Jared Taylor vs Tariq Nasheed

Jared Taylor vs Tariq Nasheed


Fucking hell this is hilarious, Tariq got raped.

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I just started watching it I don't know why anybody takes this dumb nigger seriously. He's really fucking stupid and inarticulate.

Anybody who has watched this care to give me a quick rundown?

Anyone that's white is a white supremacist. Whites rule the world, even China.

I had to stop watching after an hour. I felt embarrassed for Jared Taylor having to "debate" this retarded nigger

Oh boy this is going to good. God bless Jared Taylor.

JT just played along and make fun of TN by letting TN showcase for everyone how stupid he was, while JT sat their grinning and asking trap questions which TN would run into like a tard

Nah he a troll


How do you KKKave beasts feel after you got worked over?


It was beautiful

Well i suppose i can be KKK now after getting called a Russian and a Nazi by everyone else.

>can you guys hear me?
>huhwe can hear you fine

>"The Nazis invented IQ" - Tariq Nasheed 2018

Nah bro, Tariq "MA NIGGA" Nasheed was dropping truth bombs and #blackfacts on that stanky azz wy*te boi #blm #notmypresident

even some of yo whyte ass honkeys can see you kkk fuhrer fucked up. literally all jared could do is act smug and fillbuster. smfh. learn some respect, and do your homework before you speak to Tariq. Let alone in academia.

say it wit' me


He looks like he is posing for a rap covershoot.

kek, Based Alaska

>everything is white supremacy
>even when minorities are better off than whites




Smug faggots
Fake faggots

Fake threads

promotional ad threads



fuck yourself OP

Personally I think based black men like TN are doing God's work.
13% of our population is pushing a hard-line narrative that everything wrong in their lives, the world, etc is the fault of the white man.
6.5% of our population (black males) comprise 70+% of all criminals/prisoners, almost 40% of all murder, almost 50% of all rape.
The more insistent and out of control that 6.5% criminal base becomes, and the more they berate and attack white men who founded, built, and support the equitable and charity-driven western civilization, the closer we come to the average beneficent white man waking up and realizing he is being taken for granted and his generosity being abused.
I'm all for the tiny minorities getting ever-more-arrogant and hateful. It just means we're one day closer to watching them be extinguished.


At 29:20 Tariq is saying that whites hate blacks because of "muh dick"

Wow, was watching a tariq debate with Jesse Lee Peterson and he accidentally names the jew. I think he might be one of us


>that nod and "mmhmm"
i think he recognizes early on this guy is insane therefore debate is out of the question...so he just asks him questions and lets him go on with his conspiracy theories
this is hilarious

his brain is so fuckng tiny. look at that one inch forehead

jesus christ

According to Tariq
Whites rule the world, the WHOLE world.

And the whole video he just makes up shit, literally no historical or scientific evidence, just ramblings.

Kinda like Sup Forums about Jews.


Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black honorary aryans who will be allowed in the ethno state and give a white wife

I mean that completely unironically, that man does not even deserve to be anywhere near niggers

He's a black conspiracy theorist.
KANGS is the black version of chemtrails.

he can live in a research lab for animal testing

like hell am I going to let you niggerlovers release a single one of them into our society

I get the impression from the handful of interviews that I've seen that he's very low intelligence. I find it painful watching him

You're probably a civic nationalist at heart. I feel the same way minus the white wife

he raped himself. it doesnt take a jared taylor to make this ape look stupid

You're a fucking faggot dude.

Not really I think most blacks are disgusting arrogant filthy subhumans

But you gotta see Jesse’s slutwalk video. That guy shouldn’t have been born a nigger, this was clearly a mistake

>the whole video he just makes up shit, literally no historical or scientific evidence, just ramblings.
>Kinda like Sup Forums about Jews.
I know you're Polish and you have an ingrained hatred towards anything "Nazi" but one day you'll have to realize that they were right about the importance of race and you'll have to recognize the jewish danger and defend yourself from it whether you like national socialism or not.

Tariq exposed that the whole world is full of White supremacists. He figured that shit all by himself because he is so smart.

I love that video because if it was white dude like Owen Shoryer would go and ask around the same things, he would be aggresively attacked and forced to stop interviewing people.

But it was a black grandpa, most feminists couldn't attack him over his uncomfortable questions because of their identity politics.

