/fg/ - Fascist general

This is a thread for discussion of classical fascism (NOT NATIONAL SOCIALISM)
Fascism is a revolutionary ideology of state control that overlaps every spectrum of society and life.
Fascism is social. We support welfare, universal healthcare, and oppose free market at all costs.
Fascism is national and patriotic. We see state carrying the flag of the nation throughout centuries, it's single most important and core value being state itself.
We oppose capitalism, marxist socialism, communism and liberalism
Who are welcome here
>Classical fascists
>National syndicalists
Post your fascist recourses, music and propaganda here.

>buuut i thought fascism was not left wing

One of the main martyrs of fascism was a socialist

More about socialist policies in Italy

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=e2ulDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT34&lpg=PT34&dq=russian fascist party&source=bl&ots=zbWArKDnFE&sig=PF5WkivNev4LU9bXo0GTO2LGC5c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEtJuF1pjZAhUpIMAKHZxPD58Q6AEIfDAS#v=onepage&q=russian fascist party&f=false

A great book about italian socialist policies under Mussolini


General review of some italian economic policies

A great compilation of italian fascist music


Russian fascism - some readings

books.google.com/books?id=e2ulDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT34&lpg=PT34&dq=russian fascist party&source=bl&ots=zbWArKDnFE&sig=PF5WkivNev4LU9bXo0GTO2LGC5c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEtJuF1pjZAhUpIMAKHZxPD58Q6AEIfDAS#v=onepage&q=russian fascist party&f=false


>>Fascism is social[ist]
>>Oppose capitalism

Fuck off and die

Make something of yourself. Don't demand it from others.

We demand social justice for OUR people.
Sorry, kike,.
>muh private banks
>muh federal reserve system
>muh private corporations

“Fascism has made grandiose Social Revolution, Mussolini and Lenin, Soviet and Fascist corporate state, Rome and Moscow. Several stands already taken had to be rectified, we have nothing of which to ask pardon for as both in present and past we are impelled by the same ideal: the triumph of work.”
- Bombacci

" Bombacci, the Communist, who was executed after Mussolini and his mistress were killed, shouted as his last words: “Long live Mussolini! Long live Socialism!”"

bump fellas


How is fascism different than national socialism?

kek hello schlomo, how was the latest (((Mises))) institute meeting like?

National socialism is capitalism with certain elements of state involvement
Fascism is (mostly) planned economy with respect to private property, nationalization of nearly all of industry and protectionasm
Fascism is not exclusively nordicist, it can support a wide array of racial/nationalistic policies
Also, religion tends to (historically) play a larger role in fascist societies.

protectionism *

>national socialists not welcome
>nazbols welcome
>still believing that fascism lies in the left right dichotomy
When will someone actually make a good fascist general?

it kills more people yay

So would the only difference between fascism and communism be National v. International? Just trying to learn not shilling.

It does though. Unless you disregard Mussolini entirely, shill
Fascism is third position ONLY in relation to classical marxism and capitalism

Fascism is not left wing, don't try to use terms if you don't know their origins.
A socialist arguing for a social safety net for his own people is not the same animal as one who believes in universal egalitarianism and wants to destroy all social classes.
Fascism accepts that difference between men are innate. It holds that hierarchy is natural, and trying to destroy hierarchy for the sake of political means is inherently wrong.

Ideologies can borrow elements from anywhere they like without compromising their underlying philosophy.

How so?

Communism - workers control means of production
Fascism - state controls means of production, workers unions and employer unions.

But it is. What you describe is merely a branch of left wing, and might be also applied to certain right wing ideologies.

>Fascism is (mostly) planned economy with respect to private property, nationalization of nearly all of industry and protectionasm
You just explained national socialism.

Did the workers really control shit under communism? I thought that was all just a ploy to trick the useful idiots into the revolution.

is national socialism and fascism always integral nationalist?
what kind of nationalism is non expansive?

