Despite their skin tone, of course.
Their facial features in particular are very similar to whites.
Despite their skin tone, of course.
Their facial features in particular are very similar to whites.
Getting bleeched by bongs a long time ago, euroDNA in there
India used to be populated by white people.
This guy for instance is said to be from India but look at him.
every race that isn't white black or asian is just a mixture of 2 or 3 of these races
percentage of white black and asian varies
No they got bleached by Aryans. British were to small in number to have much genetic influence
Because they're Aryan
They look like Italians
It ain't called Indo-European for nothing.
Gold Shirt Man is your sun roasted cousin.
whites descend from Indians.
why do you think pre-cuckianity culture was pagan in Europe? where the fuck do you think that religion came from, genius?
Indo-Europeans son.
Iranians, Indians, Pashtuns etc. all belong to it.
Some were are muddled by arab blood, some by turko-mongols like Hazara people in Afghanistan, pic related.
I-Is that Zuckerberg's Grandfather or something?
post reincarnation redpills poobros
>where the fuck do you think that religion came from, genius
I am going to go ahead and guess that it was native to Europeans?
some of what you are looking for is in here i believe. its on a different subject, but it has mentions on your topic. if the kike masons worship him, you should probably see what he says. just to know it.
they wuz originally caucasians (aryans) then someone shit in their dna.
They are mostly Caucasian with some Dravidian
Cos Indians are white people who got a permanent tan by living further south for a few thousands of years
Because Northern Indians are same race as Europeans.
Indians are arguably the most BETA race of all. East asians are far more alpha and dangerous in comparison. Its impossible to take Pajeets seriously.
>yfw you realize gypsies are aryan
OP hasn't met many Indians. Curry burners are short. They smell like shit. A real shit race of subhumans. Their great granny 7 generations back got some Aryan dick while cleaning the palace but that don't make them human.
>Northern Indians
Yes? Caucasoids shitting on the street. They also invented first civilization.
>darker than my shit
You wrote "insectoids" wrong.
> North Indian street shitters
>Implying the first civilization in India wasn't Dravidian predating the invasion
they are in fact caucasoids.
>muh aryan memes
The people of Indus River (Pakistan) were caucasoid.
Yea right that must mean Dravidian's are also Caucasian since it predates the Aryan invasion then
It's true that Islam fucked the north of India like it fucked everything it touches. It's also true that the most European influence is in the South. Good points.
Language is different from race. Or do you consider Hungarians or Turks mongoloid?
You people really like poopy jokes
They're Caucasians just like whites are
Nice try fellow pajeet
Up to Bangladesh most of them are caucasoids, then you start to see the Asiatic genes.
>that nose
Why they shit on the streets?
it's about skull shape and facial structure not color
because genetically they are very similar to whites.
Indians are in the caucasoid cluster.
Just noticed that hog seems to be nursing, sad that babby is trash on the street but at least it will now serve some purpose.
I don't think that it's unreasonable that we had a "common ancestor", so to speak, and that we eventually went our separate ways. Then, given the Indian subcontinent's mountains on one side and oceans on another, that they became something rather unique and different from whites over time in such relative seclusion. But not so much as to become something totally unique (like blacks or Asians) in our eyes, as your post indicates. We can still kind of see whiteness in them. I get the same vibes with many Hispanics/Mestizos, as well.
Thousands of years ago we shared the same cities. They moved south, we went west.
we should give them their our country like we did with the Jews and Israel
Google Caucasian or white Afghan and Pakistani
Read the Wikipedia entry for tocharia in western China
We used to have a much larger range
OP not white.
England already did it
Persians are the true aryans.
5000 years ago the first Indo-Aryans migrated into the north and north west of India. They created a race based caste system essentially that would have theoretically have kept the Aryan bloodline distinct from the native dasyu blood. This didn’t really happen and 5000 years of race-mixing lead to the modern genetic composition of India. Even till this day a lot of us in the North and North-West still are taller and fair skinned rarely with green or blue eyes. That is also because this ethnic segregation is rigidly followed in those areas subconsciously and we NEVER marry a darkskinned/short Indian. Although the amount of North Indians who could pass of as white european is like 1% now lol. My brother has blue eyes and is pale af and when we go to the US or Europe people always refuse to believe he is Indian. However most upper caste North Indians can easily pass off as mediterannean or maybe mexican or basically anything that is olive skin with white facial features
to add to what happened in India is a real experiment of thousands of years of race mixing. So that’s what the USA might look like in 300-500 years with modern day medicine and rates of mixing
>t. maoris