Name a comfier Anime which isn't about cute girls doing cute stuff

>Name a comfier Anime which isn't about cute girls doing cute stuff

sorry user i don't think i have even watched any animes that fulfil that condition

>pic related
I'm actually reading silver spoon right now but I'm at the arc where the main girl and baseball dude are troubled over something but won't tell the MC. He's being a huge bitch about it so I haven't worked up the spiritto power through it.

Is this show any good?


Yes. Basically its a "City-Boy-Goes-To-A-Farm-And-Learns-That-People-Are-Helpful-There" type of vibe


>Hiromu Arakawa
Take a wild guess

Even Retarded kid could guess a math problem right once

like that time Sup Forums beat /sci/?

>Grounded in reality, relatively no drama
what? real life is full of drama (and gin no saji too).

Not him but the biggest Drama was relative small in Gin No Saji. Its basically with the main Chicks future

Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge is just about the comfiest anime ever made.

This show was perfect to watch in the morning as I got ready for class. I only saw the one episode of ACCA 13, but it seemed pretty relaxed.

Natsume Yuujinchou and Nodame Cantabile
Fuck you I'm saying Sora no Woto anyway

new chaper when?

but it's drama. hachiken doesn't have a dream (another drama). hachidad is an asshole (another drama). the difference is that the writing is more soft.


Not sure if you'd count this as being "about cute girls". Rin is definitely cute but it's not the point of the show. Maximum comfy though.
>Sora no Woto
Good taste

Flying Witch.

Someone beat me to posting this.


maximum comfy

>what is Natsume Yuujinchou

Top tier taste
