How the fuck does America manage to function on a daily basis? How is it still a world power?
Is it just thanks to the Asian immigrants and Jews maintaining everything while the Mexicans do manual work?
Video related.
How the fuck does America manage to function on a daily basis? How is it still a world power?
Is it just thanks to the Asian immigrants and Jews maintaining everything while the Mexicans do manual work?
Video related.
that shouldn't even considered to be a woman
le 56,000%
I’ll give 1 BTC to anyone who licks that whatever the fucks gunt
Looks moldy time to chuck it in the trash. Oh shit my bad that's a human.
Yeah, same applies to transfags: if you're not capable of reproducing, you are, by all means, not a woman.
how many licks of the tongue qualify as a 'lick'?
holy shit, i know ist not all of them, but i guess the Americans are taking the next step of Evolution right here
Or theyre getting ready for Day after Tomorrow
They shut down a bunch of mental hospitals around 1997.
How does she wipe her ass? Or is that a job 4 someone else?
While a males manhood may be revoked. A females womanhood may not be.
I have NEVER seen a woman this fat.
I have seen a guy this fat.
(cough cough Euthanasia cough)
You’ll lick until you taste what she had for breakfast
Five years ago
Pretty good pic to get erectile dysfunction
Thank you, I am forever no-fap now
This sums it up pretty nicely.
Why does this thing happen only in America and not in other first world countries? Like, here in Germany we have our fair share of fat people (actually way more than other European countries, e.g. Italy), but I've never seen anyone so disgustingly obese, not even close. Maybe it's because of the typical American mentality of obsessive consumism, but how do you even live like that and not kill yourself from the shame? It's really beyond me.
>that shouldn't even considered to be a woman
that shouldn't even considered to be a human*
Fucking hell, and I'm freaking out because I hit 165. After being 140 my whole life.
What do Amerilards and the T-Rex have in common?
1 BTC? Do you or OP have her address. Im going to burger land later on this year.
I'm sorry
Never seen a human this fat?
mfw king of the manlets and weigh 127
i used to be 138, I have no idea how this happened
Holy fuck fatties are real now. What's next? Cars flying in space.
I would fuck her I can shove my full head into that delicious pussy
Sad that you can't even tell the difference, really, between that gob of her vagie-do and her bedsheet.
>be you
>check her blow hole for obstructions
>contact the National Wildlife Rescue immediately
>ensure it's getting proper circulation
>get her back with her natural pod asap
good meme
I was fucking eating you fuck
Similar color scheme too
pic related
Shin Ramyun is good shit
My mistake, not Shin Ramyun
Are they calling the cow "mommy"?
How did she give birth?
Not worth it in Q1 2018.
why eat cup noodles?
why not cook?
I'm scared of the meat inside her crotch.
How did she live?
Seeing this makes proud actually.
ha ha, silly monkeys.
Muh cherry picking... Most Americans are not even Obese, you fag.
Lucky for the kids she got stuck bent over the bed in a failed attempt to climb on it, and they took the kids out doggystyle.
>be American
>weigh half a ton
>become TV star
How does it even piss or shit? Does it just soil itself and the bed? It obviously can't feed itself, so who is providing this creature with food and why?
Hey pol virgins, even a monstrously fat ugly piece of shit with a horrible fucking personality can get married & have kids.... what's your excuse ?
Hope this weighs heavy on you, drumpf voters. She could have had universal healthcare and a long life to look forward to but no you just have to be evil.
Fatties are normies
based tea and crumps
I have some under my desk user
Fattest person in the world was British faggot
best girl but only when shes glasses on
he cooked a cup of noodles retard
>from da heartland
>thinks American food is great
Just your average Trump supporter, folks.
Because somewhere underneath all those fat rolls that monstrously fat ugly piece of shit has a vagina. Therefore, it has a higher sexual market value than every male posting in this thread combined. Take the black pill.
If anything that should show how unusual it is to be THAT fucking big. Obesity is pretty rampant here, but it's not yet to even half of her size on average.
naw i'm def a solid 7 brah
> got wife and kiddos
Unlike her & whoever had to endure fucking that, I can't tolerate it. I'd rather die alone and childless.
You didn't watch the video in the OP.
"but Im a woman with no ovaries user. Am I a man?"
Too stupid to go in front of the bed so it pushes against the wall instead.
Of course you didn't.
They don't leave the house.
welfare state, mental illness, and the absolute state of america. shes probably blames the white man. that thing should be shot on sight.
that crusty layer looks pretty tasty, years and years of collected tastes and smells.
i would guess our food. i dont think most "people" realize most of it is filled with shit people arent supposed to eat.
your tax dollars hard at work
how the fuck would it get anywhere? it needs a semi truck and a tractor trailer just to move it from place to place.
not to mention a crane to lift it out of the bed and plop it on the train
I'd do it with a smile
>says americans
>posts nigger woman
No you fucking wouldn't.