Hunter x Hunter
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Why is Kurapika such a pathetic coward?
Fuck off reddit.
ITT: triggered OP fags.
Its not our fault your manga is a walking mess for 5 arcs now, lol.
holy SHIT
does anyone understand what the fuck was happening?
Remember that he has ten fingers. that means ten abilities.
Kurapika is ben 10.
>Leave Chrollofags and Hisokafags to me
What did he mean by this?
Serious talk, where the fuck is Zushi?
Can't any of you make a intelligent OP post?
left or right?
I get the story but I'm waiting for an user to make an image explaining Kurapika's abilities.
left is absolutely kino
right is horrendous it looks like they barely put effort into it
>left is fanfic
>right follows the manga
Daily reminder that '99 vs '11 is the equivalent of Sup Forums vs plebbit.
If you prefer '11 you should literally kill yourself.
Does anybody else really hate limitations to abilities like
>my life will be reduced by x amount of time for every y I use it!
Seriously, it's such a creative cop out. You never get to actually see the fallout. Like, at least make it so something physically bad or tangible happens. Also, I have to wonder if this is a new limitation he placed or if it was always there. Initially when he described Emperor Time all Kurapika mentioned was the condition of his eyes had to turn red.
I like how they tried to make it feel more cinematic, and the shadows and different angles do make some scenes look more interesting in 99, but some of the animation is kind of bad. 2011's overall animation quality seems higher, and I like most of the character designs better.
>using different colors is fan fic
Are you an ESL or just retarded?
The mood overall is nice but the redesign of Gon for the 99' anime is fucking disgusting.
I'm good sticking with the manga desu.
99 was more accurate with the designs than 11
I don't care, i didn't watch either of the anime but everytime people keep comparing them and Gon appears on the 99' it digusts me, he looks like a bloated pedophile midget.
99 death was much more dramatic, i like it
Anyway i read mango only
I think is a matter of limited animation with some really good moments vs better animation but a more bland look.
The lighting on the left makes me like it more, but I prefer 2011's Gon design.
she is so hot
I can't wait until she gives Kurapika her anal virginity.
Pitou is the cutest and is my wife.
actually he has atleast 21 abilities
Kurapika has a set of chains designed to be used exclusively for Spiders and a set designer for regular fight. This is the first time we see him fighting non-spiders so it's normal to see him use new abilities with their set of restrictions.
Don't turn this thread into 99 vs 11 autism again.
Oh god the homoposter is back
>inb4 that one guy trying to convince the shotacons that they are pedos
Why don't all specialists just make ability stealing hatsus? It seems like specialist is more of a thief category.
I wish shonen didn't use the bullshit 'lifespan is taken away' trope. I believe One Piece started the trend since it uses it so damn much to justifiy high stakes, but it makes no fucking sense.
Because according to Zeno they need at least 5-6 restrictions before they can steal an ability.
Which is odd because Kurapika has 1? restriction (emperor time) and can then steal any ability outright.
I'll trust Togashi on this.
HxH is nearing the last few arcs so there's no reason to give Kurapika that massive deathflag if he's not going to use it.
He can only steal one ability at a time and if he loads them up in the dolphin then he has to use them and dies 3600 times faster until he uses it.
Does anyone know the number of the 2011 episode where Kurapika's explaining to Gon and Killua how he became obsessed with everything-chain related in order to master his nen?
Specialist is a catch-all category. It doesn't seem like they can dictate what kind of ability they get, but just give form to it. Paku and Meleoron's abilities have nothing to do with hatsu stealing.
It's at the start of Greed Island, when they call him to ask about abilities. Look the episode summaries on Wikipedia and it should be there.
He can only use the stolen hatsu once, then he needs to steal it again. Genie keeps the stolen hatsus forever, unless the victim dies and their nen doesn't get stronger or if he erases it from the book.
He also apparently committed hard to the setup he has. Even having one that has versatility at all was a compromise with his teacher.
On the other hand, Kurapika. He's a disgusting little bastard. But then people also thought Hisoka would never lose, and look how that turned out.
Chrollo only has 4 conditions
Leorio will just bring him back with Ai when he finds one in the DC anyways
Found it thanks
Vincent better still be alive or I'm gonna drop this.
But most hunters have restrictions they have to clear before they can even steal the ability.
A top tier fighter like Chrollo has 4 restrictions:
>He must witness the Nen ability in action with his eyes.
>He must ask about the ability and be answered by the victim.
>His victim's palm must touch the handprint on the cover of Bandit's Secret.
