Is a secret Nazi vs Jew war actually happening behind the scenes?
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/x is that way ======>
>secret Nazi vs Jew war
if Jews found any nazis they would be screaming about it to no end
It's a shadow war mate.
i dunno maybe
It’s not looking good for the Nazis in any case
>they would be screaming about it to no end
That would explain why 70% of posts are made by bots and commies here fighting EBIL NADZEES. (Contrary to popular belifes JIDF sticks mostly to religion and history threads. Oh they also make JP threads)
kys faggot
What are your opinions on religion (((user)))?
what? stop derailing the thread.
You posted the image with 8 different topics on it.
Do you belive in reincarnation (((user)))?
are you an AI? testing.
If only he had let the Soviet Union collapse under it's own weight and pushed into England immediately after Dunkirk
We could all have blonde haired blue eyed QT inner Earth waifus by now
I dont think its nazis exactly, but definitely whites that sympathize and know the truth. Every move teump makes is pro-white. You can tell hes after them by how hard they are trying to out him. Isis all but defeated in just 1 year of him taking office. Even his move with moving capital to Jerusalem only works to make usa no longer a 'neutral' part in peace talks between israel and palastine. Hes backing america oit of the middle east one step at a time. There's a shadow war against the jew and theyre losing, that's why they are getting so desperate.
Answer the questions kike.
Thoughts on religion
What? fuck off retard, I'm not entertaining your derailment.
How dense are you exactly?
>Thoughts on religion
Kikes don't into reincarnation, black box and everything :^)
It's also why they're infatuated with living longer and using AI to channel actual souls.
Prove me wrong
>The guy who sold out his flesh and blood to the Jewish plague is really working for us
Shill or utter retard
you know nothing
Trips of truth. You know these fuckers harvest organs for now though right?
Well there are secret nazis yes but a war no.
I think so because I am participating. Might be it's just paranoid spergs on both sides playing ebin agents but I like it. It's fun.
I can sense the aryan nature of your soul just by the way you are inquiring him about his spiritual views. Keep up the good work.