Why do blacks generally believe they were kangz n sheit? They’ve literally achieved nothing in human history

Why do blacks generally believe they were kangz n sheit? They’ve literally achieved nothing in human history.

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Because Jews use them as a tool to undermine whites, one component of which is appropriating white culture

it probably would be genuinely hard to cope with the fact your race has no history. they need to look to stop dwelling on the past and start focusing on making africa great first the first time

its mostly african americans that have this inferiority complex, because of fragile individual identities they need to resort to this kind of hyper collectivism to have something to cling on. also they're niggers

Lol you haven’t been to London m8, they call themselves kangz as much as the American ones do. I think it’s a coping technique personally, just the native Indians do.

This is true. They have an inferiority complex. If you listen to black music it's always about "we were put down, we are held back, I rose out of poverty , I achieved so and so, I'm better than the rest of you niggers... " and so on. They are collectively feeling inferior so they create some nonsense we were kings and queens mentality. I think it's a way to cope that they are just really inferior to everyone else.

Because history is political, not scientific. This is means that if you believe, for example, that “history is written by the victors,” you can also believe that “real history” has been suppressed. This then leads to boatloads of crackpot “alternative history” where niggers can basically make shit up because no one really gives a fuck what they believe; then these crackpot theories spread. Hence, kangz and flying pyramids.

>niggers today complaining about how they were slaves years before they were born

fucking kek!

Because when you don't have something to be proud of, you cling to others' achievements and claim it.

Why did 14th century germans believe niggers were Sonz of Gawd?

>They’ve literally achieved nothing in human history.

This. Even the ones from the west indies who everyone always claims are the best examples of integration became like this in a single generation.

Yeah, that's why political parties and football teams exist

Because pure subsaharan "culture" can be learned by a white person within 2-3 days.
That all they have. Learn how they make their clothing, "hunting" devices, shelters made out of shit, hair ect.
They are better apes, not useless humans.

Still doesn’t answer my question. I don’t care about a shitty drawing of some made up man.

Why did 14th century germans belief Niggers waz Angels?

in germany in the middle age they believed that one the three wise man (holy kings) was a black man. They didn't know much about them back them. Any indian could be these black person.
They later saw that these people are not human

Somalian lads even say it to me, the lowest IQ in Africa say they were once Egyptian gods. Nigger logic.

Yet again, still doesn’t answer my question.

Irish niggers do it too. Some nigger in the gym told me Shakespeare was black . . .

In reality, majority of them live like this

the black panther movie will make them think they are important, but in reality are nothing.

technologically advanced african nation....?


Black will be thinking they are superhero's now.
This will make them think they are all royalty,

kang tyrone and qween taquisha.


One thing I’ve noticed about the Irish, they’re rather really really really intelligent or beyond retarded.

what have you achieved exactly? what do the achievements of others have to do with you because you have the same skin colour? what a dumb fuck premise

I know right. If they’re are just as smart as white people why don’t they go back to Africa and make that utopia in that shitstorm of a movie?

A lot actually. Even if we didn’t make it ourselves, we have the skills to maintain it.

Just a few more.

Genetic analysis done on 93 mummies that lived in an important centre in ancient Egypt from 1500BC to 30BC

Ancient genome from this area contains almost no sub-Saharan DNA that dominates the genetic profile of modern Egyptians

It more closely resembles the genetic heritage of people from the Near East and Levant

93 Separate mummies, no sub-saharan DNA in any of them!

But we wuz kangz!




>They’ve literally achieved nothing in human history.
WRONG!!! They are hated more than any other race on the planet. That is an achievement.

They know it too

Skip to 10:00

It does, why did the ancient greeks and even europeans b4 18th century believe nigger waz kangz?

sure thing hanz

They generally don’t look black though.
>straight nose

major inferiority complexes. deep down they know they're just nigger slaves.

Inferiority complex.


fugg late


anything but west african.
it's a fad with them.
20 years ago, they wuz israelites n shiet.
that didnt work out, since jews are still around. now theyre egyptian kangz because no ancient egyptian can tell them to fuck off. (even though they are genetically west african, and west africans never ruled upper egypt)
pretty easy to dismantle the kangz meme, and it is a meme.