/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports - (((SPLC))) EDITION

>Jew talks about Bloodsports

>Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor

>Random kid BTFOs Sargon

>JF video on how Peterson refuses to talk about the JQ

>Sargon nigger spergout

Old Links pastebin.com/H1cExJ1a

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Give it a bump, if you're lurking.



kek, "IBS" is the same acronym used for irritable bowel syndrome.

we live in /comfy/ times when race realism and White identity is going mainstream

Aydin, If you are reading this, please let me be your humble footstool.

How has this shit become a general? Its just pointless shit at this stage.

Yeah the IBS acronym is funny, since this is such a shit show, its quite fitting.
We are going MAINSTREAM boys!

would you rather talk about black panther or cheddar man? Nearly all threads on pol are shit.

>We are going MAINSTREAM boys!
No, you're not. No one except for like 3 people follows along with your stringboard, most people followed along until the end of the metokur saga and that was it.
>Nearly all threads on pol are shit.
>so lets just make another shit thread to slide the board

Stop acting like a nigger.

true, I call them the "septic" community now, I think I've seen you guys use that term as well though

Oh wow, does Vee actually have a degree?

Yup. Btw are you Kraut, by any chance.

>How has this shit become a general? Its just pointless shit at this stage.

Intelligent discourse =/= shit.

Just go kill yourself you fucking shill.

where does this video come from desu? thx

The one in the OP pic? Thats from Krauts twitter.

He's a doctor

yes, but I don't know if it's him or not...

ps: r u swedish?

i think its him. no not swedish

lol no, I'm just a watchman that sees the phantom of the Hitler Archetype rising in my race's collective subconscious.

Kraut's autistic crusade against race realism ended up with Richard Spencer being served up the best propaganda opportunity he's had on a silver platter with that Youtube stream on Andy Warski's channel. You cannot deny this.

thx user


tfunderpussy talking about sargons chimp out, pointing out he's becoming a centrist justice warrior.


Destinys Principles

He will literally never stop

kek even he knows.

Honestly how the fuck is he so popular?

I like this new style that ben garrison is going for. Honestly his art was getting kinda stale

Mainstream shit. The most popular stream on Andy’s channel was the one with Sargon and Spencer. Under the logic that we were actually “redpilling” normies, all the race realists channels including JF and Alt Hype were suppose to have an increase in subscribers.

They haven’t.

This but unironically

He has a low subscriber base if you consider the amount of garbage he puts out.


I want someone to look at me the way Vee looks at Sargon

>Vee comes on Warski to defend Sargon's honor
>instead he tells the truth
>Sargon was behind the Kraut thing, liberalist only exists because of Spencer, and worst of all that Sargon doesn't have a black dad
>Vee stops whinning about Communist Romania and instead declares himself the leader of a new Iron Guard
>His friendship with Sargon over, he declares himself the head of the Romanian alt-right.

He’s gonna extract revenge from Spencer for dishonoring his senpai. When is the debate?

digits will confirm

> Ben Garrison

HAHAHAH I can't stop laughing at this meme.

I think Tariq Nasheed is paid off to be retarded but carry the victim card
No one can be this stupid

>Alt Hype were suppose to have an increase in subscribers.
>They haven’t.

Irritable bowel syndrome?

Vee redemption arc.

pretty much

see filename




Disgusting lying faggots.

troll more destynite

are you retarded or something?

Suck my cock Garapist.


>tfw you realise the racists were right

Says retarded version of Germany.


holy shit this is fantastic

>claims nonsense
>gets BTFO
>posts links to our sources believing it will support his false claim
>gets more BTFO

you are just retarded

my life is a lie

>>tfw you realise the racists were right
Doesnt racist actually just mean a person who does not think all races are equal?
I'm not sure about other countries but here and other parts of asia nobody doubts that for a second. Who the hell thinks all races are the exact same.
Is that really a mindset in the west or is it just the judenmedia?