You must not know history very well, then.
In third reich, free enterprise existed all throughout its existence, with trade unions illegal (outside of bogus organization that simply served as an excuse for earlier NS policies).
All large corporations, and families that ran them got a free hand as long as they supported the regime.

The dichotomy of left vs right comes from the French revolution. Quite simply it can be explained as anarchy vs hierarchy.
Anarchy is the root from which Liberalism springs, and all of mainstream US politics is born from this.
Fascism stems from hierarchy, it is in the same vein as Monarchy in this regard. It is inherently right wing.

A right wing ideology that borrows from the left in a very limited way is still right wing.

In Soviet Union? No. For many historical and geopolitical reasons, Leninism, and especially Stalinism were indeed state socialist ideologies, which they views as "temporary" on the way to "true communism"
No, not always. Despite the popular meme, Italy had racial laws directed towards african colonies way before any alliances with Germany, or german influence on italian politics.

no. left wing is concerned with equality. right wing embraces hierarchy. in fascism it's absolute, dictated through military prowess, in capitalism it's meritocratic.

It existed in fascist Italy as well, your point? Do you know what you're talking about?

I think OP might be a /leftypol/ troll

>Very limited way
If social welfare, state paid maternity leave, fascist trade unions, extended workers rights, free healthcare and education are "slightly left wing", then i don't know.
Seriously, read up on the subject before posting.

Ok, would you say that all NatSoc's are fascist, but not all fascists are NatSoc?

But it didn't. Congress of verona, which was basically a culmination of Mussolini's ideology, was as far left as it gets. I bet you never even heard of it.

I think you might be lost


I have had thoughts that leftypol is trying to split a rift between fascist and natsoc camps.

>would you say that all NatSoc's are fascist,
None of them are

This is simply untrue, private property DID exist in fascist italy, fascism is the third position, it's not far left.

Yes, that is a very limited application of left wing ideology. Those policies are a social safety net, and there were regulations in place that limited how they were applied. There was not a universal welfare, there was private property, people had a right to earn a profit. A state that collects tax dollars from privately owned businesses is self evidently not extremely left leaning. A state that reinforces and venerates the differences that make their people unique is not left wing at all.
Fascism celebrates and adores unique cultural identity that distinguishes classes and groups of people. This is antithetical to egalitarianism.

You simply don't know what you're saying, and I don't think you've ever read a single piece of Fascist literature. I think you're a shitposter from /leftypol/ posting disinfo to divide and conquer.

The more this fag posts the more sure I am that he is doing exactly this.

It existed for VERY small businesses towards late 30's (I think under 300 people?)
It was second in the world in terms of nationalization of economy, (Only to USSR, obviously).
Mussolini OPENLY allied with many far left individuals, and NEVER abandoned his syndicalist and socialist roots, which HISTORICALLY gave birth to fascism
You got to stop shilling, kike

What is Fascism?

>I think under 300 people?
Citation please.

Please google "origins of fascism", and just do some basics readings, to learn where the ideas and movement come from.
Then you can return, and hopefully stop shitposting.

What is National Socialism?

Try again, /leftypol/.
You've outted yourself and you won't fool anyone now.

I couldn't find a source on that specific number, however
"With the removal of the monarchy, Mussolini claimed the full ideology of Fascism could be pursued and ordered the nationalization of all companies with over 100 employees" (Mussolini: A Biography by Smith)
Out of the mouth of the devil as we speak

Just like ptg faggots such as yourself won't fool anyone by switching on fascist flag and trying to subvert a movement.
>Literally refusing to acknowledge historical background of the subject
This is a definition of shilling

shut up you fucking kike

I'm not refusing to acknowledge anything. You're poisoning the well by adhering fallacious definitions to terms in order to push a clear agenda.

Fascism is not left wing.
Reinforcing hierarchy is hard line right wing.
Private ownership is right wing.
A social safety net is soft left wing.

If Fascism was inherently left leaning then the state would own all property and it would be egalitarian. Its not.
You're a kike tranny from /leftypol/.

