then how will i post
Kill yourself fucktard
How dare you!
This is bullshit! Gas yourself kike.
But how will Pajeets, Muhammeds and Justin Bieber hide without having to pay for proxy services?
How we will redistribute the shit-posting?
so why do we have kekistan flag but no kriegsmarine flag again?
Sounds good mate.
Why do we have anything but geo-location Flags?
It's painfully obvious that 3rd worlder shitposting brigades are using them to circumvent stigma.
If anything removing them will force them to pay more to shill
same reason we have tripcode, to filter out any newfag who uses them.
Canada becomes a sovereign shit posting super power overnight
Like I care if someone reads my shitposts or not.
Not going anywhere friend. We're gonna hang around and piss off everyone till the end of time.
fucking leaf.
Their government pays immigrants to do it, sometimes overbroad as well by supplying them with free Canadian proxy service.
Worst part is legit canadians are pretty decent but (((they))) have made us form a negative opinion about them just by doing this for a few years now.
Scary right?
HAHA cuck you wish.
how are we supposed to shill then ????????????
Kekistan makes me cringe desu
this isn't Sup Forums
Nooo! I'm Dyslexic so need meme flags
what for?
with them we instantly know who is a total fag
This. Fuck all you newfags that prefer geo-flags, they killed Sup Forums.
this self deprecating leaf will be spared the day of the rake
Fuck off faggot
I say keep meme flags but give a simple option to hide all meme flag post. I am fine with them existing but I do not want to see their non-stop spam. The spam trolls have given meme flag users a bad reputation.
>triggered by a flag
Kek go away Shareblue
No, people should be able to post under both GeoFlags and memeflags.
There is more than enough space for this in the boxes
For both at the same
This. Also, range ban Americans while you're at it.
That and obvious shills who you would know who they are every time because they appear from the same small country over and over.
No, fuck you. I want to know where you're from when you shit out bullshit opinions on XYZ.
Agree with this to be honest, it would save me some precious seconds of my life posting under my geo flag to prove where I'm from just for people to start attacking my geo-flag and using ad-hominem rather than addressing my political arguments.
It would avoid this same thing from shit holes attacking whites under memeflags
Are you from a shithole?
And you also want an easy way to deflect whenever you get btfo. The amount of times I've seen people get their weak arguments destroyed by meme flags with their only response left is to scream at them to show their flag as a last resort shows you reddit niggers can't debate without something to personally attack when you argument falls flat.
I'm still mad that they didn't bring back the Texas flag when they brought back meme flags.
I can filter tripfags, but I can't filter based on people using memeflags.
Texas has a point.
But where's the argument? Memeflags are hiding something.
>b-but muh divorced-from-reality world of forms!
If we're talking about actual ideological discussion and debate, I have no problem with memeflags. But if we're talking about typical stuff that goes on around here where your country DOES matter and contextualizing what's being said, then that's different.
I'd classify UK as a shithole yes.
4chanx you can.
And so what if he is? Doesn't affect his argument in the slightest. If you feel you need to fall back on attacking someones flag you've already lost.
Fuck memeflags.
t. retard
With geoflags, i can see a shitpost and immediately know if it's an aussie just having fun or a fucking leaf being gay as fuck.
The ability to chose memeflags is what ruins the whole thing, you can't know if it's a shill or some swede being scared of showing his flag while saying stupid shit, no one uses them unless he's retarded or hiding something.
Now back when everyone had randomly assigned memeflags, shit was pretty good tbqh
Why don't we just try removing meme flags from OP posts first, too much "1 post by this ID" troll slide crap is going on.
>muh edgy white on black 4chanx
>no one uses them unless he's retarded or hiding something.
I use mine because what with this being a board about political beliefs, I figure it's more important than where I'm from.
Deployed foot solider checking in
step 1. place the gun in your mouth
step 2. pull the trigger
So you have to actually formulate a coherent argument.
Sup Forums managed just fine without them and in fact managed to have more actual discussion and debate before geoflags were introduced. This isn't fucking Sup Forums and all geoflag shitposting has done is increase other forms of shitposting as well.
Remove meme flags so shitskin can’t hide their shitskin nation
where do they deploy where you still have OCP ACUs instead of multicam, and a UCP ruck
If you dont know how to do that by now you should probably head back to whatever site you came from since youre clearly not from around here.
Trust me my friend next weapons qual range
Memeflags are trash and have basically become a new form of tripfagging. What was at once an interesting and possibly useful feature to show off ones affiliation has become a trolling, spam and organized discord raid method. Just look at the worst threads on this board at any time. Most posts, especially “1 post by this ID” ops are memeflags. Memeflagging, much like tripfagging, should just result in constant range bans.
Ah yes, form a coherent argument against someone spamming BBC porn from behind a black nationalist flag.
the decline of the board started after meme flags
but Germans and Brits need meme flags or they could go to jail soon
Remove flags altogether actually.
Or a poo or chink posting we waz greatest civilization and inventors
Keep telling yourself that. The rest of us will continue to wholesale dismiss anyone who comes in arguing behind a memeflag.
IMO the only excuse for using a memeflag is if you're from a legitimately rare country and would otherwise get spammed with 30 posts pointing it out.
Agree. Meme flags marked a noticeable decline in board quality alongside an increase in shitposters.