The description "white" is a neccesary construct to unite Europeans who live in the Anglosphere.
In Europe, there is no such thing as "white", but rather nordic, mediterranean, slavic, etc.
"White" is a social construct. Prove me wrong.
The description "white" is a neccesary construct to unite Europeans who live in the Anglosphere
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Lots of social constructs are necessary. Murder is wrong for example.
white is just a color or lack of color depending on how you define it you dumb fuck.
Or what do you call the color of a polar bear in your opinion? Fucking hell man!
89 91
White as in a description of a certain type of human, OBVIOUSLY.
Polar bears are black-skinned btw. Their fur isn't white either, but transparent. But yeah, OP is a fag.
The whole race debate is brought up by the left. For the moment it is necessary until this farce is over, so we can worry about our own stuff again.
you're all going to consider each other white in the coming years when every major European city is brown black and mudslime
You are correct. It''s just a loose reference to pigmentation, like calling dolphins "white" and killer whales "black" just because of their usual appearance.
I wonder where these denominations originated from, seems too coincidental that the nomenclature puts such a feeling of opposition between these two human subspecies. It's not like "whites" are the only race that is successful in comparison to "blacks", asians and native american are and were too. Pretty much anyone is, apart from abos who are just another type of nigger despite scientific claims of genetical disparity.
well you learn something new everyday I guess
Borders are a social construct. Prove me wrong.
Actually only Swedes are white
Borders are a social construct, you're correct.
The divide between Europe and Asia is also a social construct, for example. There is no geographical reason for Europe and Asia to be considered two separate continents
Yeah, the bear-niggers are everywhere on Svalbard. You are REQUIRED to bear arms (heh) at all times outside. I had to bring a G3 and a revolver on me, just for going outside to piss.
I dont get why the underlying assumption about social constructs is that they have no reason to exist. They are constructed for a reason. Deconstruction is only useful if the goal is to repair or renovate.
Not exactly There are many borders that follow along natural formations that would and do serve as borders regardless. It's just not the case in the US or in Africa, hence so many straight lines for borders.
FYI there are 50 million Chinese with natural blue eyes and light coloured hair in the Chinese region of Liqian..
white is just an umbrella term for the european ethnicities. of course there are nordics, meds, slavs etc.
Spanish were white until we got mixe fucking everything we have in our territories
I'd rather surrender the world to the chinks desu
All non semetic caucasians are aryans. They all come in different shades. Facial and body structure is more important in classification than skin color. After all there are albino blacks and asians as well, as well as albino Caucasians of varying levels(nordics).
Berbers and Arabs were polluting your gene pool as early as 700 AD.
These are all social constructs, so are "Asian" and "Indian" for example
Social construct is a social construct.
Every single word, number, shape, colour, etc is a social construct, a common agreement except for 1 and 0. A unit and the lack there of. Existance and void.
A social construct is a common agreement so that people can understand the world in the same way.
In english when you move a piece on a chessboard you call that "a move". In French it translates literally to "a hit".
Two concepts for a single action.
That is why Jews speak Hebrew, Muslims speak arabic, and Christcucks used Latin.
Everything about life is a social construct because reality is intersubjective.
It is good to acknowledge it, but absolutely pointless to bring it up.
So fuck you OP.
This is correct. Many borders are social constructs but some are clearly physical; the Alps being the obvious historical example, the Rhine being another good one.
Italians have never been white people. Italians are impostors who claim to be white in order to gain social mobility and to raise they self confidence
You're slippin' Schlomo. Your shower is ready.
Zero is a social construct, too, faggot.
Sick filename, friend!
Not anymore
The letters, the word are.
But the inexistance of a link between an asteroid and my dick in your mom's vagina aren't.
Not the letters, the concept.
>But the inexistance of a link between an asteroid and my dick in your mom's vagina aren't.
I read French. Maybe try writing this sentence again in a language you're more fluent in; it makes no sense in English.
> it makes no sence.
My point exactly, there is no relation between these two facts. This absence of relation means that 0 exists.
There is or isn't.
Let's use concrete examples. Let's keep the asteroid. The distance between the asteroid and earth (1) will always be equal to the distance of the asteroid and earth (1) until they get in contact (0).
The distance between my penis and your mom vagene (1) will always be equal to the distance between my penis and your mom's vagene (1) until i start fucking her (0)
Maybe you should give that "white" concept another look before you import another 10 million muslims.
Why don't you just call it Europenese?
