There is a regular 5-10 images of white men with east Asian women that always get posted in threads here. Saved by the strange users who think it proves some point.
They then post their youtube "social experiment" videos of an Asian woman claiming she likes white men. (ignoring all of the other videos that have women claiming they like black men, Asian men etc). The users on here are so out of touch with reality, they literally type into youtube what type of video they want to see and then think it's evidence for their belief. Ignorant to the fact that most of these "reality" and "social experiment" videos are entirely fake and made for a specific demographic (hence the captions).
Users on here are very desperate to believe they are worshipped, yet the uses don't even have partners. They post pictures of Kpop women and JAV idols......implying that they are their partners. Which is very hilarious. When I show them some objective stats. like international dating websites for women from multiple countries. It clearly shows that east Asian women have very little interest in white men, which is why you only get a tiny fraction of them compared to south east Asian women that want to hook up with a foreigner.
Not only that, virtually every Japanese rich woman still marries a Japanese man........totally disproving your delusions that they desperately want you Sup Forums loses.
Stats on Chinese porn consumption also shows that they mass illegally download JAV, not western pornography. Sorry.
And additionally, in JAV they brought in some white women quite a few times. Yet the sales were never good, that's because Japanese men prefer their own women. The low IQ users on Sup Forums on here simply cannot fathom this though since their ignorant bias and racism blinds them from being able to be objective. You guys desperately want to feel worshipped by a race you look up to, which actually look down on your. Sorry
And to attempt to explain this away, the extremely deluded Sup Forums losers on here insist on claiming that in Japan and China it's illegal for women to marry a man who is of another race............derp.
You know, because they totally all want to and the scared insecure 5 foot tall buck toothed Asian man has to stop them. Derp derp.
The beliefs on here are so retarded, so delusional in regards to reality. And all culminating in the losers on here trying to feel superior and good about themselves.
In reality there are interracial couples in japan and China, even with black people. It is not illegal and you retarded conspiracy makers on here are depraved and sad. If you had enough intelligence to be objective you would understand that you are not worshipped by everyone, and that you are not the preference of everyone. The entire world isn't like being inside a western countries with a "white" culture.
But it's impossible to educate most users on here as their IQ's are so low, they will always be stuck in the subjective bubble of personal bias.
Wyatt Barnes
Charles Barnes
I am sure in Japan they totally say that western people smell and look pink and hairy because they totally worship us. Yes, makes sense.
I am sure they make commercials to make fun of our noses because they worship us.
I am sure that nearly every single Japanese celebrity only dates another Japanese person because they worship us........derp. When in the west about 20% of rich white people literally do date people from another are the race mixers, clearly having no pride in who you are.
Luke Flores
First of all, his skin isn't white. His shirt is white, do you idiots have eyes or brains capable of processing what your eyes are seeing?
Secondly that is from a music video, that isn't her partner. This is very pathetic.
There are also black men in music videos in the east........derp.
Luke Harris
There are like 2 top 500 Japanese actresses/singers that are dating white men.
Oh yes, they totally love white men.
Where as in the west literally up to 20% of white women actresses and singers are dating non white men........derp.
Christopher Cook
20% vs 0.4%..........yes. They love us and it's no us that are the race mixers. fail
Asher Baker
East Asian people look down on white people, just as white people look down on blacks. Sorry about that.
There are always some rejected east Asian women who look to date white men though. In Australia and America about 9 out of 10 Asian women with white men couples are south east Asian or southern Chinese type women.
The remainder 1 that looks legitimately east Asian is very rarely good looking. Usually looks like a bullfrog. Even your good looking actors can only get bullfrogs for the most part.
Nicholas Phillips
In the USA white babies are actually in the minority now also.
Sorry about that, but you loser Sup Forums guys can't get any women. You never could get a proper east Asian woman, you struggle to get white women and you probably would struggle to even get a Fili woman. sorry
You are being bred out.
Gabriel Roberts
The users on here have some delusions that white is some god race and is going to breed with Japanese or northern Chinese successful people..............yet this nearly never happens since they look down on you. Sorry
But me my guest, keep masturbating over them like you losers do. In reality you are being bred out in your own country, the white percentage is dwindling as you all breed with blacks, spics and mostly south east Asians and other failed Asians.
