Hina Logi From Luck & Logic

Next episode soon

My body is ready.

I wonder whose transformation we're getting this time.

I want Karin and Karen. Ninja girls always do it for me.

What went wrong?

Lion father episode was so bad, I have no expectations anymore.

It was a masterpiece, I don't see where you are coming from.

Stop lying.

Literally the first time we saw him riding on that missile, we could guess how his whole character, and his relationship with Lion will go down, as well as the whole episode. Including the one where he saves them from the bear with retarded strength.
This episode only served to make the girls feel like weak shit, other than making me hate Nina, because her retarded "look she can be so cute" gimmick that all girls like her always get was...unbearable.

I guess it could entertain early teen kids. You got that right.
But that's not exactly good in my book.


>expecting deep and sophisticated entertainment
You're in the wrong thread.

>some people still claim she's 11
I'd think not.

"deep and sophiscated" is just as much teen pandering as this shit, actually.
Stop projecting, kid.

You could figure that out from the preview and from the website. I don't see how that ruins the show, plenty got what they expected from it. Also what said.

>Hurr durr no you
Fuck off.

>not coming to these threads for the deep and sophisticated entertainment

any lewds yet

1/10 confirmed troll.

She's Russian, of course something is a little off about her.

I want to see Lion using her dad's fingers for some deep entertainment, if you know what I mean.

>hurr durr
The type of argument I'd expect from a kid, really.
It was expected though, as the part where they implied the girls have "bonded" already into friendship was painful to watch, they are so fucking bad at making the girls feel like friends.

Thank God that you got that out of your system then. If you aren't a troll, can you just stop posting in the thread and leave us alone?

No, I don't. Just because that one episode was absolute trash, I'm still watching it for the cute girls. It's just natural I have low expectations now.

Seriously you should reconsider. No one will miss you, faggot.

Oh sure, I care about a homosexual kid's opinion so much!

Well, this thread sure is off to a great start.

It's the same troll from the last thread.

Post pictures.

Will webms do?

Are there scans of the Hina Logi manga anywhere? Also the new set for the CCG should be out today.

Put your trip back on.

Stupid sexy Baka.

>[HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic - 04 [720p].mkv
It's time

>6am here
This show airs at the most unusual time.

I see summer don't even know what that means.

It's an early web stream that we are getting. It airs at a "normal" time for late night anime otherwise.

>[HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic - 04 [720p].mkv
This really fucks with my schedule, at least the episode will be ready when I wake up.

I thought that I was the only one who did this.

I want to mess up her hair.

>the middle of the fucking night
Fuck it, I'll watch it tomorrow. Hopefully the thread will still be up by then.

Birthday parties are serious business

Nice body.

Not enough fog.

>no Nina ZR service this episode
This is a crime.

Is she this show's Olga?

Why do anime girls make strange noises when they eat?

Nina is shit anyways.

>Virgin goddess
>Sluttiest trance
Fucking Japan.

On a side note, holy shit the preview.

Fuck you.

For the same reason they end every sentence with su~ or desu wa~

Not him, but she is indeed a bit boring and bland compared to the rest.

No, no, it's true.

Not chuuni enough.

Also, cameo next week.

Not even. Nina is by far the cutest.

You have shit taste.


kys faggot

Me on the left

I'd say every girl is cute and nice in their own way. Maybe Mahiro is annoying and arguably the worst, but even so she's not bad enough to be called shit.

So apparently Headmaster can turn into a loli.

Tell me one good thing about that over-done boring archetype.

Is she the only girl who looks her age?

Why are you still in here, troll? Haven't you derailed enough already?

Youre waifu is shit.jpg

Any archetype you don't like is boring and overdone.

I still don't know what her deal is. But damn she is smooth.

>A cute girls doing cute things and fun things are fun show like Hina Logi somehow attracted the attention of a dedicated hater/troll
This is why we can't have nice things.

That's what I expected. Babby's first kuudere shit.
Literally no character interaction or a decent line come from her, and obviously she's Ms Perfect at fight, so yes, the most boring type ever.

Are you done yet?

>implying it's CGDCT/SoL
It's card game shilling crap.


You're proving my point.

>Stop liking what I don't like
>My opinion of cute > your opinion of cute

Is this the same troll from last weeks thread? Why are you guys still taking the bait?

It's just so tempting for some people. If only he (Probably LRD) would put his trip back on so we could filter him and be free.

it is the same troll from last week.

"I feel nothing, I say nothing, I'm such a loner" is not cute by any stretch of the definition.

Why don't you tell us who's your favorite girl is? I'm sure anyone can sperg the same way you do.

99% sure it's LRD again. He hates this show and Nina because lolis.

You'd like to shit on a girl without any basis, because your boring girl gets called what she is, wouldn't you, kid?

So characters from the original will be showing up in the next episode. Will foreigners come back at some point?

>hating a show because lolis
You sure got a sense of humor, at the very least.

Gotta give her credit for trying. I'm sure when the show gets serious in the final 2 or 3 episodes she'll get her moment with Yuko.

Ignore blatant bait/shitpost = comfy thread returns.

Come on, Sup Forums.

I imagine that Rosa will come out and we will figure out how she and Nina became associated. They are using a different system in the academy though, so they aren't going to be walking around as much as they did in the first show.

Quit dodging and answer the question.

Her attempts are so earnest and pathetic at the same time. It's like I am watching Hanayamata all over again.

>t.triggered LRD
Called it.

You should know the difference between lolis and non lolis next time, here, take a look

I'm not a shitposter like you, so won't give you the pleasure to shit the thread up.

What's her name again?




>LRD replies twice
>still deluding himself despite the BTFO he went through last week
A juxtaposition of a 11-year-old and 6-7 year old doesn't make the former not loli. Get over it.


Loli is a body type though?
And aren't they high schoolers.

Should a good password have more random words in it though?

It's a six year school and Nina is a first year.

It is and that's why Nina is one. And way to prove you know nothing about the show.

What did they mean by this framing choice

>people call my favorite girl who contributes absolutely nothing to the show shit, they are shitposting bawww
Also her "let's give her a cute gimmick" shit almost ended up killing everyone.

Clearly they want to show us the best side of Lion and her friends.