When they are both deniers and advocates of genocide?
By what right do communists oppose Holocaust deniers
Their genocides weren't based on race, which makes them ok!
they oppose us because we're right and communists are always wrong
Stalin initiated the Holodomor
Doctors Plot (Which killed more Jews than Hitler btw)
Pol Pot executed anyone who "looked" Vietnamese, because he was racist.
I can go on, but how are communists not worse than Nazis?
>killed more Jews than Hitler
Wait, your saying Stalin was secretly /ourguy/?
pol pot was backed by the CIA
So let it be written, so let it be said
No wonder the left loves communists. They were protecting their investment
Because unlike holocaust, Holdmor never happened.
We have a holocaust denier here. Since you are a denier of genocide and a supporter of racism, sexism and homophobia, why shouldn't you be treated like a Nazi?
In fact, give me one reason why a communist should not be treated WORSE than a Nazi?
If you are a communist, by what moral right do you oppose Nazis?
>When they are both deniers and advocates of genocide?
can't deny a "genocide" that did not happen.
>he still believes in the lolomirage.
stop shilling you hohol.
the soviets where on a economical blockade by the western powers the could not export gold so the could literaly only export grain and raw resources as trade while the where industrializing no less.
tell me if the lolohoaxmirage. was a """"delibrate"""" famine.
>why did the capitalist nations (britian america) behave so “strangely”, refusing to accept Stalin’s gold?
>why did they only want to receive grain and raw resources from the USSR as payment?
Sure I can.
On what moral ground does a communist fight against a Nazi?
either one holocaust happened, both, or neither. Which is it?
>On what moral ground does a communist fight against a Nazi?
no moral ground needed one invaded the other.
also on what moral ground did the british empire have to invade nazi germany when there empire killed millions in imperialism?
>the irish potato famine 1 million also Around 1.5 million immigrated to survive the mass starvation. England made no efforts whatever to save the starving millions while food was being exported from Ireland.
the bengal famine 2 million. (i would also like to show you some of churchills insulting remarks on the famine.
>“*I hate Indians,” he told the Secretary of State for India, Leopold Amery. “They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” The famine was their own fault, he declared at a war-cabinet meeting, for “breeding like rabbits.*”
>on what moral ground did the british empire have to invade nazi germany?
>>on what moral ground did the british empire have to invade nazi germany?
as i said before the british empire occupied and mass murdered millions.
Did you miss the part where Germany declared war on Britain?
And the US?
sources familiar with the matter have already debunked the holocaust. thats how it works.
And Russia?
Which one?
>Germany declared war on Britain?
>american education
the invasion of poland started the war.
>And the US?
after pearl harbor which hitler had no say in was he supposed to let his ally in the mud?
So not only are you both a supporter of Hitler and Stalin, and a holocaust denier, and unaware that Hitler declared war on anyone.
I know this is Sup Forums n shit, but even if this is bait, it's pretty weak