The last place Murdoch Murdoch was uploading has just been shoahd, press F to pay respects.
Cheekyvideos shoahd
For what reason was it shut down?
What happened?
jesus christ they hate murdoch murdoch
Take a fucking guess m8
No idea, it's just gone.
David Duke (CIA. Friends of Dugin)
Richard Spencer (NatBol)
Jared Taylor (Zionist)
Alex Jones (Zionist, positive Dungin interview)
= never banned, always promoted as /ourguy/ and always "gatekeeping"
>jesus christ they hate murdoch murdoch
>Jared Taylor
>never banned
>41 seconds before reply
Never think they're not monitoring EVERY comment.
I wear my murdoch murdoch shirt to work
Who cares? Jews aren’t the natural enemies of Europeans. A generation from now, maybe the Jews will stop fucking us over and will help us. If not we will probably have a revolt against the Jews like in Germany.
Mother fucker. I knew I should’ve downloaded all the episodes.
>Who cares?
Rest in Peace Friend
I was hoping it might just be slowing down cuz they uploaded a new video and maybe too many people were trying to watch it at the same time. Is a cringy, shittily animated Nazi soap opera that only appeals to Sup Forums users who get the references that much of a threat to (((them)))?
they will rise again. there is no stopping this now.
Murdoch can just post them on another site, like hosting sites are hard to find....
just the beginning we know its coming soon it will be 1 hour of mandatory rick and Marty save the jews episodes daily or you get your nuts cut off
It's another shoah
>We want unity of all the whites!
>So we are going to LARP as the guys who waged war against entire Europe, murdering millions of its citizens and antagonizing all who fell their victim, primarily Poles, Russians and other Slavs. What could possibly go wrong?
Good, fuck these faggots.
Good. Absolute cringe tier garbage.
Oh look, here they are.
Look we made mistakes, they shouldn't have fucked with you. I'm willing to admit that what happened to you guys was wrong. Let us learn the lesson and grow from it, not dwell on it. The lebensraum went a bit too far, and we should recognize that.
There's still bitchute to release it. Then they can let their fans spam it on YouTube like they usually do
Then it's going to be on individual anons to immediately mirror new uploads.
LOL get fucked with your nazi meme faces
Why do shills, leftists, and shitskins all fly under the banner of the swastika?
How can they mirror them if the one place he was uploading them to was fucked?
You sure it's been shoahed and not just down at the moment? Wouldn't be surprised if it has been though, even though it was just a small video hosting. ((They))) really do hate Murdoch Murdoch...
Nooooooooooooooo! I love Murdoch Murdoch. It's not fair damnit.
Daily Stormer? I don't know.
Hey Moarpheus, how's the Peterson shilling going?
Kek, "you"?
>Let us learn the lesson and grow from it, not dwell on it
I wish you good luck with making the citizens of Poland forgetting the WW2 and going "ah you worship Hitler now, that's cool, he was a great guy!" For us it's not even about ideology, we see Nazism only as one of the tools the Germans used while trying to wipe us out for over hundreds of years.
Wait what? The russians invaded you too dipshit.
Stop derailing you fucking cunts, how many times have we had this out? Take it elsewhere.
cringeworthy stupid youtubebullshit for autism fanbase , get this shit off Sup Forums fucking sucks dick.
>American education
i just sent them 10 bucks then this happened. just before they got shoah'd off youtube, i had sent them a message.
i think i'm cursing murdoch murdoch :
> American education
> Polish education
Do you really want to play this game?
Meh. It'll come back up somewhere. This shit can't be killed for long.
Your picture proves him right, yet you call him ignorant?
Rest in Peace. After the youtube purge I couldn't find their videos for a long time afterwards. I just wish somebody saves them and puts them up as a torrent. It'd be shame if we lost so much content.
Kys faggot
>brown german immigrant
I've lost "too" while reading.
Yes, we were invaded by both Russia and Germany. How does that change anything?
female wojak makes my peepee tingle
>murdoch murdoch thread
>Some autistic Pole comes in
>"like why these guy use nazi imagery like ugh don't you that WW2 happened like OMG"
5 hour of murdoch murdoch:
List of episodes many of which are still on youtube:
Dumping all my MM memes
I got them all. I'm sure others do as well.
You can't kill an idea
>Literally promote National Socialism and whitewash Hitler in your videos
>Ignore the history and all the nations that fell victim to Germans
>Expect "all the whites" to sit in circle and singe "Horst Wessel Lied" together
Is Daily Stormer still up? I thought they also were shoah'd again.
>literally oy vey over a video
Cry me a river
The difference is m8, we want the good parts, not the bad parts. No one here is going to gas you now chill out and fuck off.
>Same font as the anti Jared Taylor poster
D&C shills deserve a bullet
Just fucking ignore it, there are always gonna be spergs here who get butthurt over nothing
>Yeah, ignore the fact that we worship the ideology that literally sees you as a lesser being, dumb Slav! Be humble
>the good parts
Kek, specify "the good parts". As far as I can tell, convincing people that Nazis and Hitler dindu nuffin requires the constant falsification of the history, such as claiming that "Hitler had to invade Poland because Poles murdered the ethnic Germans", as portrayed in "Le Mosst Ebin Story Ever Told".