Not only are white babies already a minority, but in 20 years white people themselves will be under 50% of the USA.
All while China and Japan remain relatively pure because of having good immigration policies and actual pride in themselves as a race. Sorry insecure white boys, keep marrying those ugly rejected gooks.
Eli White
Japanese women don't like you, sorry.
You are ugly and pink and hairy and stink.
Most Asian women (especially successful and pretty ones) like hot Asian men.
Sorry that Asian men don't abide by the racist stereotype that you insecure white men tried to build up in the west.
Here comes the poor kids with their MS paint creations. You guys truly are sad. you live in a fantasy world on Sup Forums.
Josiah Collins
Not even would princesses touch inferior white men. They all marry Japanese men, sorry.
Ryder Gonzalez
Keep crying virgin pink losers. Keep claiming you are worshipped. It's hilarious.
Cooper Gray
just ridicule all racemixers
Jeremiah Taylor
Robert Sullivan
Technically the losers on here who claim that east Asian women all desperately want to drop their partners to date a pink neckbeard from Sup Forums are not really race mixers.
Since these losers on here will never get a chance to reproduce in the first place, so they aren't actually race mixers. They just have a fantasy of being able to get pretty women from eastern Asia that they fantasise over, they keep telling themselves they are worshipped to make their fantasy feel more real in their head.
Dylan Harris
In all my time here in Australia, I have never once seen a single Asian woman that was like an 8/10 even in looks and was with a white man.
The only examples I ever see on this are on the internet and many of them look like stock photos which is suggestive that they aren't even a couple and it's just for a photo.
David Evans
If Japanese and Korean and northern Chinese women really were desperate for a Caucasian man like the Sup Forums race fetishizers claim.
Then you would see these women apply to websites for dating foreign men. You would also see the rich Asian women getting white partners commonly. None of which you see, they simply have very little interest.
The few users on here try to make a huge leap in logic, they notice that many Filipino women do like Caucasian men and then assume in their head that Asians who are ethnically different and highly intelligent in advanced countries up north must be the same..........derp.
Also many of the women in south east Asia that claim to want Caucasian men, many of them clearly just want to get out of their shit country.
Christian Ross
Wyatt Martin
Even most Chinese here in Australia, stick with their own. Some of the outskirt rejects from their group will try to date Caucasian men as their last option though.
Jordan Wood
Oliver Turner
James Powell
/pop/ Has a lot of rejected white guys who can't get dates, they masturbate over Japanese porn and inside their head imagine that Japanese women like they masturbate over will love them and be into them.
It's quite sad to be honest, if they were realistic about their dating opportunity then they may be able to attract some mid level Filipina or some average at beast white woman.
But they will keep thinking they are going to get some pretty east Asian woman.........the result is they will die virgins and never breed. Which is actually a good thing technically for even the white race as the losers on here just made the white race better by ridding their genes from it.
Mason Sanchez
Colonial mindsets make certain historically oppressed peoples feel that being with white men is an improvement in race or status. It’s an erroneous and ultimately a selfish reason. I see it in Latino culture too.
William Smith
Juan Stewart
There is no colonial mindset, sorry.
Also you fail to disprove any point given.
You can cite Filipino or Latina women. They are different women, less intelligent and many of them know that breeding with a Caucasian man is an upgrade.
In eastern Asia it's different, they have higher IQ's than even white people and larger brains and lower crime, less hair etc. Most of them see Caucasian people as more primitive. Sorry about that.
Robert Carter
Many of these weabo people do look at Anime and imagine themselves as the main character and imagine all the rest are Japanese women that love them. It's very sad.
The Ironic thing is that in a lot of anime that characters in fact are meant to be Japanese people, and I would know since I actually have Japanese friends and I already knew they were meant to be Japanese and I double checked by asking with them. But certain Caucasian people will argue that even a purple haired character has to be a Caucasian person. It's hilarious and quite sad.
When they do cosplay it makes Japanese people laugh.
