God bless you Sup Forums.
No matter your denomination, come and discuss our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
God bless you Sup Forums.
No matter your denomination, come and discuss our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Times may seem dark right now, and society morally depraved but fear not - for God in His Almighty Wisdom and Mercy will restore the world to greatness soon.
Entrust yourself to Christ and you can escape all sin and worldly desires. Pray, fast and meditate upon the Scriptures and God will answer you.
Never let anyone tell you that the Church was anti-science. The Dark Ages are a myth.
Jesus was a nigger
Repent, user.
Pontius Pilate described him as having "golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect".
There never was a god to begin with.
1st Nephi Chapter 4 Verse 13
13 Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief.
>Jesus was a nigger
False, he wouldn't have escaped execution instead of turning himself in.
This is a Christian thread, user.
Repent and accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
That is from a Christian text. If you truly said and meant any denomination than you should include us as well.
Ether 12
18 And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God.
19 And there were many whose faith was so exceedingly strong, even before Christ came, who could not be kept from within the veil, but truly saw with their eyes the things which they had beheld with an eye of faith, and they were glad.
>Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.
Why am I so obsessed with the Bible, anons? Is it the Holy Spirit in me?
What did they mean by this?
It is the holy yearning that burns inside you to be ever closer with your creator
Cherish your passion and zeal for the Lord, my brother.
Good morning brothers.
Is that Mike Pence's personal Bible?
Yes. Its a clip from an interview before he became VP I think. He keeps it on his desk. The cover looks very worn too. He says he believes the saying that "a well worn bible is the sign of a life that's not." Ill see if I can find the video again. Pic related is some of his favorite books he keeps in his office.
daaamn, we unironically have the ourest of guys at the top.
Gnosticism isn't a denomination
I pray you find the real Yeshua and not a cult of man.
>The Teacher searched to find appropriate expressions, and what is written here is right and truthful.Sayings from the wise are like cattle prods and well fastened nails; this masterful collection was given by one shepherd. So learn from them, my son. There is no end to the crafting of many books, and too much study wearies the body.Let the conclusion of all of these thoughts be heard: Fear God and obey his commandments, for this is what it means to be human.For God will judge every deed, along with every secret, whether good or evil.
if i want to believe in god but don't, what am i?
awesome duuude
A seeker.
Anyone got that image of Gabe holding the Quran doing the 'one' sign with his hands? Thanks lads
Jesus is my savior, I know this as fact. Anyone who doubts Christ understand that there is nothing that I believe more strongly. If you told me that I have no parents and I’ve just imagined them my whole life, I would be less surprised than if you told me that Christ is not my Lord and Savior.
Thanks poll for redpilling me on Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. God bless each and every one of you, even those wicked souls who seek to mislead us.
A lost soul.
Look into Aquinas' 5 ways and other arguments for Theism generally. Then look for religion specific arguments, such as Gary Habermas for Christianity. I will pray for God to open your heart and mind.
God bless you, user. Go forth and spread the Gospel. I hope you became Catholic.
>Never let anyone tell you that the Church was anti-science. The Dark Ages are a myth.
So, okay, it's funny you mention that.
I've been contemplating and studying the bible and I have a personal theory I'd like to discuss concerning the nature of "sorcery".
Basically, the bible (specifically the new testament) goes to great lengths to discourage and dissuade people from practicing occultism in all it's forms: astrology, divination, and all other forms of 'magic'. Christ himself, even goes so far as to say this statement about the matter, "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.” FALSEHOOD is they key word here, practitioners of FALSEHOODS.
What I'm trying to get at is when the Bible means the 'practice' of 'sorcery' I think they might be referring to the practice and belief of baseless superstition in in it's various forms. The palm reader, the crystal healer, the man telling you HE PERSONALLY is gonna heal your legs by calling down Gods power, but only if you pay HIM money- SWINDLERS: superstition, sorcery, bullshit that isn't to be believed as it spreads falsehood, misery, lies, and confusion.
That's my personal working interpretation at the moment; as the longer I've read the bible the more I've come to understand it's far less... I want to say less literal and more metaphorical- things have spiritual meaning and less so physical ones, but people misinterpret them as such and then either become upset or do something evil and stupid.
Can anyone recommend some reading on the history of Christianity, that is, the religion viewed through a historical context and the influence it had throughout the ages? I want to undertake a scholarly study of Christianity.
Oh never mind, I see that recommended reading has already been posted.
I guess I should have looked at the thread first lol.
We need this thread everyday.
I have been doing my best to post it when I can. I will post some more images of Christ so others can post a thread if one is not up.
Mormonism isn't some cult, I know that the church I follow is true. You can call me a heretic but the doctrine I follow brings a light to my life like no other had. I tried Catholicism, I tried Protestantism, I even tried denying my faith and became atheistic. The only church that would listen to my inquires was the LDS church. I could even back the doctrine with scientific evidence. Look up the Solutrean Hypothesis and how it can lend credibility to my faith. I didn't come here to convert anyone or judge yet it happens every time I am honest about my faith.
I know you have user. Thank you.
Started wearing a Crucifix around my neck lads. Feels good. Also been reading about my ancestor who was part of the Cambridge Seven. Took Christianity to China and became Bishop of Western China, survived the Boxer Revolution and all sorts.
Repent and accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour, user.
what a lad. Look into wearing a brown scapular, they're meant to be good. I've been meaning to buy one.
I've started carrying my Rosary with me and praying either the Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet whenever I have free time (waiting at the bus stop, on my bus journey, waiting outside class) and I feel a lot better.