>All of the above must be done within an hour.
The only thing Kurapika has to do is stab the nen user with the dolphin and he can then take their hatsu rendering them helpless.
That's pretty OP.
He was likeable as fuck,im sad he´s dead now
Both were pretty bad. 99 had superior aura glow and superior judgment chain build up. 11 had better music. Both failed at conveying her memories. 99 used cheap VHS looking effect and 11 literally just superimposed old footage over their glowing heads.
Chrollo has restrictions because he can steal a fuck ton of abilities and use them all at no cost an unlimited number of times as long as he has them.
THAT is pretty OP.
I too am worried about this. hopefully it isn't something that is a super problem. I'm not a fan of these developments but Togashi could make it interesting.
pika's emperor time was pretty OP so this is an interesting nerf to it.
Don't forget the restriction of only being able to use 1(+1) at a time
So does pikas life drain anytime he is in emperor time or anytime he is using the dolphin chain
Well, Togashi does enjoy breaking standard shounen tropes, so if anything, if Pika's lifespance gets cut short, it will actually be cut short.
Unless Togashi does another O MY ASSPULL CHAIN
probably just Dolphin pretty pretty random to bring it up now considering he used Emperor time through all of yorkshin
It depends on if restrictions compound for nen. For Steal Chain
>only one ability at a time
>only one use
But since the other parts of that ability can only be used in Emperor Time
>eyes must be red
>every second shortens lifespan by an hour
So that would be 4 restrictions like Chrollo, yet the ability is far inferior.
I was just starting to really bond with his character.
Just having his eyes turn red is not emperor time.
Kurapika is probably use ET a lot and then restore his lost lifespan with nitro rice.
>Pika overuses Emperor Time and turns into old man with nen poisoning and gets hospitalized
>Wild Killua appears
>Killua uses Nanika to return Pika's lost lifespan
it will be either that, or we will see that Kurapika has a secret chain on his dick, and connected to the chain is all of lifespan used in Emperor Time, thus allowing him to get all of it back O MY DICK CHAIN style
It's weird that he would chose chains when he was already proficient with the stick.
Like how the 1999 backgrounds actually have just as much effort and detail put in them as the characters do.
Backgrounds today look like an entirely different group that specializes in 3-D animates them. Whereas back in day with DBZ, YYH and HXH, the backgrounds were consistent with the main artstyle and created a sense of consistency and cohesion.
The fifth would be "you have to hold the book open in one hand when using a stolen ability".
>It's better because it's dark and red
Not anymore.
>tfw 1999 could have elevated the Chimera Ant arc to high art status but instead we got the shitty 2011 version with bland boring digital era art with an obnoxious narrator and terrible pacing
You fags are gonna start calling nitro rice and all the other treasures of the DC asspulls, aren't you?
kek what?
of course they are.
>contrarian 99 autists will defend this horribly made fanfic over what's practically an animated version of the manga for autism's sake
Because he has to use another ability to circunvent that condition which is not the same as just removing the condition entirely.
>shit eating 2011fags will attack 1999 because it dares to have an actual artstyle and animation
>individual artstyle and animation
but i dont want that, i want togashi's work in animated form not some low quality fanfic
>i want togashi's work in animated form
>i want to have an interesting discussion about the newest chapter
>tons of stuff was just shown
>shit will hit the fan next chapter even harder
but nope lets have have a 99 vs 11 thread like always
i'm confused by that nen dolphin.
does it actually have its own free will?
>fanfic non-canon filler
thanks for proving my point
Pitou is DEAD and is actually of AMBIGUOUS GENDER, A.K.A NOT A GIRL.
Here, is replacement pitou and new best girl. She is your wholesome Black Whale theater announcer and is AN ACTUAL GIRL.
Switch to something more realistic would yah? Instead of worshiping a fucking ANT who doesn't even have any confirmed sexual organs.
1999's filler is better than anything togashit wrote
i dont get it, if you dont like the manga what are you defending here? do you propose 1999 fanfic surpasses the source material?
we've reached peak contrarian autism
Is asspull the newest buzzword? It's everywhere, what have I missed.
no is just sentient
>do you propose 1999 fanfic surpasses the source material?
of course it does
peak autism.
Not even a 99fag and I think 2011 kurapika is fucking garbage
i was responsible for the kite addition
i want summer to end
>Every fucking thread is the same.
I wish Killuafags would invade.
Never seen it spammed this much. Everything that happens in any series is an asspull these days.
yep, thank you