Can we get a chink hate thread?

Can we get a chink hate thread?

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Mao Zedumb

Why are they so mean to dogs?
We're not even that mean to cows over here.....


Why are they so mean to doggos?






>super agile speed-demon chink leaps trough the window
Wat do


this is barely a chink hate thread, i dont see anyone beating a chink of shaming one for whatever he did but only animal abuse

mods pls

Why don't you faggots post some new shit, exact same shit that was in yesterday's Hate Chink thread.

>gets mad at chink hate threads
>Canadian flag

This one gets me everytime. Why are they such bad drivers?

If you all remember the cat in washing machine video from the last thread I found the cat did indeed die, and the one who did it hasn't been punished at all. The videos on this site if you must see it.

Chinks confirmed for soulless insectoids. Don't act like chicom faggots are your friends. Total war is the only answer

>screw chinks
>degenerates are the best



yup as always chinks revealed to be fucking insect people

Imagine literally deciding that that was how you wanted to look.

These pictures are pale in comparison with actually living in amongst these subhumans. The smell the filth the rudeness the scheming will blow you away. These scums are worse than Jews.

t.china expat for 10 years

Fucking BRUTAL.

>husband/beta orbiter immediately helps her out
>perfect opportunity to vent her frustration out on him

the absolute state of women

have a single chinese mother living underneath me in my block of apartments and quite often there are insanely strong, strange smells emanating from her home.
her kid is almost always crying too.

they are the only ones that can outjew the jew
>soros' wife=chink
>zuckerberg's wife=chink

Pee in the Sea

what? national-socialist calling for total war... you wanna lose again?

t. Lard stationed in germanistan.



Poo in the Boo

This is actually pretty fucking cool. 10/10 would share a beer with

what the fuck


Friendly reminder that Jews sold military secrets to China

Don't pretend to be a western nation, yid

Ayy you were posting here yesterday too on the same type of thread



These deficient of Chinese people think that if the dog dies having had much fear and terror, his flesh will be better because it is richer in adrenaline. Stupid people...

Chinks need to die.

I wish I could unsee these from yesterday, but here we are again.

I swear this is like if you took final destination and made it into a country.

Adrenaline does have an effect on the meat, this is fact. Weather is makes it taste better is up for debate.

Is this a suicide or the guy and the driver are mentally disabled

Please tell me this is a lie!

probably fake just like this flushed poo

This one reminds me the scene with the girl and elevator.

poor guy suffocated

>that fire out of seemingly nowhere

It never fails to give me a hearty chuckle.

I guess she's back on the market.

Welp. This one's going to give me a nightmare...

They'll eat anything and steal shit from you. Immoral scums of earth whose only rule is to survive at the expense of making others.

They're known for bringing salty fish and stink dishes to eat on board airplanes. Zero considerations.

Report all chinks in your hood to ICE, many are illegals.

Holy shit

it isn't easy to make dinner


Shit, Beyblade has gotten pretty intense

Because China was always an agricultural society that had no need for dogs, and when they finally had dogs some cultures started eating them since the concept of "man's best friend" never applied. They don't actually eat them that often, you can get dog pretty much anywhere but most don't like eating them, the government doesn't like it either and the general population that DO have dogs as pets are pissed at dog meat restoraunts because they get dog meat by killing pets and strays with poison darts. Many Chinese villages have captured the dog hunters and tied the dead dog around their neck and beaten them, it's pretty well documented.

Dont worry, elevators are stricktly regulated and quite safe. Not the chink ones, though.

Absolutely sick!

They're in the process of shapeshifting to further infiltrate and subvert asia if/when the west collapses. Expect a lot more sino-semitic interracial couples



Yep, they're fucking scoundrels. They're like Jews on steroids.

Wrong thread, bro...

What is that thing in the bottle?

also, that was speeded up, so he would've taken a lot longer to actually die

his first step killed him, if he were to put on time his first step then he could have make it, even with an amputated foot.

>Yulin Dog Meat Festival

I don't blame them for cheating. The results of those tests determine so much of their life that it is hard to fault them for cheating just because they don't want to be relegated to some factory job for the rest of their life.

limp bizkit - keep rollin rollin rollin rollin.jpeg

Lol look whose calling kettle black, a fucking poo that deep fried cow dung as cookies.

their nukes suck

worms dduh....
>i would've thought it would've been obvious

"power plant"


The state of Chinese "men".

There is nothing excusable about torture of innocent animals, especially dogs... The only beasts that deserve suffering are niggers and possibly chinks, latinos and bindis...

Come on, let's twist again...

B A S E D. Seems like a fun guy to get fucked up with.

Where was this? Or is it fake ?

Fucking agreed m9

>Can't into English
You have to go back

this shit is fake and gay

Can't imagine anything worst than that.
Never knew that the Chinks are so cruel to animals.
You have to admit they made the best fireworks in the world.

da fuk

Fuck off chink

Gas tanks exist

>Can we get a chink hate thread?

In early 20th century Chinese ideologues imagined a world as a racial battlefield with yellows competing against whites over degenerated brow black and red races. The first two were classified as fine races (liangzhong) as opposed to the other three, labeled as mean races (jianzhong).

As stated by conservative thinker Tang Caichang: Yellow and white are wise, red and black are stupid; yellow and white are rulers, red and black are slaves; yellow and white are united, red and black are scattered.

This is worst than that dude!

>the guy on the bike that almost got away only to have that streetlight come down right on top of him

tfw chatting with a qt chinese girl right now. Idgaf about animal rights either. I'd eat any peta activist.


Worms, are you sure?
Don't look like worms to me.

dude id love to try horse or maybe even dog.

Markiplier is actually half korean. WMAF.

>and the lit on fire
>and then run over
and to add insult to inj- death, the guy right next to him hadn't even noticed anything was up for far longer and made it out scratch free

why, whats the point of doing this