Normally their would get a hard question and go full REEEEE WHITE MALE FUCK OFF

Jared won, but he needs to stop laughing so much

I think swastika, Hitler and National socialism is completely ruined.
Even If I'd agreed (I get NatSoc points, even support some of them), you simply cannot get any momentum in real world because of how agressively shut down nazis are.

IMO, nazi identity and NatSoc should be dropped. Also Hitler did more damage to Europe than good. He fucked up so many European people for Gods sake.

Jesus Christ, I had heard of Baked Alaska but never seen one of his videos. Intolerable faggot.

I'm 40 mins in, he's only been active in the first few minute intro plugging his merch

I never realized before how much Jared can sound like Hank Hill. lmao I will never unhear this.

>we have the genetic capacity to annihilate the entire planet sexually

Also, doesn't he realize that this statement just kinda gives an excuse for white supremacy?

Keeping niggers at bay now makes sense if he's right. I mean, it's self-defence.

I felt sorry for Nasheed in some fucked up kinda way. He got flustered a lot and quite embarrassed and sad as he was being told blacks are low IQ animals that rape, kill and can't build nothing and should fuck off on a boat back to Africa. Still funny though. He took it well and in good spirit.

Atleast sites like the daily stormer have evidence that jews work against them

I feel like nasheed is so desperate to save the black race from their disgusting and shameful existence that he has strung together a gigantic painting to try and justify the failures of blacks

Have you seen much of Jared Taylor? He has debated about race for more than 30 years.


>Also Hitler did more damage to Europe than good
So ungrateful!




My theory is just that Jews are paranoid about white/european nationalists because of history.
And antisemites/nazis are paranoid of Jews because they're against nationaism.

It's a circle of hate.

Where's that pic from?





Think it might be from Wishmaster.

One gotcha moment was when Baked asked why the white supremacists won't just kill all the blacks instead of having them in the first place. Tariq's response was incredible- "then there wouldn't be supremacists anymore. There would be no one to pick on!" Truly amazing how his thought process works. Only adds to the fuel how Jared said blacks have a lower iq on average.

Isn't it kinda ironic that Poland is hailed as one of the examples of an Ethnostate, mostly because Hitler?

I mean, the guy wanted to fuck Poland up and accidentaly cleansed it.

>the asians start doing their little nigga jokes


That's not true at all. You can observe the exact same strategies, actions and behavioral as well as psychological behavior patterns of Jews in the Weimar Republic and Hungary, decades before any persecution had happened and where they were treated comparatively well. So the motives of holocaust, paranoia and revenge don't cut it at all.


Didn't even make it 10mins in. Black guy is too insufferable, not even funny.

Jared should trim that nosehair, desu

if not for the hitler we would be even more nationalistic and ethnicaly clean.
and the main reason most of jews are gone is becouse there was nothing to steal anymore after communism

yea, and in the next thread you will go back to crying how Hitler didn't genocide any people on purpose...

That Ah was Ha pain-a-ful ah to ha watch.

I see.
I read history of Jews in my region, I'm from Silesia, which was Polish, Prussian, German, Czech whatever. This fucking region was everything.

Multiple times since 13th century, they were exiled, stripped of rights to own land, pressured to sell their land and even pogrom'd

And everytime, after things calmed down. They would come back and again own a shitload of lands, banks, trading etc. etc.

It's the same circle every time.
Jews get succesful in region, Europeans start hating them, Jews start hating Europeans so they try to undermine them. Europeans go beast mode, Jews escape until they're back again to do the same thing.

I guess now they do the same with media and corporations, until they are kicked out again.

It's from Stuart Gordon's film adaptation of HP Lovecraft's short story "From Beyond." Same director responsible for Herbert Wester: Reanimator, and features much of the same cast.


I never denied the holocaust(tm) on Sup Forums.

If not for Hitler all of Europe would have become a soviet shithole.

Either their power will be broken, or America will be minority white in our life time and the racial hatred that is being fired by the Jews against them will lead to pogroms against them. They already have race riots now, so you can go figure that it will only get worse. The Jews redirect the resentment, jealousy and hate of blacks against whites so they remain untouched. You can see that all the time.

But when talking about success: you can read up in the upper class, the highest of high roman clan royalty, how they describe the Jews in the exact same way as we do. It sounds like reading a thread on Sup Forums. Kant and Schopenhauer were also outspokenly "anti-semitic". Let alone Martin Luther.