The worst is when black people from America insist that Yoruichi from bleach is an African American person and then they cosplay it, looking ridiculous.
Jackson Hernandez
Fucking larper detected. Probably an incel from /r/asianmasculinity like /u/eurasian tiger
Nutshot yourself you dumb cunt
Colton Thompson
Asian men are objectively superior. (not Jungle Asian) We are smarter, richer, more stable and more intelligent. White women are starting to wake up
Ryan Gomez
Josiah Edwards
I just think east Asian women are prettier. Sorry that rustles your jim jams.
David Garcia
>European men are objectively superior. >We are smarter, richer, more stable and more intelligent.
Fixed it for you.
Kayden Garcia
Lol no. I go to UC Irvine, where a ton of Asians live and attend. I’ll admit that the most attractive/successful asian women tend to stick to dating asian men, a lot of the average/above average ones like white guys.
I’ve dated quite a few average/above average asian girls and I always ask “do you like asian guys” and their usual answer is “no, they try too hard” or “no, they aren’t attractive”.
Anthony Robinson
I am not even Asian, but I admit that for more intelligent people Asian men are the option number 1. They look good and are more intelligent and sensible.
I am Caucasian myself, but the insecure users on here that argue that Caucasian men have to be superior since they have larger penises...............
Well if they are going to be consistent with their distorted logic here, they have to also claim that black men are superior to them and are the best men on the planet.
But they won't admit that, because they just selectively use distorted logic to try to feel superior. It's very pathetic just reading the sad depraved posts of virgin men on here who have extreme delusions of grandeur thinking the JAV women they jack off over would even give them the time of day. lol
Samuel Bell
Never claimed that just a belief of some that east Asian women are prettier is wrong, I don't blame you for thinking that.
But it just isn't a convenient belief for you to have to be honest, because you aren't likely to be able to get a good looking one.
If you instead thought that white women looked the best, as a white man you very likely have at least a moderate chance of getting a reasonably decent looking one.
I know that people can't change their tastes though, so it's unfortunate.
Owen Moore
Nah Europe is dumb as bricks. They're poor too.
Elijah Collins
Whitey in Singapore here.
East Asian women really, unironically do prefer whitey. We're taller, less autistic, bigger-dicked, and more exotic (to them) than what they can get by dating within their race, and that's BEFORE we even get to the point that they fetishise paler skin for its own sake because they've got a four-thousand-year-old meme that pale skin = rich patrician aristocrat, darker skin = peasant outdoor labourer.
There are many reasons not to racemix. There are many reasons not to even date the yellow peril. But it's just plain false to claim that East Asians don't moisten up the moment that even a beta white boy walks into the room.
Wyatt Peterson
You don't go anywhere. Also Asian men in the US don't represent east Asian men or Japanese men. Sorry if you can't understand that.
Most Asian men in the west come from south east Asia and southern states in China. They aren't even ethnically the same as east Asian men or Japanese men.
I would know as the same type of Asians come here to Australia, I have seen maybe 5 or so hulking Chinese looking men. But the rest weren't. Yet in my visit to Japan the amount of masculine men is crazy, even white women that go to japan are shocked by this since in the west like in America the media always tries to get the most weak looking Asian man they can find to represent Asian people, this is because they are looking out for their own culture and want to make themselves look the best constantly.
Tyler Jackson
I'm already married to one. I let her know she's a decent 5.
Aiden Stewart
Lets face facts white women that "date" asian guys only do it as a "payback" to white guys that date asian women. For the most part they are friendzoned and have them around to get free food and entertainment, lets get real about that. The asian guy sits at his chair listening to the white girl saying that the white guy Jack is sexy and has a crush on him. Meanwhile the asian guy sits there hearing about this Jack dude. The next thing Chang knows that white girl he tried to woo talking about the future, her future is now with Jack.
White women believe that Asian men are very unattractive. Oh well.
Joseph Adams
Said the Singaporean which his country has been stagnant for 18 years...
Hudson Kelly
Sorry but the British got kicked out of Singapore by the Japanese.
Singapore then under Han Chinese ethnic rule was transformed into a first world country in a single generation.
76.2% Chinese now. 15.0% Malay. 7.4% Indians.