Further, pray the rosary when you have temptations and they will subside.
Fuck no it isn't, Christianity is about loving your neighbor as yourself. WN also has the same values. If you believe in the new testament you also know that the jews have no right to the land of Israel. They forfeited that land when they turned against god and worshiped Moloch.
You have the wrong translation
Revelation 22:15
>For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Its people who love to lie
Couldn't make a cringier old meme if you tried. Christianity is trite incarnate. For every "good" argument in favor of the ideas within Christianity, there are hundreds of viable and superior alternatives at every corner. Organized Jewish religion is utterly worthless and unnecessary
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May God bless you, Sup Forums. It's another beautiful morning. I'm looking forward to Sunday, I've been looking for a new church in town and I think I found one that's perfect for me. I felt a unique and positive energy when I went to discuss wedding reservations, and the congregation is so kind. On that note, how do y'all feel about living with your fiance/gf before marriage? Methodist btw.
ITT worshipping semitic niggers
I mean absolutely no offense what so ever -I'm here to discuss God's words-, but how is this not... Idolatry exactly? Specifically: "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."
Would not something like a chaplet or beads or really any other unnecessary trinket be a form of Idolatry?
Maybe I'm being insensitive or missing some context, perhaps you could explain to me why you desire such an item?
>Its people who love to lie
Does that necessarily change the context or sentiment? Is Christ telling you that it's bad to simply 'lie' as if fibbing, or is he calling out the greater evil of lying and committing things you know are to be 'untrue'. I'm not here to hen peck or argue about what word was used, I'm looking for meaning, context, application, what the word IS, INTENTION.
Jeebus? Was he the main character of that jewish quarrel in Judea years ago? How did it go for them?
... colts >:(
Practice of sorcery means practice of sorcery. Several instances of this in the Bible. Pharoahs magicians and the witch of endor to name a few. Sorcery is demonic and why God is so adamant about staying away from it.
Self hating atheist here. Can someone recommend me some videos/lectures that teach the basics of (possibly catholic) Christianity?
hey faggots, if you can make moot king of Time, get this video to the masses, viral epicness will ensue, and we will kill the jew! i am WHITE JESUS, aka ricky beachum jr. I'm just a faggot with 113 iq, and unfortunately I'm just a poor white manlet, who loves big black cock, and Moloch. please watch this shit faggots!
Christianity is nothing more than an elaborate kikery, prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't
Look into Barron's Catholicism series.
>but how is this not... Idolatry exactly?
I'm not the user who mentioned it but I wear mine not as a item to be worshiped but as a symbol of who I worship. It reminds me of my Lord and what he did for me and who I am. I do not pray to the necklace or ask for its blessing and it is not required to worship my God. Thats not idolatry.
Thanks, I'll check these out.
Only people who don't know English well say "JEebsus" because you are new to the language and that's what it sounds like to you, but to us we don't think on those things since it is natural to us
You're welcome.
I was about to download my old daily Bible verse apps to my new phone and pray for the first time in days, but got distracted. Then this thread came up. Thank you, OP.
Well I guess it's time to post this.
If Christianity was a Jewish ploy to keep the boys in line, then why would they openly profess their hatred of Jesus both in biblical times and also in modern day such as the kike porno tycoons who say they love making porno because they hate Jesus and want to destroy the got family??
The meme of Christianity is a Jewish plot, don't buy into it is contradictory and is a demoralization tactic perpetuated here and other places on the internet.
based Mike
We killed God, two times.
>two in the pink, one in the stink gesture with right hand
What did Jesus mean by this?
>No latin vulgate inbetween Douay Rheims and Greek interlinear
Weak meme
Weak heart
>The meme of Christianity is a Jewish plot, don't buy into it is contradictory
It's not contradictory you fucking idiot.
I will make it clear for fucking retards like you.
Old Testament = a racial tribal religion
Now comes along Jew Jesus who makes it multiracial, anyone can be one with him as long as you put the thought of Jesus into your head and believe him.
This Jew is the first multicult SJW. Of course the racist Jews hate him just like we racist whites hate race traitor whites.
Now, the Jews love white people to follow this kike because it weakens and destroys white racial unity. All Christian teachings are weakness, destruction, and death for a racial tribal group.
It's plainly clear if your'e not a fucking idiot, unlike yourself and other Christians.
>Makes it multiracial
People didn't identify by races back then, but by religious denominations. They had no concept of genetics beyond basic breeding knowledge, which they used on animals only.
Jesus wanted to unite all people under God spiritually (because having tribal religions is really a good way of creating tribal wars and constant tensions), but made it very clear that His and His Father's Kingdom were not of this world. Meaning that trying to bring about a superstate in which all men are equals is an affront to Christianity.
All hail ethnoregionalism/ethnonationalism, the foundations of the Trinitarian Peace.
>People didn't identify by races back then
>tribal groups didn't tribe
You're clearly a fucking idiot.
They identified to a patriarch or a main god, not a germanic race (like the Langobards responded to Wodan directly; they also had the strange concept of liberating foreign slaves to integrate them to their tribe, if I'm not mistaken; really makes me think...)
You're clearly the brainlet in this thread.
Keep lying, kike. Every lie you post, exposed what you are.
Jesus taught higher gnosis
“The kingdom of heaven is inside you”
“The kingdom of heaven is not of this world”
“The kingdom of heaven is spread over the earth and no one can see it”
>Lying about tribal patriarcality
>American education
Thanks for spreading Jewish texts to the whole world, goyim
Based John Lennox. "God does exist."
Google "define context"
Has anyone read Michael Heiser? Thoughts?