The topic is very complex, but one thing is sure: the explanation of the success of Jews by education and intelligence is a half-truth at best and the ethno-centricism of the tribe and their strategies are thousands of years old.

>it's white people's fault we beat the shit out of and ridicule any black kid trying to do well in school.

But it probably takes somebody as or nearly as smart as JT to trap this guy into following his lead so perfectly. JT just extracted Tariq's conspiracy theory perfectly ensuring pure hilarious ramblings. Much more entertaining than a debate would've been.

I had a good time listening to this, It was too funny.

Lost every single shred of respect for Tiriq once he mentioned George Zimmerman. He clearly has no idea what he is talking about which is what I suspected from the beginning. George Zimmerman is 1) not white. 2) acted in self defense with his registered completely legal weapon. Trayvon Martin was shot and killed because he was on top of Zimmerman pummeling him in the face. An assault no one knows how long would have lasted or how far would go. I wonder how Tariq would feel if George Zimmerman attacked him and was pounding his head and losing consciousness? Idiot.

I couldn't last more than an hour. It's embarrassing as fuck how bold Nasheed was about such blind, unrealistic bullshit like how Chinese are white cronies and that they surpass whites economically purely because whites let them.

Cucks like you are insufferable. Why blame Hitler for the destruction and suffering the USA and USSR inflicted upon Europe? You’re being a good goy and just attributing blame to Hitler that does not belong. You’re just being a skeptic faggot and finding issues where there are none. Kill yourself, shill.

He technically denied everything.
Trump announcing that the black unemployment is at its lowest: Deception! Not true!
Blacks commit much more crime and also in large numbers to other black: Lies!

Everything is a lie to him, everything is controlled by white supremacy and all statistics are fabricated by white people.

He is so fucking retarded it's embarrassing

>destruction and suffering the USA and USSR inflicted upon Europe?
>what is the Marshall plan

(((European people))) All the people Germany killed under the command of Hitler deserved it.

>Lost every single shred of respect for Tiriq
Check out this faggot, he had a shred of respect for Tariq to lose!

jlp is slow af

jared destroyed him

Jared didn't even do much, he just let the fucking idiot talk and dig himself into a grave.

I've never heard him argue about anything before. Least I could do is give him the benefit of the doubt.

That's just another version of the blue pill, friend. Just because we are being fed non-stop propaganda, does not mean the opposite of the propaganda is true.

Isn't it the guy who speaks with a strong upper class accent and cannot help but say huwhites all the time?

Trust the German cuck, fed decades of propaganda to claim Hitler was some sort of monster. Give me an example that proves I’m blue pilled.

I know right? He's so retarded, I almost think He's a psyop meant to instill more white anger in retarded blacks. This guy literally bullshitted for 2 hours. He complaining about colonization. Who does he think is colonizing africa right now?

Hahah the longer this goes on it further exposes a certain strain of insane thought processes and complexes American blacks have. He was one sentence away from claiming white people know the truth about flat earth but lied to black people in order to enslave their minds.

How do people square away Hitler caring so much for animals and yet being so outrageously villainous? It never made sense to me.

Tariq is a spoiled and pampered drama queen.
Comfy in his position both financially and politically.
he has his safe zone and he never challenges out side of it.
Then he attacks real political figures that represent something like Dr. Carson or Sheriff Clarke.

He get's upset that they don't play along that they aren't the victims of society that blame whitey....

Poor poor Tariq. No wonder you like to take it up the ass you biological mistake.

So what do you believe, you don't believe Hitler should have overthrown Jewish tyranny in Germany? You believe he should have stuck to the Versailles treaty and allow Germany to be weak and irrelevant for the rest of time? You don't think he should have swept degeneracy off the streets of Berlin, and Marxism off the pages of their newspapers and out of their theaters? You don't think Germany should have taken a stand against the Soviets/Communism in general? You don't think international jewry pushed for that war to happen with all their influence because of Hitler's racial policies and his criticism towards them?

Come off it Klaus, your grandparents committed much less evil than the tyrants they fought against. The same tyrants who rule over us today working to slowly brainwash and replace us with nigger cattle.

holy fuck at 20 mins

"if Asians got too big for their britches we'd just strip them of their citizenship and throw them out of the country?"


LOL wtf is this shit the black guy is legit retarded