You miserable faggots.
You miserable faggots
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the guy in the middle isn't alt right
Dylan roofs was john christian graas
Roof is so aesthetic.
Regardles, Hapas can't be alt-right.
>43 murders in the last four years
The same people say nothing when a crazed muslim shoots 49 in one night
yes he was
racemixing dove him insane
Wow, that's nearly .3% the murder rate of the center left.
>11 murders a year attributed to political motivations of disenfranchised right wing leaning young adults
How 'bout them 17,000 gang related deaths a year attributed to the disenfranchised inner-city culture created by welfare policies the left purports fixes the problem?
The guy on the right did nothing wrong
Inget i jämförelse med bara en månad i Chicago.
>alt right murders go up when you consider everyone alt right
43 in 4 years in a country with about 350 mil people (2010 census data adjusted with birthrate and immigration)
a non issue. if your freaking out about that you should be frozen with fear over the terrorist attack figures in the middle east
>everyone I oppose is alt right
Remember, if you aren't a far-leftist you're automatically considered to be alt-right.
>linking to a leftie blog directly
Fucking saged
The orlando guy single handedly beat these dudes.
How many people have died because of nigger street culture?
I remember reading an old novel some years ago, I think it was by a German or French guy in the 1900s, about a serial killer targeting young women. He kills like 30 or 40 in the span of a week, people are going missing, families panicking, it's chaos. But because he was related to somebody famous the politicians all paid the journalists to make the deaths seem like it was done by a new flu caused by dogs, so they killed all the dogs in the city. The killings didn't stop so they said it was cats and killed all the cats in the city. Killings still didn't stop so they said it was actually fleas that jumped on the dogs and cats, and survive on small animals so they rounded up and killed everything small that had fur. One of which was the serial killer's pet capybara or something and he got so sad and eventually confessed, but people didn't believe him. They thought the flu disease was the cause all along and since the killings stopped, that must have been the only solution.
Wish I could remember the title, but it reminds me of what modern media is doing now. There is an obvious connection to who is doing the most gun crime and terrorist attacks in the US and Europe, but they want everyone to believe it's something else entirely. And they will believe it only will stop if all the whites are dispossessed of power.
lol guy on the right only killed one in an accident. he's probably the only "alt right" up there.
>Person commits an act of politically-inspired murder
>White person commits an act of politically-inspired murder
>middle one isnt even alt right
>right one didnt even kill the fat bitch
Well done salon
Leftist Cuck. Why don't you habe anu balls.
this.. anyone that opposes identity politics and speech codes is alt right nowadays
Any balls.
Dylann Roof is the only one that can reasonably be considered motivated by the Alt Right.
James Fields was just trying to get out of Charlottesville alive and Elliot Rodger had nothing to do with the Alt Right. He was barely part of the manosphere, and definitely not motivated by it.
>elliot rodger was alt right
He was a radical feminist who wanted to kill all men so only females were left
>Elliot Rodger
Maybe you should define what you mean by "alt-right", Mr, boogie man spook words?
Gonna need police records that those deaths are tied to the Alt-Right.
Also, if you keep treating white people like garbage, it is going to get much, much worse.
Shitty normie sites like Salon, HuffPo and Snopes thinks those kids pictured are Nazi's; those are not Nazi's. They aren't even Aryan Brotherhood. Honest-to-God Nazi's that uphold the virtues and values of both Fascism and Nazi-ism are well disciplined, learned and patient individuals. They don't rant about Da Joos (although they all agree on some level that Jewish control of Banks and Media is, at the very least, suspect) and they don't run around with Swastika's branded on every inch of their body.
Dylann Roof is best described as a southern nationalist. James Fields as alt right is basically fair and accurate. Elliot Rodger, lol, no, he's a butthurt normie faggot.
>James Fields as alt right is basically fair and accurate
but he didnt kill anyone
He accidentally killed Heather Heyer but it obviously wasn't his fault. She wouldn't have died except for her health problems but that doesn't matter to the law. You can't use physical frailty to talk homicide down to battery.
"I just wanted to hurt her - if she had been healthy, she wouldn't have died from being hit." That's still voluntary manslaughter at best, if not second-degree murder.
With Eric Garner it doesn't apply because the force they used to restrain him with was lawful, just as James Fields driving into the crowd was lawful as he was reasonably in fear of his life from what he was driving away from and from that crowd.
That pales into insignificance when you look at the number of innocents slaughtered in the name of islam, 3000+ innocents murdered Sept 11 alone. That's quite a death toll.
You're confusing Islam with Zionism
Does the term alt right even exist for 4 years?
read this, take another look at the OP then sage this phony D&C shit
hmm, let's take a look at murders at the hands of mudslimes in the past three years for comparison (just in Europe, mind you)
>Île-de-France, 17 murdered
>Bataclan, 130 murdered
>Brussels, 32 murdered
>Nice, 86 murdered
>Berlin christmas market, 12 murdered
>Manchester, 22 murdered
>London Bridge, 8 murdered
>Barcelona, 16 murdered
that amounts to an almost ten times higher death toll than muh evil alt-righters
maybe I'm overreacting and they're just trying to depict the other side of right-wing terrorism that ISN'T because of Islam, but I feel that this article was written with dishonest motives
No matter how hard Ahmeds try do deceive you it is the Wahabis that did 9/11 not Jews. Were all other terrorist attacks in the west and trucks of peace also done by the Jews?
