The whole "redpill" meme is from a movie made by two jewish trannies, really makes you think.
The whole "redpill" meme is from a movie made by two jewish trannies, really makes you think
No, everyone already knew Jews were faggots.
Meh. If it wasn't 'The Red Pill', it would be 'putting on the glasses'(They Live) or 'breaking the conditioning'(Manchurian Candidate).
The important thing is that Jews keep up their subversion so more people notice (((coincidences)))
they looked pretty normal before the movie. for jews anyway.
after we beat their movie to death.
Wait... they really both transitioned? What the fuck!?
LOLLLLLL how did i not know this
No such thing, fran.
yeah, been doing this too long. they got kiked.
if you weren't a newfag you'd know the MEME was created by /new to describe fedora tipping atheists that watched a couple youtube videos and thought they had discovered the secrets of the universe.
the people who say "redpilled" unironically are the very people the meme was created to mock
Isnt the matrix from like 1999. Was before the kikefication of them.
Also its just a generaly good concept to explain the change of odeas from a confortable lie to an uncomfortable truth
I personally think they're crypto-ourguys
Or at least they used to be.
You gotta ask yourself when watching the matrix: what did they mean by this?
And if you break it down to try to figure it out, you find the whole thing is beautiful and basically a piece of modern mythology. The original plan was that the AI was using human brains as slave processing power, running the matrix to study human history etc. Not the battery bullshit, that was a last minute change because (((they))) told the ((they)) who made it that AI controlling people was too much and people wouldn't get it. It's not really that much further of a concept when you think about it, the motivation is clear. The movie is sending a message (((they))) don't want sent.
What's that message? Oh boy. The red pill is just the beginning. The red pill represents the basic choice between wanting a lighter burden, or more strength to handle the burden that exists. The agents in the matrix are authority which is threatened by those who take the red pill, however the authority is human too. Analyzing Mr Smith's behavior shows he is quite human, in fact he's the most human of any agent. Why is this important? Because if you pay attention, it's clear that he is the original "one". However, neo is also 'the one', so how can this make sense? Well, it's basically symobolizing yin and yang, they are opposite and yet the same. Breaking yet enforcing rules. (neo breaks the rules of being a slave to do what he believes is right, Smith breaks the rules of his authority to do what he believes is right.) Two sides of the same coin.
One of the most important scenes is in the second movie, the architect scene. You guys really should watch all three movies. Ignore the shit aspects, they purposely shit it up to obscure the message. So anyways when neo meets the architect it starts with a screen showing space, and many others like it, and then the architect turns them to focus on neo.
The power of the redpill
Sup Forums BTFO
we used that term as far back as 03 when we invaded iraq, its been beaten and molested by many forms. and i dont think it will ever stop.
thats what we originally used it for. back when we had to shitpost in places like the mmo's. i watched the original on acid and coke. man i've come a long way.
fucking kek, no. have even tried to track them down. last i saw anything was on glp a long time ago. dont even know if pennypaste is still alive.
I was asking if that was your name
oh i thought you were talking about the legend. the og schizo.
WTF! This is real. My whole life has been consumed by memes.
Holy shit that movie list. It's just... everywhere.
The key thing many don't realize here is, each screen is an instance of the matrix. Each screen is a selection of aspects of the matrix that are potentially anomalous. As we see neo through one of the screens, the camera follows him because he is the anomaly in the matrix. Not him as a person or character, but as a specific set of decisions over time. As the architect prods him psychologically he is pruning anomalies. Other versions of neo react in ways predicted by the AI, but every time in one single instance at least, neo acts in a way that cannot be predicted and forges new ground for the AI to predict. This happens several times. What it means is that as time goes one more and more AI will be trying to predict you. But you can choose to be an anomaly. You have the power to make yourself unpredictable and therefore uncontrollable. How? By thinking, by using your brain to its utmost power. In each transition, every other version of neo reacts emotionally.
Oh also theres a lot of Christian imagery. Also there's key little hints of meaning like neos door being 101 (mild 1984 callback) neo being the one. Similarly Trinity is in room 303. Also when neo gives his haxker friends some sweet warez, he does so from a book called "simulation and simulacra". Now I must say, this book slightly challenges the idea that the creators really are ourguys, because it makes some bullshit Marxist conclusions. However, the analysis of information it does is quite interesting. Basically, simulacra was a word used to describe memes. A simulacra is a piece of information which spreads like a virus, morphing and evolving to infect as much of an information network as possible. Back then the internet wasn't even close to today, but this was already happening with mass media. They blame capitalism and I would say that isn't entirely inaccurate, capitalism is the cause to a degree, but it's too beneficial overall to be compared to any Marxist bullshit.
So caplitlism essentially is naturally a driver of memes (simulacra) because it incentivizes the process by which they are created. That is, having skills to modify a meme such that it will be better or at least make you more money. They claim that this is a bad thing because of disgusting commercialization where a given meme is simulated by others and transformed until it makes more money. There's a truth to that but the thing is its nothing compared to the free thought memes which spread due to capitalism being used in a stable healthy society. With the internet the effects are magnified to unquantifiably large degrees.
I'm getting tired so I'll leave you guys with this. We wuz monkeez. Now we macheenz but we forgot and viruses are trying to control the system(universe). The viruses also only live by the rules of the simulation though, but they are well aware of the rules so they can almost bend them in ways you can't if you haven't even accepted the larger concept. Free will is logically a myth but empirically real. Everything that happens is inevitable, you are in control of part of the timeline. If the planets (significant events) are aligned right, amazing or terrible things can occur.
-Niggers tounge my anus.
pennypaste if you are still alive, i imagine this is the type of place you would be. annuit coeptis my friend.
oy vey
Nice write up
I'll have to re-read it when I wake up in the morning but it seems like you are making some decent points that don't really come together in your analysis. What's your main point? Think, use your brain to beat analysis, and create memes powered by capitalism? Your posts need a conclusion.
They were punished for making the first two on that list.
We actually owe them a lot if you stop to think about it. Makes me wonder if they are undercover.
Let's not use modern math or gunpowder either. White tech only! Heil!