Perfect girls don't ex.....
Perfect girls don't ex
Shit's boring and formulaic at this point.
She's not real
>no NTR
Your existence is boring and formulaic
I wanna lick her feet.
>being emotionally torturing to a boy is perfect
Fuck off
>She will never pukuku when she sees your dick
Why even live, gents?
She's like 14 dude what the heck?
I just don't think you "get" tsundere user
That being said this user is right, it is kind of boring right now. Hasn't been any progress in a while and the only thing that kept me going after about the mid point was hoping for more like Memories
What the hell, mate. Please tell me you're joking. They're literally children.
Cute sexy loli!
This they need to make things interesting and introduce a love trinagle
NTR fags pls go and stay go
Takagi is utterly devoted to a life of teasing Nishikata. The only way it would happen is if some bitch tried to steal him, or if she was doing it as a way to tease Nishikata and its just an act.
Not a bad way to force some drama, but its been done too many times to count at this point
Love triangles have nothing to do with NTR.
I'm changing my major to something that will allow me to invent the technology necessary to slap people via IP.
I kind of agree. But it's not as bad as Tomo-chan yet.
why is the translation so slow.
Who did they choose to do her voice in the anime?
>emotionally torturing to a boy
It's harmless teasing, you autist.
>Really like her very simple, yet cute design
>Have a massive fucking Tsundere boner
Long story short I read this whole series in a day
Is Takagi Machiavellian Sup Forums?
Takagi is only 9/10
Here is a 10/10 Takagi
true we need some ntr to spice up a liitle bit
Can't wait to see her animated.
my heart
oh no
Teasing that makes him put himself through hundreds of push-ups a day to get strong enough to get back at her. Clearly it's not harmless to him.
Kugimiya Rie, author is a Iorifag
You were home schooled in middle school, weren't you?
The age of the tease is upon us
Not an argument
What a coincidence, so am I.
Outta here before I tell my wife you've been stalking her.
I actually got it from deviantArt of all places, via a google image search. Blame the deviant that made it.
Takagi isn't being as smug as she could be.
I hope they get an entire OVA
So you mean to tell me, this artist, this artist right HERE, went directly from drawing nothing to drawing non-H manga? Seriously? Not a single eromanga?
They need to introduce another girl to make takagi jealous. she's had too many wins
>Perfect girls don't ex....
I saw the image and it looked like she was in a pooping position, so I finished "ex" in my head as "excrete"
She's not a tsundere.
>yamamoto souichirou drawing Kuro
Shit, I'm a Rie fag but I don't think she's the best choice for the part. I knew it was a long shot to get the voicing right but I was hoping they'd use a real kid like Barakamon or Usagi Drop.
she really isn't. She basically throws herself at Nishikata all the time.
Takagi is the exact opposite of tsundere
>Nishikata never caught her off guard not even once
That's why this series is shit
There's no really typical "archetype" that girls like C.C., Senjou, Holo fall in.
So I've decided to name it Bestgirldere
existence is boring and formulaic
he did when she was crying
I would like more chapters on outsider perspectives and how adorable they are but you're definitely wrong fuck you
Thought that was Kari from Digimon from the thumbnail. Was disappointed.
Lina is perfect in every way
It's true.
She had one very predictable chapter so far, in my opinion this is a huge hit compared to enormous amount of crap out there.