Those are the demographics.
There isn't even 1% of Caucasian people in Singapore. I doubt you are even from there, you are likely using a VPN like a typical frauder on here that I exposed the other day.
Daniel Rodriguez
Never said you couldn't get a the west like in America.
There are heaps of those couples. And I don't want to say anymore on that as it's.........
Jack Powell
>even white women that go to japan are shocked by this since in the west like in America the media always tries to get the most weak looking Asian man they can find to represent Asian people, this is because they are looking out for their own culture and want to make themselves look the best constantly.
And and the moment after the white woman gets ploughed by the white man. Every....time.
Jayden Miller
By what measure is Singapore stagnant, it's the best country in all of south east Asia thanks to Han Chinese immigration.
The GDP is huge, per capita higher than the USA as well.
$90,500 for Singapore, vs $59,500 for the USA.
Try again in calling them stagnant.
Bro I am Australia, but the Singaporean people are clearly superior to us.
Owen Ortiz
It's no wonder you don't have a partner.
Jaxson Davis
>There isn't even 1% of Caucasian people in Singapore. The fact that we are of unicorn-like rarity only makes us seem even more exotic and special. Supply and demand, and all that.
> Singapore then under Han Chinese ethnic rule was transformed into a first world country in a single generation. When you're the only viable deepwater port on the busiest shipping route in the world, a retarded monkey could uplift the country to first world status. That's not to say that Singapore isn't well-governed: the combination of legacy Anglo institutions plus Chinese bugman conformity does make for a well-functioning administration. But let's not pretend that Singapore is some unique Chinese economic miracle; anyone could have extracted prosperity from that port.
...exactly how this is germane to the point of Asian females' tastes I am not quite sure.
Kayden Miller
>47 posts >11 posters Wow
Carson Perry
You aren't even from there, plus the Singaporean people welcomed the Japanese who kicked out the British losers. Then they gained their independence.
Sorry about that.
Lincoln Harris
These pictures are pure autism. lol
Ayden Wilson
>Stagnant? >By what measure is Singapore stagnant, it's the best country in all of south east Asia thanks to Han Chinese immigration. >The GDP is huge, per capita higher than the USA as well. >$90,500 for Singapore, vs $59,500 for the USA. >Try again in calling them stagnant. >Bro I am Australia, but the Singaporean people are clearly superior to us.
>Bro I am Australia, but the Singaporean people are clearly superior to us.
Please go to Singapore Chang and stay there, fucha lor.
Elijah Lewis
Its no wonder I dont have a partner because white women get ploughed by the white man? Listen Chang, tiger mum logic is useless here.
Jayden Allen
Are you autistic? Fuck sake you are stupid in the head.
Keep posting your article that is very vague in wording and you misunderstand.
Seriously dumb fuck, please go and buy a brain.
Singapore has one of the worlds highest GDP's.
You don't experience the same amount of growth as a shit country when you are already at the top dumbass, growth slows down as you approach the top.
At least understand the basic of economics.
Just as countries with low life expectancy can improve drastically. But Singapore having one of the highest in the world doesn't have barely much growth left to make.
Jason Nelson
Actually white women take part in the most interracial of any group globally Sorry
There is a video alone of a black guy going around and asking white women if they prefer white men or black men.
And because of their answers crybaby white boi's like yourself have disliked the video drastically and can't accept it.
You guys literally can't accept reality, you just want to dislike reality and invent your own one in your head and cry about it.
Easton Peterson
they are jew shills sliding important threads
Charles Ross
I know, but this entire message board is autistic
John Collins
I don't think they are Jews, Jews get blamed on here for everything yet I doubt if there is even a single Jew on most of these threads.
It's clearly insecure virgin guys who never got a date and they jack off over JAV stuff and inside their little mind think that Asian women are their salvation and will like them.............
The end result is that they ruin their own chances with decent looking white women and they never are able to get the pretty Asian woman they dreamed of getting.
Ultimately they put themselves on a path to be losers.
Gavin Gutierrez
Lol, pretty much. It's like cloning a bunch of Chris Chan's and letting them loose on a message board.