It's funny how quiet libertarian shills got once presented with actual fascts
>Mussolini wwwas leftypol too!

I think you don't understand what left wing means. You need to read up on the basics.
>literally thinks that "left wing" - egalitarian LGBT STATE OWNS EVERYTHING REEEE MAO XDD
How's t_d been lately?

Again, troll, Fascism borrows from the left, just as NatSoc does. No one disputes this at all. Whats being disputed is your intentionally disingenuous framing as Fascism being left wing.

This is simply categorically wrong.

I gave you the text book definition and history of where the left vs right paradigm comes from.
You're lying through your teeth at this point, tranny shill.

>literally named after a bundle of sticks bound together, strength in unity

Fascism is definitely top down user.

It is left wing by definition
Why do you think Mussolini praised Lenin and had communists as closest allies all the way until the end? Or did leftypol rewrite history overnight?
Let's see
"Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality"
Since i am guessing you got it from wikipedia
Mussolini's opinion
"Tomorrow, Fascists and communists, both persecuted by the police, may arrive at an agreement, sinking their differences until the time comes to share the spoils. I realise that though there are no political affinities between us, there are plenty of intellectual affinities. Like them, we believe in the necessity for a centralised and unitary state, imposing an iron discipline on everyone, but with the difference that they reach this conclusion through the idea of class, we through the idea of the nation." 1921
Fascism establishes the real equality of individuals before the nation… the object of the regime in the economic field is to ensure higher social justice for the whole of the Italian people… What does social justice mean? It means work guaranteed, fair wages, decent homes, it means the possibility of continuous evolution and improvement. Nor is this enough. It means that the workers must enter more and more intimately into the productive process and share its necessary discipline… As the past century was the century of capitalist power, the twentieth century is the century of power and glory of labour.
Four Speeches on the Corporate State, Rome, (1935)

And many more.
Now, go away, shill

Some still ask of us: what do you want? We answer with three words that summon up our entire program. Here they are…Italy, Republic, Socialization. . .Socialization is no other than the implantation of Italian Socialism…
As quoted in Revolutionary Fascism, Erik Norling, Lisbon, Finis Mundi Press (2011) pp.119-120. Speech given by Mussolini to a group of Milanese Fascist veterans on October 14, 1944.

When the war is over, in the world's social revolution that will be followed by a more equitable distribution of the earth's riches, due account must be kept of the sacrifices and of the discipline maintained by the Italian workers. The Fascist revolution will make another decisive step to shorten social distances.
Mussolini’s speech in Rome, Italy, February 23, 1941. Published in the New York Times, February 24, 1941.

Who is stronger together, user?
Is the Fascist saying this about his own people? Is Fascism protecting itself from subversive and overt attacks from Bolshevik outsiders? Or is Fascism saying that all people are equal in some classless utopian vision?
It is the people of a single country asserting themselves, protecting themselves from an outside thread. It is reinforcing and protecting national identity from a force attempting to destroy all national identities in the name of egalitarianism.

It is hierarchy. You're an ass.

Keep on shitposting, kike tranny.
It isn't egalitarian it isn't left wing. Its as simple as that.

Fascists and NatSoc both heavily recruited from the left because they were healing social divides and unifying their people. They adopted some left wing political policies, but their core philosophy and ideology are right wing. There is no escaping this. You're simply a lying kike.

I shall defend this pact with all my strength, and if Fascism does not follow me in collaboration with the Socialists, at least no one can force me to follow Fascism.
As quoted in Italy: A Modern History, Denis Mack Smith

You just got BTFO. It's okay, relax. You will be hanged right next to the trannies you are implying, capitalist cuck

The socialist revolution was a pure and simple question of ‘force.’… Between the [bourgeoisie and the proletariat] no accord is possible. One must disappear. The weaker will be ‘eliminated.’ The class struggle is therefore a question of ‘force.’
As quoted in The Ideology of Fascism: The Rationale of Totalitarianism

>literally advocated destruction of bourgeoisie

Today we can affirm that the capitalistic method of production is out of date. So is the doctrine of laissez-faire, the theoretical basis of capitalism… To-day we are taking a new and decisive step in the path of revolution. A revolution, in order to be great, must be a social revolution.
Speech on November 14, 1933 as quoted in Under the Axe of Fascism, Gaetano Salvemini, London, UK, Victor Gollancz Ltd. (1936)

>if I keep repeating the same fallacy over and over it becomes true!