That's a concept. Nothing in nature represents zero independently of your brain conceptualizing it. This is the root of many famous paradoxes.
> paradox
As in?
For me the paradox is that without 0 you don't have 1. There needs to be a duality otherwise 1 does not represent anything.
>what is a Europid
> dichotomy*
Instead of duality sorry.
white is just a US term.
so, yes it is just a social construct.
asians are called asians because they originate from asia. they are indigenous to Asia.
same with africans.
europeans originate from europe, because they are Indigenous to Europe.
their hair follicles are hollow and reflect the light in all directions, making the fur appear white.
4 million italians migrated to the US, majority from southern italy and sicily.
sicilians aren't considered italian by italians. they are arab mutts
It's funny how they have no problem calling us white, and lumping us together, but as soon as we embrace it, "Well, what even is white?" Fuck off you weak little bitches
>As in?
Zeno's arrow, for example.
>otherwise 1 does not represent anything
One exists in nature, in the present.
Zero doesn't exist in nature because it requires a memory of 1, which only exists in your mind.
I cannot prove wrong what is right norwegianbro. I respect nords, anglos, germans, kinda respect slavs. I have no problem with you, but I do enjoy med vs nord threads. I'm Iberian and to the largest extent I'm Mediterranean. You have it right, norwegianbro.
Make up a new word for yourselfs canucks. White is not it, you're a mix of mostly anglo and german? I'm not sure about Canucks. Just call yourselves whatever mixture that would be, or just give a blanket name for Canucks who derive from the European diaspora
he's not actually French, he sounds like a poo
I don't see how Zeno's arrow is a paradox because it implies that time doesn't exist.
Speed = distance / time
Based norway
I personally think there should be a distinction between white and european.Whites are mostly northern europeans.European should be people born from european ancestry,in european countries with european culture.
Maybe what we call white,blonde,blue/green eyes with light skin and tall should be the "aryan" ideal for europeans....
Vee stop quoting Sargon.
Why the fuck is Vee even relevant? He's annoying and says absolutely nothing of value. Almost like Romanians should stfu and never talk if they all sound like they sucked a lemon
"White" is indeed oversimplified
Caucasian, originating in the Caucus region
does not include other ethnicity who appear light skinned
bullshit, white as a transracial category has existed at least since the VOC
Correct. The reason it appears to be a paradox, but isn't, is because zero doesn't exist in nature.
It's existed since the Spanish coined the phrase retard. It isn't some historical and mythical relic of the past. It's a term from colonialism to differentiate the colonialists from the native americans. It's unnecessary now, mostly when it's used for pan-european means
No you're correct
Sorry, thought you were saying that white has been used historically in the past before colonialism. I'm stupid
>It's a term from colonialism to differentiate the colonialists from the native[s]
no shit, faggot, what do you think the VOC is
"Nigger" is a term to describe genetic failures. "White" is a term used to describe lighter-skinned genetic failures. You understand English, right? How it's used, and how words can have multiple complex meanings?
I stand corrected, sorry about what I said about your mom, it should have stayed between me and her
"white" identity was literally invented by Amerimutts
>17 seconds between comments
Faggot, it's 10:40 right now at the center of the universe. Most people are doing shit and don't sit around fucking the F5 key all day.
>Zero doesn't exist in nature because it requires a memory of 1, which only exists in your mind.
No reason to regret your past stupidity, just learn and move on.
>some faggot born in 1816
>VOC incorporated in 1602
the absolute state of moroccan education
>In Europe, there is no such thing as "white"
There is, or rather, there was until the post-war period, when Europeans became subject to extreme amounts of "corrective" propaganda on race. What was set up at that time for continental Europeans as an identity was something resembling the "ethno-nationalism" of the pre-WWI era, alongside standard Leftist class narrative. THERE WAS NO RACIAL IDENTITY FOR EUROPEANS POST-WWII. In other words, Europeans were "deracinated". This was done deliberately. Read any literature from before 1950, its filled with the same racial language and identity as you find in the Anglosphere. There was no difference until Hitler was defeated, and anything even remotely related to him was demonized in the Jewish/leftist press.
you are not taught that you are "white" because that's a colonial term and therefore "problematic" in your enlightened post-colonial age, where Europeans gave up all their colonies and started cucking for brown people.
Fucking brilliant.
Your proxy works fine.
>you are not taught that you are "white"
Cletus, where are you posting from?
We certainly get "white" shoved down our throats here in the US, and they seem to fetishize diversity a lot in the EU, too.
MEDITERANEAN does not only aplly in europe.