Robert Hill
use your real flag next time, jew shill
Nathaniel Richardson
Chris Chan also believed he would attract a pretty Japanese woman and he looked at anime
Jordan Flores
Want to see my flag, here.
Luke White
Japanese don't go out of own country, but Koreans and Chinese want to get out of their own country If you want to marry East Asians it is possible for Chinese and Korean
Aiden Johnson
>Are you autistic? Fuck sake you are stupid in the head. >Keep posting your article that is very vague in wording and you misunderstand.
You lost face Chang.
>Seriously dumb fuck, please go and buy a brain. You mean bribe a teacher for marks and release exam answers Chinese style?
>Singapore has one of the worlds highest GDP's.
41st in the world according to the IMF with Colombia 40th 37th in the world according to the World Bank with the Philippines 36th 36th in the world according to the UN with Malaysia 35th
>You don't experience the same amount of growth as a shit country when you are already at the top dumbass, growth slows down as you approach the top.
I just asserted my point of Singapore being stagnant and in eternal /r/asianmasculity style it upsets you greatly.
>At least understand the basic of economics.
At least understand the basics reason.
>Just as countries with low life expectancy can improve drastically. But Singapore having one of the highest in the world doesn't have barely much growth left to make.
Did it suddenly have high life expectancy? No, the article indicated more than one cause and if I were to choose between an /r/asianmasculinity incel with a bone to pick and the article I would go for the article. Notice not a single shred of evidence from you, just bluffing. No wonder you dont have a partner that loves you.
Jack Gray
Kayden Evans
Wrong again, sigh.
Most Chinese immigration to the west even according to the western immigration departments is from poor provinces in China.
Even most gold rush Chinese were mostly poor Chinese males from southern provinces.
Sorry if you can't understand that, the amount of Chinese people that come from good developed north eastern provinces to the west is very very small in number. The reason they don't come should be obvious, but unsure if it's obvious to you since you don't have a brain.
The amount of people that come from Singapore is also very very small. Maybe if you try hard darling, you can notice a trend in which people generally want to come to the west........
Levi White
>64 replies >40 posts by this ID
Thomas Hill
70 posts. Learn to count.
Gabriel Jones
Also there are 17 posters on here. Keep pretending it's just me.
Zachary Lewis
Make these threads more often man it’ll become a classic
Luke Green
The inferior Caucasian race is being wiped out, and I am white myself and even I can admit that this is happening and that it's a good thing.
In the USA alone Caucasian people were once 98%.
Now they are under 70% and most of them are older people.
Most babies born are now non Caucasian, and once the older generation die off within the next 20 years all statisticians say that "white" people in the US will drop under 50%.
Brayden Lewis
It is funny, since they have no response as they get pwned by facts. It's easy beating people when you are on the side of facts.
I am always on the side of facts no matter what, even though I am white I still admit that Jews and Asians are on average more intelligent than us and that blacks destroy us in athletics and penis size. And that white supremacy is the most ridiculous thing ever since Afrocentrism. lol
Ian Hall
Jesus man you shouldn’t have taken off the flag, only thing worse would have been an actual Asian flag. When you make these threads you can’t step out of character
Dylan Morales
Traditionally many came from gaungdong, which is now one of the wealthier provinces in China. These days immigrating into western counries is expensive (legally) so most come from wealthy or at least middle class families. Fetishizing a race you dont understand is stupid from all sides but lying because you have an inferiority complex and hate white people is stupid as well
Liam Scott
> 45 posts by this ID
> the dumb aussie eventually forgets to hide his flag
what a fun thread
Xavier White
The saddest thing is that you probably consider yourself to be intelligent
Landon Parker
It's actually spelled Guangdong.
Stop trying to talk about things when you don't even know how to spell them.
Immigration data in Australia and the US show that it isn't just "traditionally". Sorry about that, still the majority of Chinese come from southern Chinese provinces.
The amount that come from north eastern rich provinces is minute in number, it's because they have no motive to come over. This is the same reason Singaporeans and people from Hong Kong and Japan also very rarely decide to come, because they have no incentive or interest to.