Do you honestly expect us to sit back and be ok with being slandered? We don't take the shit from Jews, and we won't take it from anyone else.
>still oy veying
M8 as a fellow neighbour of Germany I agree with you and understand well where you are coming from. True it is like that tv-show "Neighbours from hell" in a historical sense. Hence I am all for 14 but 88 not so much. Still as a cartoon show I enjoy MM cringy as it often is, I'm not sacrifing it on the altar of ideological purity.
If I were you I would start calling you anti white for making fun of Lithuanians killing themselves, but since I am not a autistic sperg...
Then they need to nut up and upload elsewhere. Again. And again.
And again.
To paraphrase one of the statements of their own videos, they must never tire. They must continue to spread their cringy videos for people to see. If they weren't making some sort of impact, they wouldn't be constantly being taken down. To paraphrase another one of their videos, an image of Christ Himself could be displayed being fucked by dogs, and people would cheer it on. He posts some meme "Australopithecus want gibs" crap, and nigger-dick licking jew lovers shit all over their own mother's mouths in a feces gobbling rage.
Basic, simple tier shit such as making a video criticizing the current God of the age, egalitarian nonsense, by people such as the MM creators, is enough to drive some crazy and to turn notable heads for the efforts made. The makers of that series need to keep it up. Never give up. They throw you down, don't be a pussy. Come back again and come back stronger. Immediately. Create more videos and upload them elsewhere. Continue to do what you do.
His forum is still up:
I don't think they took down cheekyvideos you guys. I think it's just down for maintenance or something. Cheeky didn't send me any messages.
I'm not happy with how things turned out but I don't think that means we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. The brits betrayed you when they let Russia gobble you up, and Nazis hurt you too. I want us to learn from those experiences.
You hate them, and rightfully so, because they denied you your sovereignty and did terrible things to your people. I don't wish to repeat those same mistakes. I see you Poles as one of the few European nations who have managed to hold onto and preserve their identity. You can laugh at the Germans as they hand away their nation to foreign hordes but to think that won't inevitably happen to you too is folly. We are in this together this time. No more brother wars.
You Europeans give me hope, my land is probably too far gone, but your lands are still salvageable. I want to see us prosper together, not fighting amongst ourselves.
Why should we throw Western civilization away because we bicker?
That drawing is so fucking cool...especially r_thedonald
god dammit, I was going to have a murdoch marathon, thanks alot jews
I want my stormertron licence...
>The brits betrayed you when they let Russia gobble you up
This is true, I have no love for Brits as well.
>but to think that won't inevitably happen to you too is folly
You realize that the real reason why they don't want to come here is literally because we are too poor? I doubt the wage gap between us and Western Europe will close in the next 100 years, so I think we have nothing to worry about. But even if it did, we don't plan on accepting any "refugees" regardless, as you probably know.
>No more brother wars
That's all great but as I said, Poles (and other Europeans) are strongly related to their history. So if you want to use the figures and ideologies that are historically seen as the enemies of certain nations, don't expect them to aid your cause.
I dont give a shit about you faggots, Hitler helped us, even if he wanted to genocide you i wouldnt fucking care
>right on cue
Does this man never sleep?!? Keep up the good work, MM.
buddy texted me about it. What part of the south you from?
Kek, so much for "muh white unity"
Upstate South Carolina, currently stationed in the Florida panhandle, though. Ghosts of America is one of my favorites of yours.
>I think it's just down for maintenance or something.
I hope so.
I agree with what you're saying here. National Socialism was more of a pan Germanic movement. It's hard to fit that into a pan European, or White movement. For example, Hitler knew full well what Japanese dominance of the Pacific would mean for Australia and New Zealand but he proceeded anyway because he thought it expedient to German interests. If all Whites are to cooperate then we must be equitable towards each other.
You cheeky beautiful bastard
Fuck off shlomo
Fucking love you
Thanks for your work. Good stuff.
desu i don't know what to believe about the national socialists during that time. It's like all my life I was told nothing but negatives, then I learn more about them and the whole thing becomes grey. I like slavs and wouldn't want your lands taken from you. What symbol/ideology would you suggest for a pan european movement? Maybe the identitarian logo?
I was worried southerners would think the point of the episode was to let go of the confederate symbols or whatever. I just wanted for us all to be united again. We will have to be united with what's coming our way.
eines tages wird unsere geduld ein ende haben, und dann wird dem moarpheus das freche lügenmaul gestopft werden!
>Dr. Murdoch is /sci/ Sup Forums
>Murdoch Murdoch is Sup Forums Sup Forums
>Murdoch-Chan is Stormer Sup Forums
What if I came from Sup Forums? What Murdoch am I supposed to identify with?
Cheeky isn't down for me.
I dunno, i think i identify with all of them.
i enjoy your work
keep it up man