Why do republican university students worship Reagan so much?

Why do republican university students worship Reagan so much?

College Republicans are basically liberals, so they identify with the most milquetoast "conservatives" they can find.

he was terrible

There is a word for that, Neocons.

They’re not really neocons imo. Most of them support Trump and want less Mexicans and Muslims. They probably don’t know Reagan gave amnesty, they just think he’s cool cause their parents like him

Why did every single nigger vote for Obama?

It's fun to be nostalgic, especially if you have no idea what you are talking about

The reagan meme needs to die. He allowed amnesty and messed with drugs so now even more mexicans are coming in. Fuck reagan and call out anyone who wears a shirt or hat like this.

>Why did every single nigger vote for Obama?
Because he was black.
That's the same reason I voted for him.

And it's the same reason I voted for Trump, because Obongo was black.

Because they are repeating the views of boomer cuckservative kikes that worship neocons and neoliberalism.

Notice how all the Jewish boomers in talk radio slobber all over Reagan's dick despite the fact he passed amnesty, turning California blue forever, supported no fault divorce AND gun control.

Because Reagan was in charge for the last American golden age, who the fuck else could you idolize?

Reagan was a smooth actor, that's why so many fell for his "conservative" image.

Really, he's not much different from Trump.

Anything else they support will get them lynched by the tolerant left

Because they’re dumb faggots that hate the white race. Fuck Reagan with a crowbar

Reagan stood up to his Putin and ended the evil empire.

Obama bent over for Putin and let them install Drumpf.

And he heralded our current dying dystopia.

Conservatives long for a past they never experienced themselves. I am old enough to remember Reagan. While he did have his moments, he will forever be remembered for the Iran-Contra scandal, wherein his administration committed high treason because they didn't want to work with congress to get a compromise through.

The brady bill was good legislation though. More conservatives should get on board with some kinds of gun control. It's a losing issue in the long term.

>Wall Street openly raping the country
>Golden Age

Maybe it was the Jew golden age

Fuck the Brady Bill.

go fuck yourself

Because they’re bandwagon normie faggots, and they want to emulate the rich upper class east coast “conservatives” of the establishment. It’s a way to signal who they are: “have a good look, pleb, I’m one of the upper crust elites in waiting.”

The far right doesn’t have any affinity with that kind of cuckery. Reagan gave amnesty, Reagan was a kike tool, and ultimately Reagan was no better than George W. Bush (except for your pocketbook).

Reagan was a bitch, who let his Vice President control him.