You're a riot, user. Fascism isn't left wing, but you sure as hell are. True to your /leftypol/ roots.
No matter how hard you try to shill it, the people of a country using tax revenue to support their needy doesn't make them hardline left wing. One set of social policies does not define an entire philosophy and worldview.

You can LARP all you wan't it wasn't socialism nor close to communism.

Yes, other than a fact that on practice, on word and on paper it was.
If you want to fight socialism, go join your local Ayn Rand club

"We want an extraordinary heavy taxation, with a progressive character, on capital, that will represent an authentic partial expropriation of all wealth; seizures of all assets of religious congregations and suppression of all the ecclesiastic Episcopal revenues, in what constitutes an enormous deficit of the nation and a privilege for a minority; revisions of all contracts made by the war ministers and seizure of 85% of all war profits."From Mussolini's Fasci Italiani di Combattimento (Italian Combat Fasci)

>muh ayn rand
You're exposing yourself more and more as a /leftypol/ Communist when you keep regurgitating their talking points, tranny shill.

>fascism is left wing

No, it's third positionist, you should know this.

I want you to respond all the quotes from Mussolini's writings and speeches i posted above, one by one, and show to me how he does not advocate wealth redistribution and socialist economics. Until then, you are a proven kike shill

Same to you, kike
>Muh third position
Only in relation to classical MARXSIM and liberalism, you fucking retard.

Are you genuinely retarded?
Again, look at where the terms left and right actually come from during the French revolution.

Your entire argument is
>Fascist Italy supported some socialist policies therefore they're left wing
This is fallacious. You know its fallacious. You know that you're arguing in bad faith like a kike. The philosophy of Fascism is hardline right wing. It is so hardline right wing that the only thing further to the right is absolutely Monarchy which states that Kings literally own their subjects.
You cannot divorce the hierarchical nature of Fascism from its *nationalistic* social policies.

Stop being such a lying kike, or just admit you're a troll.

My argument is
Mussolini was a self proclaimed socialist, followed socialist principles and advocated them
"hierarchical nature of Fascism"
That literally contradicts all the factual information posted above
You have provided 0 evidence to any of your claims
Begone, Schlomo. Or keep embarassing yourself, shouting muh leftypol
>muh shareblue
>muh dc shills

>we support welfare
>we oppose free market at all costs

You're fucking retarded. Welfare is the main reason of the west's downfall.

Semi-free market is the best way to encourage healthy competition in your country. The market should be as free as possible, as long as the business isn't harmful for the country (such as porn companies, unhealthy food) and the most successful companies should be nationalized.

At this point you're not a fascist, you're just a totalitarian socialist.

Also, you ignored my question, kike. I am done replying to the obvious jew unless you do as i asked, rightfully.

Back then socialists were NOT faggots and nigger lovers.
Now, supporting socialism/communism means supporting globalism, so, you can go fuck yourself dear /leftypol/

>Remember: traitors first

hmm this makes sense, but what about those stylish haircuts and the aesthetics? seems pretty cool and left-wing to me. i could never imagine trumptards having anything close to the flamboyance of fascists, so where do they fall on the spectrum?

I think i specifically mentioned that nazi LARPing retards are not welcome. And stop claiming our ideology. Thank you.

Where did i claim that modern fascism should support modern (((socialists) )) or ally with them?

Ah, so you just are a genuine retard. I pity you.
Hierarchy is the opposite of anarchy.
Anarchy, dissolution of structured authority, individual liberty, these are core left wing ideals.
Order, institutionalized rigid social structure, stratification of classes, duty to the group, these are right wing ideals.

