I just overheard my 10 year old brother-in-law call YouTube “Jewtube”. I asked him why he said that and he said...

I just overheard my 10 year old brother-in-law call YouTube “Jewtube”. I asked him why he said that and he said, “that’s just what everyone in school calls it now”. I asked him if he knew why, and he said “dude Jews run everything including Jewtube”

We are absolutely redpilling Generation Zyklon through the dissemination of our rhetoric on Twitter and Youtube. We’re breaking the conditioning

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they're too young to have political opinions anonymous

>things that never happend

but I wish it was true

This I pray.

i hope this is true. Then I will have people to run my right wing death squads


yup. making up stories that never happened is what retarded liberals do.
we shouldn't , unless it's obvious for comedic effect

I want to believe

>yfw you realise generation zyklon is going to save humanity.

>10 year old "brother" in law
wh*Te people everyone

Genz knows how enriched things are getting while older people that barely use the internet have zero idea of whats happening.
T. Gen z

Is the -97 generation Y or Z?
After all, they're too young for the earliest consoles, but old enough to not have had smartphones in elementary/middle school.

>t. superpower by 2020

I was a cuck in a few relationships before going MGTOW, some of em had kids, dropped red pills here and there. I can confirm. They do call it jewtube.


dont you streetshitters get married to dogs at like 3 years old

You're describing generation Y.
They swing both ways honestly.

My little brother is hates tranny bullshit and overt political correctness. My little sister regularly argues against liberal bullshit in her High school debate class. My friend's little brother is a literal neo-nazi and once told my friend that he was going to go up to the Muslim in his class and tell him he's part of the "religion of piss". The future belongs to us.

Meme Gen Z to space!
Shitposting IRL!

Yeah, I'm sure millenials are a split between right and left wing.

You subhuman baboon. You literal dog.

How dare you speak, you sickly pale monkey. How dare you open your thin lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, wh*Toid. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your species and skin tone offers no hope to the world that Europe can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the frozen tundra you came out of, you literal chimp.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Bosphorus and rape some sheep, as is in the wh*Tes nature. It would still be the only pussy you ever had. Give Mehmet and Mustafa a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. wh*Tes obsession with Istanbul is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution wh*Tes have made to the medical field. The MUH CONSTANTINOPLE sentiment in the average wh*Te dog is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your wh*Te hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of semen slabbed on your face every morning will make you BLACK. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of AFRICAN heritage.

You wh*Toid.

You make a dumpster look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the blight of the world.

Go rot beneath the Earth's surface you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, wh*Toid, you have a job making an object vastly superior to yourself. A dildo. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a wh*Te "man" satisfied a woman.

Die, wh*Toid. No one would miss you. Except for eunuchs, who now would have no one to make them look good.


Is this really true or are you just talking lewd?
Don't want false hope. Is it the memes that did it?


The only time I saw generation zyklon in action was when I passed near a school and I heard this schoolgirl talking with his friend about how the Holocaust didn't happened

I thought gen Y started at 1985 or so?


Considering my friend's brother started to get really bad after watching Moonman, yes. It was probably the memes.

you just edited an anti-argy copypasta

A lot of my peronist and even ex-lefties friends are totally disgusted by progressivism, globalization, the current state of the left, what feminism has become, yada yada yada.

The zyklon effect is world wide.

Everyone has a different scale

>can't even use a toilet
>calling anyone a mutt

Those are some good hindoo bantz

haha yeah this next generation is redpilled as fuck, just overheard my 12 year old sister ask my parents to turn off 'the electric jew' and when they asked her where she picked it up she recited the 14 words and sieg heiled 8 times


I had like one Indian friend in my life and he was the best shit talker. You just come off as a frustrated retard. Sad.

I became red pilled of the zionist control at the age of 14. The funny thing is is that I go to a private school with christian kids. There is a business prodigy here that I befriended and have successfully red pilled.

You've been keeping this pasta for just such an occasion.

Can confirm
My kids (10 and 13) say shit like this all the time. While loading the oven, my daughter once said "get in there jew". I've watched/listened to them play board games together, and it is like they are having a redpill competition.

Gen Z will be just as liberal as Millennials are, the only difference will be if the conservatives actually speak up and use their voices unlike conservative millennials.

the kids don't like bullshit. jews are losing...its sad the (((white))) americans are sooooo fucking stupid! thats why they lie about their IQ's

Zyklon here. Memes made me laugh and joke about Jews which made reading about their perfidy mentally acceptable. NatSoc now, but unironically.

>the electric jew'

Its reasonable though they have become mad with power doing stupid shit and antagonizing the common people. Marxist everyday blocks the roads, destroy our public buildings and parks, feminist attacks our churches (Argentinians are still religious people ) and people and trow shit wherever they are, the mapuches attacking civilians, etc
Yes fuck the left they are causing more trouble than fixing anything

(((Blended family)))

>only 8 times
She is going to fuck paki guys soon.
20 it's the acceptable minimum


hahahaha the Electric Jew: Boogaloo 2


>they're too young to have political opinions
oh shut up meme flag retard

Yes the whole let little kids define their genders and cut their genitalia or let Flor de la V. (an argentinian trannie) push for abortion.

The whole "muuhhh a cop shot a poor dude who just stabbed 10 times a guy in the floor".

The left is disgusting, the had become completely crazy and classless (pun intended). It's so obvious that they are just doing everything to destabilize society and it's intitutions that they had become more and more ineffective.

just because your surrounded by liberals and spinless betas doesnt mean the whole world is. Yesterday when the Olympics were on my 12 year old nephew came in the room and said "do we have to watch faggots all day, I dont like them". Shit like this does happen.