Any serious right-wing movement in the UK?
>hapa who wanted to kill blonde sorority girls for not sleeping with him
>alt right neo-nazi
Muslims have killed half a billion people since the days of Muhammad.
thats what happens when you push white people to the edge. i guess there will be more of that.
are we now?
what about the alt- niggers?
Doesn't seem to be looking at worldwide numbers, I'm just saying it would be better for OP to focus on something that is a real problem such as homelessness, or toxic cultures like islam etc.
>43 murders in the last 4 years
It's fucking nothing then.
Museums will be build for these men.
No, most of them were done by nutty wahabis. But 9/11 was orchestrated by Israel.
Blacks all vote democrat , so they're the left . How many have niggers murdered in 4 years ?
Honestly Elliot Rodger's manifesto is the most anti-white shit in the world, he literally said he wanted to genocide blonde white women in particular.
>Amanda Marcotte
The nose knows.
Umm, no sweetie, but I’ll give you Dylan Roof
I thought this was a joke. Ive only just realised this guy was a mass killer wtf. I saw the meme around about him not getting laid, I thought he was a singer??
Mind = Blown
Shit he's taken on a whole darker twist now, I assumed he committed suicide. I must have had him confused with the singer Eliot Smith lol
And hispanics all vote democrat , how many do they kill in 4 years ? White men start killin and the left cant stand it , but they love when they murder their own babies .
He is also not white
>but that doesn't matter to the law. You can't use physical frailty to talk homicide down to battery.
Inducing a heart attack cannot constitute any kind of violent crime, there’s thorough precedent to support this.
43 in 4 years? that all? our score is pretty low considering what a bad day can contribute in any minority or migrant over run area.
obviously a stable individual
Not all Muslims sweetie:)
Someone is summoning the devil is south carolina
>tfw no roof bio pic staring young leo
he might have had a few more Problems, reading that paragraph, but im no doctor
Creatine claims another victim.
>Eliot Smith
Daily reminder (((they))) killed him.
Mor din.
He was a sub 6ft manlet too, a toxic combination.
Fields is going to be acquitted and the riots will be the first real happening of 2018.
>That edit
Oh he left us too soon, could have been another chris chan
Toilets kill more people than "alt-right" extremists do
People, people, people.
The "alt-right" doesn't exist. Remember that first before anything.
Soooo an hour of an evening at a chicago club?
Aren't there that many nig murders in Chicago every weekend?
>3 people
>problems will go away if we just villify those we ostracize
you know im pretty sure lots of us here thought about shooting some places. Yourself probably included , the fact is we didnt go through or decided it wasnt worth it, bottom line is we should be trying to understand what drove them to point of no return. If we see an increase in cases like this , it is society that is failing not the individual. Sure exceptions will appear from time to time but you cant solve the problem by pushing out people further and honestly, you and people like you are the ones with blood on their hands
only 46? Thats what niggers do in a weekend in Chicago
experiencing bondage
accepting an unwanted situation
being obsessed
feeling tied down against your will
losing independence
allowing yourself to be controlled
being addicted and enslaved
submitting to another
focusing on the material
being caught up in appearances
believing only in the physical
forgetting the spiritual
getting and spending
overindulging the senses
staying in ignorance
being unaware
operating within a narrow range
experiencing limitation
choosing to stay in the dark
fearing the unknown
being taken in by appearances
feeling hopeless
believing the worst
lacking faith
seeing a cold world
thinking negatively
foreseeing a bleak future
Guy on the right isn't even convicted. I wish you could see the media for slander
2 people
eliot wasn't alt-right he was just a nice guy
so any "self radicalizing young man" is alt-right now?
Anyone who has ever identified with the made up term Alt Right is a moron
It was on obviously label that was going to be used wack anyone remotely right wing over the head with.
Richard Spencer is a spook. They needed a new David Duke bogeyman for the millennial generation
Wow, historical revisionism is one thing, trying to do it to events that are still fresh in people's memories is seriously desperate.
>rewrite past crimes and attribute them to your current enemy
I hope for the sake of our survival people will not start believing that going to the so called alt-right will bring change or save our countries and people from mixing/ getting overrun with foreigners.
>eliot wasn't alt-right he was just a nice guy
he's pretty much the epitome of Sup Forums. this board is full of trump-worshiping supreme gentlemen. at least we know none of you will pass on your effeminate genetics.
Yet you use SJW and Antifa to describe liberal extremism.
Antifa actually embrace the term.
So it should be appropriate to call the extremist version of right wing theology the Alt RIght.
Not a mistake I said theology either. Antifa and Alt-Right are essentially the Al Queda and the ISIS of the USA
No Sup Forums bros know why they can't get girls
Elliot was probably a reddit kid