New YOUNG TURKS (mini) MELTDOWN - State of the Union

And an ex-TYT employee is accusing them of a multi million dollar scam

And some nigger they fired is suing them for racial discrimination



>Doesnt racist actually just mean a person who does not think all races are equal?
To say otherwise publicly get's you thrown in jail here

How this support your claims? Wash yo ass sheep fucker.

>Doesnt racist actually just mean a person who does not think all races are equal?
The definition in common parlance has changed over time. In the past, you had to be expressing hate towards a certain group to be labelled a racist, whereas today you just have to have a preference for your own group.

I think the term 'racism' was invented by Marxist revolutionary (and jew) Trotsky in 1927

what year is that?

I hope she starts to make ASMR videos. With lots of citations.


>nigger flag

>doesn't understand that the red trend line is pointed downwards because we have only had 9 out of 28 days in February, meaning we cannot judge JFG channel activity for this month yet
>doesn't understand cumulative nature of "monthly subs"

I think god really did put your lower kind on this earth to entertain me.



Jared Taylor sounds like a cartoon character. Listen to the Family Guy version of William Shatner and tell me that the resemblance isn't uncanny.

>Metokur most likely leaving forever again due to "health reasons"

did the Don get him?

New Twitch ToS is going to stir up some shit. It's retroactive and they can get you for shit said on other platforms.

Bye bye Tiny, our time together was too short.

He said he has nothing terminal on the Kumite. It's also possible he's lying to give him self an escape hatch

he'll be taking down his patreon if he can't keep putting up videos at a regular pace, that's it. he doesn't have the bad AIDS.

First Destiny’s streams are pretty much safe except curse words, which are not really prohibited.

Second, why the fuck are you celebrating censorship practices? Are you stupid? These practices will eventually migrate to other platforms like YouTube.

Third, disregard all the above. I forgot you’re an abo simian. :^>

So who are the big names Destiny has scheduled to debate? What's that, there are none? Have people started to stop talking to Destiny since he keeps doxing, smearing, and/or harassing people he debates? Is this biting him in the ass? What is he going to do now?

That and the fact that JF isn't doing much on his on channel right now since he's been co-hosting Warski's channel

He had a debate last Tuesday with Dr. Layman. More comfy and more views than your cancerous shitshow with Mutty Brittany and Roosh.

I wasn't celebrating anything. Check the new ToS, twitch users are responsible for their audience now.

>Is that really a mindset in the west or is it just the judenmedia?
worse, most people will refuse to hear anything about racial differences

Its like this new rules are custom made to fuck Tiny in the ass. Which isn't surprising since we have known Twitch has hated him for some time.

But you didn't answer my question. Who does he have coming up? Who are the big names?

>an actual manlet jockey shill ITT

the tism fit over this will be glorious

No one outside of niche community knows who the fuck Dr. Layman is, fuckwit.

Quick rundown on the new terms of service?

Hi newfag

He never had a schedule. Random people just appear and contact him.

They’re made more to deal with Thots. It’s all thanks to that Venti mutt and her stupid African cooking shit.

Who cares? He still had more live views. Keep assblasted.

>They’re made more to deal with Thots

HO talks about it, links from there


whats it like worshiping a 5'3" pedophile?

Hey. Although the girl had 11 year old mental age, she still was technically 19. It’s very unfair calling JF a pedo.

I dont give a fuck about JF, but its telling that you wanted to change the subject immediately

When will Destiny debate Ryan and follow his principles?


time to shake these (((creeps))) off the American People

Weren’t you talking about JF? I mean you didn’t said names so I had to guess.

No. Ryan Faulk is an autistic faggot that was btfo by Nick Fuentes.

He’s worthless speaking live.

Are you a pedophile too? Is that why you defend destiny every chance you get?

[spoiler]most girls are only 12-14 years old mentally[/spoiler]

How is Destiny a pedophile?

In Austria I don’t doubt it.