!"
Why did he abandon us?
>browsing through the awoo database
>am only contributing less than 4% of all awoo oc
Sorry for slacking.
>Hurr durr moot
Moot went off the rails. He may never have been ourguy at all. First of all he's a goon. Towards the end he was rubbing shoulders with full-on sjw fucktards and attending their festivals. In his 8-hour final AMA he said that SJWs don't exist which is pretty bizarre.
Any roasties itt, let Marla be a lesson for you: birth a girl, get thrown out on the street.
I only have 1 awoo on my hard drive. true story.
I save it for special occasions
They pulled over some guy and are blocking the exit. It's only a matter of time before they come for me.
How does making the Senates not popularly elected change anything?
I remember that too, now I am sad.
Jeff Sessions was a mistake.
It's time for you to periscope this shit user
do it faggot. I need a happening.
Probably because he meant that they're not people and are just hippies playing with their own squishy bits
Also he rubbed shoulders with anyone who would offer twords the end
We DID destroy his life it's not like he had too many friends
We have the best First Lady, don't we folks?
>“The first lady, in that five hours when the Obamas and the Trumps went down to the Capitol and Trump was being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States,”
>Begley claimed, “Melania Trump said to her husband – she said, ‘I’m not going to go into that White House unless it has been completely exorcised.'”
hold up how you gunna drop this picture and not say anything
>I'm banging Marla Joe-style.
You're banging Marla's head with a bust of Abraham Lincoln? I might have to call the cops on you, user.
Senators need to be ambassadors of the STATE GOVERNMENTS and the STATE CONSTITUTIONS.
Right now State governments have no representation.
>Nothing ever happens
I actually could believe that since she's Catholic
They would finally be accountable to the states they represent. More importantly, though, the state legislatures will appoint a far better class of senator than the unwashed masses elect. Most importantly, the House of Representatives will regain its position as the dominant legislative body insomuch as not being democratically elected the Senate will have a significantly reduced mandate.
Just go watch the speech. All 1 hour 9 minutes of it
he ded
not that that's going to prevent him from sponsoring anti-trump bills and issuing anti-trump press releases and tweets
Why does Holo have breasts but no nipples?
>births Donald a son right out the gate
>now this
A woman among roasties.
My old pc died so I lost my OC and no one posts them anymore
I need to make more
Was posted hours ago, now we're just farming for (you)s to avoid page 3
How's learning to draw going?
I actually agree with you guys, makes sense.
I just realized something about Pelosi's statement about her Grandchild wanting to be black.
In 1954, some of the evidence for the existence of racism in Brown v. Board was literally that too many Black kids wanted to be White.
It would be kind of funny to use Brown v. Board to prove the existence of reverse racism
I would have done the same.
UPDATE: They've left the parking lot and I can leave now. I'm going to make it!
She knows what King Nigger was up to in there. I'm sure theres been more than a few dead babies in those walls. I'd want it exorcised and blessed
The 17th Amendment basically nullified the power of states in our government.
And ever since then senators have continuously ceded their powers to the federal government .
>do not reverse search
Why didnt i listen
>Trump wont bully my pops again
Whats Piggy McCain going to do, eat Trump to death?
I just sat down for the night but alright.
How many burgers / frys till Nancy shuts down your government?
>UPDATE: They've left the parking lot and I can leave now. I'm going to make it!
Where to? Taco Bell? Wendy's? Keep us posted.
No user she's Catholic and the Obama's we're not
They could have been pure Aryan stock and she would still have said that if they weren't Catholics
I love my Queen
Nor should you!
sources also say FLOTUS required the removal of a malt liquor, fried chicken, watermelon and weed smell
Normies will be up in a few hours, let's get to work on the hashtags.
Her visit to Italy was kino af
wow it's real hahaha
She looks like a better Trish.
So is there going to be any news from the House regarding the budget before morning? I'm just staying up waiting on any happenings at the moment to procrastinate studying, and not sleeping tonight so I have an excuse to tell myself if I don't do well on the exam tomorrow.
Vote expected sometime after 3AM.
Rand is a faggot and always drums up weird shit when he filibusters, if the fucker cared they would have been nicer prior to this damn thing
I'm going home. It's almost 3 am I am tired.
what is kino
yo WHO THE FUCK SNORTED THAT 350k of gov't cocaine?
Sad to hear about your grandma, user.
Does that mean the government opens back up on Monday?
Guaranteed replies
baka, desu
how could you tell?
Go to bed. The vote will happen with, or without you. Your future is more important and that is something very much dependent on you.
>this is classy to a Drumpfie
I'm not really that tired but I need to work tomorrow so I think I'm going to bed, desu. NEW BAKER NEEDED.
I would like to point out that if this budget passes, Republicans are screwed for the midterms. All the DNC has to do is run ads of every GOPer complaining about obama’s Deficit spending, and then show them passing this disaster of a bill with its 300 billion deficit.
Seriously guys, this budget is Terrible. It has huge increases to gibs and no funding for a wall. Our only ‘victory’ is military spending...