Amy Schumer's newest Bomb

Get in here and dislike this shit faggots!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:


>you have 10 seconds to argue women aren't just primarily on their looks.

fucking hell, judged*

Oh boy I wonder whose jokes were stolen this time.

The only way to make Amy go away is to give her zero attention.

The vast majority of women exist to sexualize themselves to attract men, whether it's makeup, heels or plastic surgery.

The trailer seems to prove that she's not just ugly on the outside but on the inside too.

>video not available in your country

Someone create an extra account and pump a dislike. Do it for Trump.

i'm buetifull! looks exactly the same. netflix fodder movie.

Will do..

Me too. Not available.

This senpai.

Sadly it's too late, the jew cucks will force her down our throats forever. The least we can do is dislike everything she does.

So f̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶u̶g̶l̶y̶ brave.

Another link for excluded Aussies:

OPs link was unavailable here, they fear our shitposting.

Welp, at least we know there's a well paid stunt actor out there.

thanks ausbro. to our uncle bob

Bravo sir!!

fuck i watched it all
kill me

wait i don't understand is she supposed to become attractive after she falls off the bike or something? she looks like shit before and after

There's this one too, fresh to Netflix and will be watched by millions of couples on Valentines:

ok just rewatched it, she just thinks she becomes hot. what a shit premise and shit trailer

just change "tube" for "pak" in the adress.

Sounds like a good idea for a raid, fellow Alt-Righter :D

... uhm you people do realize that you voting down or up is literally pushing this video higher in youtube search.. I mean you all get that right?
The most effective thing would be to ignore it not comment, not vote and not watch it.
Every single one of these things increases the exposure of this crap... just so you

Will she show both tits this time?



>what is chaos magic
get out faggot

This premise has been done before on Shallow Hal.
Fat ugly pig can’t even have an original movie script. God damn she’s ugly as fuck

Who cares, it's a stupid movie in a long line of forgettable bullshit telling people they are wonderful the way they are and they don't even have to try. It will appeal to the people that message always appeals to, and bounce off the people who do try to improve their lives

A absolute dumb cunt

Thank god, I didn't want to see a second of that garbage before I have time to dislike.

Not available in my country, what a bitch, autodislike

>Suffers fairly serious head trauma
>Sees the world as social justice warriors profess

Stop making fun of her goys!!!! She is truly beautiful and talented!

I wish I could make sweet love to her

This same mindset is why we have trannies.

What did they mean by this?

She won’t feel your cock though bro
It’s like poking the Eiffel Tower into the Grand Canyon

Same thing I meant by

It's okay, she'd hug me and thank me for the effort



last thing you want is to accidentally give this cunt any shekels


Dennis wears glasses?...sometimes he doesn't?

But it might be guud.


LEL. the video is not made available here

Kikes did the same here


Looks these racist white jew fucks think their Jew humor is to sophisticated for their 3rd world shit-hole Goyim

Jewtube should go down in flames for their racial selectivity


So she plays a hypersexual fatty? Fat chicks, as long as they're easy, can get plenty of male attention.

user, the correct way to express this sentiment is: "BRRRRRAP!"
There's something wrong with you. Are you black?


Amy Schumer has to be the definitive example of jewish nepotism.

that has to be fake.


No, I am half mexican though. Are there stereotypes for that?

it's real, she really is that gross

If she wasn't an insane Jewess she would be ok.

Is she getting fuglier?

>the uploader has not made this video available in your country.
i unliked it tho

Actually it looks like it could be interesting, but I still gave it thumbs down out of principle.

you still can unlike it

Just like the lead actor. Looks like shit.

>Went in with an open mind
>Started watching video
>"Okay this is just a chick flick"
>Get to the part where she hits her head
>Starts thinking she's pretty
>Realize where this is going
>See that she's ripping off Liar Liar, or any other Jim Carey or Adam Sandler movie
>You win Sup Forums
>I hit that dislike button

delete this thread janny, it is more off topic than mine that you deleted

Memeflags don't make demands on Sup Forums, faggot.



I want to strip her down, tie her up, grease her down, shove an apple in her mouth and go balls deep in her plump pink butthole until she cums all over my uncircumcised cock.

wow you seem really serious I will take your advice


I thought Khazars were supposed to have nice milkers to make up for their low IQ?

There faggot, now this thread is Sup Forums related:

doesn't work that way

That's the expose this shit for the shit it is...

well that's 3 minutes I'll never get back

Man you'd think a fat ugly cunt of a woman would at least be able to have large breast. They somehow look like a C cup at best. Christ.

Let me guess all the jokes are just about vagina?

Is that Skin Diamond?

Imagine being a Jewess without Khazar milkers

Here's the official trailer

The love interest is literally a soyboy

Man fuck you guise. Those look soft and warm, i wanna cup them while my dick bounces between the cavernous walls of her vagina. Me wanna suc milkies when shes on top, her fat ass mashing my balls with every bounce.

What a fat disgusting pig

It's Shallow Hale part 2

I know, its so hot right? Like she makes you wanna treat her like dirt.

She looks like she's wearing a fat suit or something... she doesn't look real.

>>Suffers fairly serious head trauma

IS this some sort of invasion of the body snatchers thing?

I ain't clicking on that shit and having JouTube putting all sorts of crap in my "Recommended for youuuuuuu!"
Fuck off.

What a disgusting pig.


Dr Judy Wood, only person to sue the American Government regarding 9/11

Professor of mechanical engineering

>not available in your country
at least my country deletes degeneracy

That kids dad had recently died if I'm not mistaken.

>not hitting dislike before it starts playing
You get the rope too faggot