Fascism is right wing that borrows some left sing social policies, particularly in the creation of a social safety net. It is nationalistic, not universalist, not egalitarian.
Maybe you're just autistic and too much of a sperg to admit you're wrong.

The sense of aesthetic you see represented in Fascism, the veneration of military power, nationalistic pride, thats a right wing this. Even if you look at the big 5 personality traits you'll see that this holds true in every society. Militaristic people are right wing.

I'm not larping as a fucking nazi you retard, I posted a Hitler pic because the industry was largely privatized in Nazi Germany and the central bank was ran like a private company, which contributed to the economic miracle.

>stop claiming our ideology

Stop claiming fascism you disgusting leftist, I bet you're a niglet raised by a mudshark single mother living on welfare.

>universalist, not egalitarian.
Never claimed it was
>nationalism is right wing!
You are literally contradicting yourself, shill. First you claim left-right origin in french revolution. Then you claim this. Are you seriously retarded?

Mussolini is turning in his grave as you speak.

you are claiming fascism is left-wing in the OP.
the connection with modern left-wing is pretty obvious unless you make a long and complex premise.
I think you are in bad faith and a troll

>goys fascism is left-wing I swear! how will we feed all the junkies and single mothers if we don't have welfare?

Well, fascist Italy did feed the mothers and gave them paid for maternity leave, and did provide junkies with state work.
umad, kike?

>all left wing is modern left wing
>Left wing of the past is not left wing
You are literally braindead

Poor little sperg, you're so literal that you can't comprehend anything other than in simplistic terms.

The paradigm of left wing vs right wing emerged during the French revolution. The terms referred to where people sat in a room divided along political lines, either the left side of the room, or the right side.
This lens can be applied to anything, even systems and ideology that existed before the term was coined. Imagine that!
Yes, because of the qualities of nationalism, it falls under the scope of being right wing. Thats how that works.

It really is cute how woefully autistic you are. I'm sorry I called you a tranny. You're just a lil sperg.

>Being in such rejection of fascism being economically left wing despite factual proof
>Bbbut nationalism is righhtt wing! Who cares that the argument is about economics, right?
Keep posting, its entertaining to watch the stupid.


Since OP posts & shits out info faster than any normal human could possibly respond to ill try and compartmentalize it.
>mussolini quotes
Mussolini is a strange character, there are a lot of quotes that can be taken out of context since he was a former leftist. Please watch
for an actual answer to fascist italy's economic policies, not taken out of context quotes.

>Privatization & nationalization
Claiming that fascism had little to no private industry is disingenuous, Italian fascists concept of "nationalization" was heavy regulation the concept was very different from "seizing the means of production". They were still technically private, but made sure to serve the state instead of themselves, also explained in the video above.

Here's a quote about private property in Fascist italy.

"While nearly everywhere else private property was bearing the major burdens and suffering from the hardest blows of the depression, in Italy, thanks to the actions of this Fascist government, private property not only has been saved, but has also been strengthened"
from. Carl T. Schmidt The corporate state in action; Italy under fascism

also another quote.

"Fascism does support private property rights and the existence of a market economy."
from The Birth of Fascist Ideology From Cultural Rebellion to Political Revolution




Holy shit, OP, are you Lazia?
Are you that Bulgarian autist?

Holy fuck you are aren't you

Go back to diocane.

>The Birth of Fascist Ideology From Cultural Rebellion to Political Revolution
Written by the literal jew

Nice propaganda pieces m8. I think actual fascists had a slightly different opinion, as shown. I mean you REALLY hate leftists, i get it. Why are you a fascist, then?

Give OP a break, hes literally a male anorexic with autism.

Damn, ptg shills are really trying this fine morning!

>Because hes a jew this statement is false.
Lol what was wrong in that statement.

Awww. Don't take it so personally, Laz.
I know that your disability makes it so you miss a lot of nuances in communication. I don't fault you for it.