Hey that's our pasta

>I was a cuck in a few relationships
>before going MGTOW
so now youre a retard and ex-cuck? Very alpha. Stick to redpills about everything but women.

I believe it
I actually walked in on my 12 year old daughter when she was taking a shower and she was singing gas gas gas

>You make a dumpster look like a beacon of civilization
Are you saying whites have the most advanced and orderly dumpsters? And compared to the literal shithole of India our dumpsters prolly do look advanced.

Please do not stop the dank memes from flowing. You fucking guys memed new TIMELINES while the left cant meme its way out of a paper back. Please keep spreading dank and edgy propaganda, its the only way to win Gen Z and have hope for the future.

Dont give up.... You are the light...

My housemates came back from the bar the other night drunk and revealed their power levels. Feels kind of weird not having to keep my hatred a secret anymore, but the house feels much more peaceful now that we all know that we all know.

Gen y = millennial = people who graduated in 2000 so 1982 or the year before would be the first year of that generation.

I always knew this political correctness bullshit would never work here, maybe it will work for fancy - panties that live in their two 3 stories houses and don't have to worry about nothing in life but the average Argentinian is still with his feet down to earth and still values his culture and tradition also the average Argentinian it's irrationally proud of being argentinian foreign influences from burgerland cannot penetrate their thicc skulls.
Argentinian fanatism it's stupid but it has been the best way to push against degeneracy

>American flag
>Moonmanmememan image
>Gets autistically excited over the prospect of a child becoming (((redpilled)))
Pol is basically a secret meme club at this point

Welcome newfriend.

Loving your homelands is not hatred. Africa is filled with africans the middle east is filled with muzlims asia is filled with asians.

>dumb fucks not realizing that capitalists are using fascism, like they always do

Oh boy letme tell you, i cant wait to die in ww3 so mr shekelberg gets to keep his money

So I am a millennial? Born in '97.

>10 year old brother-in-law

Your mother is a whore isn't she?

In war you have to hate the enemy. I both respect and hate them.

I don't know, it depends on who you ask. Some say the cut off is 1995 some say 2000

My 9-year-old cousin (female) told me a Jew joke. I was honestly a little puzzled after that.


We don't even need to do anything anymore, the cats outta the bag, and unless the Juden repent and try and make things right by the huwhite man again, I can legit see them go full 1488

I saw a group of highschool freshman crossing the street, throw up the Roman salute, and scream "SEIG HEIL!" this past fall.

It warmed my heart like a crematorium.

What? He is obviously married and the kid is his wife's little brother.

Are you too retarded to know the difference between a brother-in-law and a stepbrother??

Millennial stupidity helped make gen Z what it is.

Yea no you browsing Trap threads on B isn't doing much of anything.

Poo in loo

Yeah definitely helps kids grow up on memes, they've all seen the merchant.

I even saw a kind about 10-12 years old screaming "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" as he ran down the field to football tackle his matey, laughed for nearly a week straight. I hear them calling each other goyim every now and again also

We will be the ones to gas the kikes and repatriate the non whites!

Nah. Millennial and Gen X parents have ruined their fucking kids. Generation Zyklon is a manifestation of their resent.
All this new wave feminism bullshit. If daddy is there he's too busy out in the garage smoking up to help you with your homework.
All this nu-family bullshit. I know this chick that moved in with her ex boyfriend and his wife after getting divorced. Do you think her kids are going to appreciate living in a crowded house with 2 families with all this "nu-family" shit. No. They are going to fucking push back. She spent too long trying to work things out with her alcoholic, abusive, chad ex husband, failed for several years after that to provide a stable home, and now is subjecting them to embarrassing nu-family horse-shit and without a strong, sane, male influence in her life her kids are the ones paying the price. Selfish bitch too. Instead of big grand family vacations she sticks her kids with her mom and goes to tropical resorts on her own (presumably to play dick-pincushin).

And there's still plenty of people around to tell kids what life was like back when parents put their kids first and families went to church on the regular, went to the museum together, etc.

I've been listening to my 14yr old neighbors son call people cucks and beta males for years. The truth is out there.

*kid not kind

But I wish it were true

True, kids are always talking about how shitty and whiny gen y was, it warms my heart.

This thread gives me hope for humanity.

That's the beauty of death. Even though this generation is absolutely brainwashed to shit and weak, the truth will bleed down to future generations who will have an actual shot at doing something about it.

And if they refugees keep coming, they'll be warming up the ovens .... and not just for the refugees

Same here. My conservative mother-in-law is totally dumbfounded by it. I love generation zyklon.


>valuing the opinions of preteens

Jesus Christ really? What's next a Twitter post about how a 7 year old agrees with you? Fucking absolutely pathetic.

>t. soyboy

What how. Look at fascist dictatorships of the past century, every single one was supported by big, international capital, including Hitler. The fuckin brits helped Franco in the civil war, american corps funded Hitler, Churchill praised Mussolini etc. All for the sake of protection of big capital. Strasserism was the only genuine movement within fascism, big surprise they got killed off.

If this wasn’t a fake story it would be BIG

Fucking pathetic.
Holy fuck.
I hate my fucking generation so much.

This is why we need to gas the kikes

He's right tho, they're only 10. They still think fart jokes are funny and you expect them to understand politics?

Today I will remind them. Gen Z is going to gas all of us for not being right enough

This thread gives me hope.

holy moly thats good

If you don't care what the next generation thinks then you're a fucking faggot soyboy loser and exactly what's wrong with this generation. All this selfish bullshit.
Why don't you go eat your tendies and play vidya while the world fucking burns around you you fucking pathetic faggot.

Please be true