Can someone redpill me on what is going on with Brexit?
Who are the players and what do they represent? Tory v Labour v UKIP?
Geo is accurate. Im a Yank
Pic unrelated
Can someone redpill me on what is going on with Brexit?
Who are the players and what do they represent? Tory v Labour v UKIP?
Geo is accurate. Im a Yank
Pic unrelated
No your a slide thread
Im a newfag
Like most Shills are.
DESU, our(the US) media hasn't been following it. I'm actually curious of thee current situation as well. Last I heard, hanz had brexit bent over, and was trying to f it for some amount of billions of euros. Any changes from that? Any chances it will change for the better(for the UK!)? Honestly feel bad for my English brethren.
We are in the process of drawing up an agreement to establish the future relationship between Britain and Europe, anything agreed at the moment goes into the proposal and the entire proposal goes through by march 2019 OR none of it does and we have a hard brexit(=no agreement to trade,no free movement) then use WTO rules to trade with anyone, Whilst being free to agree trade agreements with anyone we like.
We, wanted a transition period, but the euros insist that during that period we must abide by any random rules they may throw at us in the meantime, Britain will not allow that.
I want a diamond brexit
Tories have been at each other's throats on the issue of Europe since the 1970s
Prime Minister Shariah "Theresa" May is a stalinist SJW cuckold, but because of her bland personality she's probably the only member of her party who could be PM without starting a full civil war
UKIP are more cucked than Captain Sweden and are losing members like flies. They're finished as a party
Most Labour members want to stay in the EU, but the communist leadership doesn't for some reason
The EU on one side, the UK on the other.
It is pretty much all agreed already.
EU citizens can live in the UK and vice versa forever if they move there until 2020. A bespoke trade agreement will govern agriculture, goods and services. This agreement will in broad terms, but not details, be negotiated until November. From March 2019 to December 2020 a transition period will apply that has already been negotiated. All EU laws apply to the UK in that period, but the UK has no voting power. During this period the UK will negotiate the details of tge FTA with the EU until early 2020 for ratification in all EU states thereafter. More importantly, the UK will aim to negotiate all 80 existing EU FTAs with other countries. In addition, the UK aims to start negotiations with the US, Australia, NZ, Pakistan, India and Nigeria for new trade deals, which do not have to be ratified in 2020 but may come into force until 2025 if all goes well.
With regards to EU trade, additional non tariff barriers will reduce trade somewhat. Movement of EU workers to the UK will drop significantly, potentially compensated for with immigration from India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan, etc.
that is it.
So in other words, the best thing that can happen, is nothing? No agreement before March 2019, then you(the majority of Britbongs, which voted for brexit), will get the brexit you all wanted? Right? Seriously wishing the best for y'inz. Hope you still have a country by march of next year. The way their importing mudslimes, you might not. Again, hoping that's not the case!
>We, wanted a transition period, but the euros insist that during that period we must abide by any random rules they may throw at us in the meantime, Britain will not allow that
Actually, David Davis proposed the characteristics of the transition period. The UK parliamental committee discussed this with him at length a few weeks back. It is on youtube, it is not a controversial thing at all among UK politicians.
I hate threads made by 14 year olds. Stop asking questions all the time. And to add insult to injury, I thought this was Brit/pol/. You fucking suck and I hope you die.
Jacob Rees-Mogg is all that could salvage it at this point. Globalist CBI funded MPs are too cucked to go for a clean break and take back control of ourd nation's judicial independence and national sovereignty.
The last two sentences of your post confused the hell out of me. I thought labour is liberal, and ukip are the conservatives?
Again, our main stream media(fake news), SUCKS! Their all too worried about Ivan the big bad russkie. The only half decent news channel we have is fox news, but they have their hands full covering all the demonrats scandals.
That's pretty much it, Europe has nothing to offer us but debt and subservience.
What is your argument ?
The working class (if such a thing exists any longer) don't want a man of the people to lead them. They want a posh bastard to dominate them. That has always been a given, despite what the Left thinks. Just read the Sun, Express and the Mail every so often and you'd see what I mean. The poor love him for his unabashed straightforwardness.
That's not far off, labour have many more liberal philosophies than conservatives.
UKIP are a right of centre party, have fulfilled their objective and are dissolving.
>What is your argument ?
He says that the transition period is a British brainchild, the EU did not propose it, which is correct.
That's why I said we.
As to the point that the UK has to abide by new EU rules during the transition period, how else should it work? Also, the UK can make that period as short as they want. It could be 6 months or even shorter. The transition period exists in order to sign trade deals. There is no reason whatsoever it has to be 21 months long.
But you said “the Euros insist that we must abide by any random rules they may throw at us” - the proposal how the transition period should work came from the UK including the acknowledgement that it would be impossible to discern new from old EU laws and that a split of new vs old EU laws would result in “application chaos”. What the UK proposed was exceptions to the general rules of new rules applying and those are being negotiated right now.
Are you even informed on Brexit?
The transition period is to give us time to draw up new laws, publish print and distribute the process of change.
That's the reasonable time we need, why should we be forced to take anyone you may throw at us over that transition period? You could literally sabotage us and you insist on that possibility.
No friend of ours.
Your tactics are shit, pull the cocks out of your ears and listen
We wanted a transition period. YOU insisted that we must abide by your rules.
Anyway fuck off , robokraut
Are you functionally retarded? The Commission is already drafting legislation to fuck the British in the transition. They dont realise they're pushing the UK leadership into the hands of figures who will just leave without a deal which would be pretty brutal for Europe and only 2% worse for us than a deal over 15 long years.
>We wanted a transition period. YOU insisted that we must abide by your rules.
Why didn’t you read my post? It was David Davis who said nee EU rules must apply to the UK during the transition period because of “application hell” if it would not be the case. Say the EU changes the standards for diesel cars, why should British carmakers exporting to the EU apply the old standards?
What Davis has said is that new rules such as a reformed Dublin III asylum legislation should not apply to the UK. And if you read the proposed draft text the EU published yesterday, this is exactly what the agreement says.
> follow our standards
When we gave you Volkswagen ,Siemens etc we gave you functioning companies with the money and resources to build a successful future, you then lie to your customers and pollute the atmosphere for the rest of us.
And you want us to abide by your standards?
If you abided by our would be helping us right now.
The more I hear of the brexit 'deal', the more infuriated I get. As a damn US citizen, I GET infuriated! It's madness. Then there are hanzs' on here that have the nerve to talk down to you from trying to save your country from turning into germistan. Since you don't want all the achmeds running around raping/killing/pillaging. It barrels me. Thank god I'm here. I thought we had it REALLY bad when obummer was president, and we did!! I can honestly say that even at the height of obummers idiocy it wasn't as ludicrous as the brexit 'deal'. Fair winds and following seas, my Brit brethren. I honestly hope the best for you all! I hope you all can turn your country around before it's too late. From the sounds of it, it sounds like you 'leaders' are trying their best to 'finish' the job before brexit actually happens. Hope I'm wrong!