Is there any country more based and glamorous than the UK ? How can burgermutts even compete ?
British appreciation thread
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> Thinking Britain is top tier these days.
Brits are cucks let the Australian Empire begin.
britcucks are now ruled by te isis
British "women"
It's okay, user. They are just "finding themselves".
Lol island full of pc police and muzzies
why brits like this?
do they know when to stop with alcohol?
Daily reminder that people who uses meme flags are literally nigger-tier
Please choose one
Don't talk shit man.. Appreciate the comments but it's over for us and i can admit it
pole assmad cause his visa got denied.
Try naming one country more based and glamorous than Britain
british cuisine britihs woman, i would rather take australia or japan as reference this days
This plz
You are literally the single best country in the entire planet
Would the Empire include Britain? If yes, I'm fine with it as well
if Poland hates us so much why are all you guys moving here?
Britain is nowhere near based or glamorous. You're a shell of your former past and your past isn't even one to be all that proud of considering you were pretty much Jews in anglo form.
Show your flag, faggot
ANZAC New Caucasian Empire NOW
2 families i know personally, went to UK for 3 years to work, and came back here last year.
They saved up a LOT of quid, and spend it all in Polska.
Makes me wonder how many billions of pounds were sucked out of your economy in the last 10 years this way.
concept of difference in worth of certain currencies and average salaries are too complex to understand?
They don't go to England because they love your queen, they go there because they can earn more than in their homeland, economically held back for 50 years by communists.
Jesus fuck.
dont expect pic related to understand even the basic concept of currency.
They probably drink so much because their country is being overrun by invaders and it's an easy coping mechanism.
stop embarrassing NZ you fucking retarded faggot. God I hate New Zealanders who have this british worship mentality.
Muslim women are literally always overweight.
You literally never see a skinny girl in a hijab.
the fact anglos still think they're some kind of relevant, important country is just... I feel bad for them, they still want to hold on to the empire they gave away.
britania rulz the waves
British "police"
Good job New Zealand
Falklands are yours
I studied in the UK for over a year, and I'm never going back to that shithole.
Literally half my faculty was South or East Asian
I've lived in cities in Britain that were literal apartheid states. One side of the city was anglo, the other side paki, slavic and more.
>b-but Brexit 'n sheet
As long as I get given a cute spanish wife I'll be happy.
>British appreciation thread
>more than zero responses
This is some next-level jew shit
>Get your flag ship sunk
>Run away with your navy, cowardly abandoning your forces on the land
>"lol, we got less ships sunk than you"
I still love you dad.
t. Hapa: the country
>We wuz kangs n sheeeeeeeeeet
The absolute state of British "education"
Britain lost in WW2. There was no way of winning. We are not Britain anymore, we cannot hold a candle to the legacy our ancestors created.
ehh, Yea k. But she's moving to NZ, no mixing in Iberia.
> Choose your prize.
How the mighty fall to just a few leaders and lose their entire identities to them is proof of just how threatening jews truly are
I'll feel nothing, when the pakman takes over.
Fuck off with the divide and conquer shit
We all love our freedom-averse brethren in the UK
Gotta agree with this guy, the grass is always greener. Your country is fucking gorgeous, you need to appreciate it more and not let it go down the path we're going.
London Mayor.
Thought that was a Nike burqa for a second
Nothing wrong here. Anglos should learn and be encouraged to speak, write and read in the national language and believe in their national religion.
>How can burgermutts even compete ?
By being richer, more powerful and better looking.
No we do not.
British police use tea as analogy for sexual consent
Europe is richer, Russia is more powerful, and we're more attractive.