1. Mexico 174,534 2. China 81,772 3. Cuba 66,516 4. India 64,687 5. Dominican Rep. 61,161 6. Philippines 53,287 7. Vietnam 41,451 8. Haiti 23,584 9. El Salvador 23,449 10. Jamaica 23,350
There is the actual immigration data, notice every country is a shithole. And for China they are coming from shithole provinces in China.
Most Chinese in the west speak Cantonese, they are from there. They fill up Chinatowns and they are the trash from China for the most part. Sorry.
Lucas Turner
>First of all, his skin isn't white. Are you intentionally being a retard? That man is obviously white.
Bentley Martin
>Not only that, virtually every Japanese rich woman still marries a Japanese man........totally disproving your delusions that they desperately want you Sup Forums loses.
Do white anons in Sup Forums want to marry Japanese woman? I think that white girls are much more beautiful than most Japanese girls.
Though there are reasons that they want to marry Japanese girls.
In particular, There are only some white men wanting to marry a Japanese woman, in fact, I think that there are few white men who want to marry a Japanese.
Colton Robinson
stop embarrassing yourself, idiot
Parker Johnson
Are you really this retarded? Like seriously?
You are so retarded that your brain can't even process what your eyes are seeing.
Snow is white, paper is white, clouds are white.
We "white" people are either pink or tanned.
If you can't see the difference in his skin and the collar that actually is white then you are officially so retarded that someone may as well just put you in a meat grinder and turn you into dog meat, as you are never going to be productive in any way for society.
Justin Hernandez
You post doesn't make sense, there are blatantly heaps of losers on this site that post Kpop women and JAV women and claiming they love them and are their partners.
Many claiming that east Asian women are their future partners and that since they are so smart that surely they will like
Charles Cox
Yeah nah mate you've got to be taking the piss
Angel Miller
There is no use responding to you anymore, you are officially autistic, you ignore immigration data and don't even know how to spell the names of the provinces. You literally don't have any respect for facts and are an emotional little low IQ wreck.
Another autistic user behind a VPN.
Ryan Ross
Go into photoshop any program, even they will tell you that his skin isn't white. Far from it, but let me guess all those programs are made by the evil Jews?
You "white" supremacists ironically are less white than many east Asian people. Fail.
William Hernandez
This is my girlfriend. >real talk
Ryder Bell
Do you think that white men who love Asian women are losers?
Austin Scott
That's a picture from the internet and has existed on there for years, sorry.
But it doesn't make you anymore worse than the other losers on here who all post pictures from the internet claiming they are their GF's.
Also her arms are very hairy.
Jeremiah Bennett
I have asian gf and i couldn't ask for more. Cooks delicious and healthy asian meals, showers me with diy gifts for various occasions, which also encourages me to give more heart into it, so i do things for her too, supports me when depressed or anxious for whatever reason, accepts my imperfections, says she loves me everyday (year anniversary soon, i bet she said that already more often than my mother). Likes to accompany me on my hobbies, but also have hobbies on her own. We don't plan to ever have kids. It's like that romantic drama on tv, but irl. Only problem is how to keep her in the country, i dont feel like marrying, but i doubt theres any other choice on the long run.
Xavier Baker
Depends, certainly some white men that love Asian women are in fact losers. I am not saying all of them though.
Camden Allen
Alright Chang, I think it's time you fuck off back to whatever slant shithole you scuttled out of.
Luke Foster
Hairy arms, are you for real? I love when women have that little hair trail on their belly. That stuff drives me nuts for some reason.
Mason Collins
Keep being insecure honey, find some crap looking Asian man and claims it's me. Clap clap.
So when were you diagnosed with autism?
Noah Sanchez
Well if you like the hair then good on you, I am not saying it's objectively bad. Maybe there are some men that like it.
Everyone is different and like different things.
Aaron Powell
I'm diagnosing you with being a chinky faggot. The only treatment is to fuck off back to China.
Kayden Peterson
>It's another triggered chink incel trying to shame White men for their sexual preferences thread
Luke Sanchez
>Sorry >Sorry >Sorry >Sorry >Sorry >you motherfuckers still reply Wow, this board is shit.