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nobody would be complaining if they were oval shaped instead of near perfect spheres.


they upped the fanservice for the anime what can you do. i cant wait for her gal version

listen to kirio

Just accept it, it's not going anywhere, so you might as well enjoy it.




Best girl


It was a truly strange scene when MC tells her he's not into her body type because she looks too young meanwhile her outrageous fucking tits take up half the screen.

Are you talking about the hair buns? They look cute


Aomizuan resort island

thanks m8.

never too big, pussy.

too big? more like just right.

Stuck in shit show.

As usual.

>Protag complains about not being able to get girlfriend
>His childhood friend shows up to give him lunch
>He shits on her for being too short
>She takes it well, asking if she's into her body-type
>He assures her that he's in no way attracted to her
The protag is a fucking faggot. No wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend.


The only reason I picked up this show

Childhood friend? Isn't supposed to be his sister?

goddamn those tiddies are amazing


>big tits
>happy ara face
>brown hair
>nice personality
So basically, she's guaranteed to lose.

Like a sister, not actually his imouto.

Having a character like that as the designated losing girl is one of the worst cliches that can exist. Literally I'm a shit writer: the plot device.

It's Chobits all over again. Thanks for telling me so I can skip this one.

stop posting flat girls


>childhood friend
There you go. If any MC would ever go for the childhood friend it would divide space and time and kill us all, so no thanks.

That has happened though.

Everyone already lost, blondehair gyaru already won in the first episode.



She's not a fucking loli, what the fuck is wrong with Japan. This is like back when they were calling Hestia oppai-loli.

OP didn't post Ranko.

Why this bitch crying corn?

I want to hit Ranko until she stops moving!



she's a two-faced bully-slut




Lies and slander, Ranko is a good girl who helps Yukana and Junichi's realtionship.

She was probably just forming an alliance with psycho-dom.
Think about it, she wants to break them up and psycho-dom wants full ownership of what she's decided is her main bitch
and what better way to get MC's guard down than "saving" him?

This is the anime being retarded. Nene wasn't supposed to be introduced until chapter 30+ and MC isn't supposed to recognize her right away anyways. But because this show will most likely get only a single season they are forcing all the girls to interact with him from the beginning. The same thing just happened with Made in Abyss as well where they changed the order of chapters but wrote in a character to appear during events they weren't present for.

That being said Nene is part of the reason the Manga lost any semblance of turning around for the better in terms of quality and Class rep sealed it. Don't bother keeping up with this, it's blue balls in the worst form.

>That being said Nene is part of the reason the Manga lost any semblance of turning around for the better in terms of quality
How so? Is she terrible, or are Protag's interactions with her shit?

Bully or be bullied, Ranko had a hard life.

It's more like the core drama of this story was the MC trying to be less of a shitstain when it came to dealing with his relationship with Yukana. As far as obstacles he only had to deal with Ranko (The gyaru) because she was deliberately trying to split him as is her obligation as wingman.

Once Nene got introduced it was right after MC had made a significant milestone in his improvement. It was also a couple chapters of some improbable happenings like Nene somehow being able to sneak into his house and get into his room naked. I know she's his childhood friend but she literally hadn't seen the guy in years and it doesn't seem like his non-existant family would just let her in at some random hour of the night.

It's basically because Nene was the beginning of the most forced of drama used in Harem series, but this is explicitly not harem since the main pairing is never in jeopardy.

Fuck, that sucks, and sounds even worse than protag being traditional dumbass. I probably couldn't enjoy her if I was exposed to her through manga, so it sort of makes sense why anime is switching it up?


the sticker in her dress is sticking out, what a dork

That's a cute boy, who is he? New rival for MC?

>two-faced bully-slut
My dick is so hard, right now.

Time to pick up this series.

>Let me tell you about Japanese words because I know better than Japanese people.

That's what he did, yes.

Best girl says hi.

I like the big titted girl from Occultic Nine, but this is just digusting to be honest.

>it's another childhood friend anime
why do these keep getting the green light?

no it isn't

>dumb mobileposter
>Sup Forums image
>Sup Forums image
lurk for 2 years before posting, read rule 1

She is just a healthy developing girl.


haremshit disguised as childhood friend romance
greatest anime & manga betrayal of all time

I love this kind of hair. Big buns. I don't know if it's called something but it's literally perfect.

>they don't fuck

enough of this bullshit.


Not big enough.

He is just loyal to his GF, nothing wrong with that.

Not big enough.

who is this?
i think i need a better, full body shot too
for referencing


Loli is an English loanword.

If she's fucked doggystyle do they bounce up and hit her in the face?

>English loanword.
And by English i mean the language not the country.

How else would you translate loli konkyuu?
It's used to describe a girl who has has childlike features and big tits. Just slap a pair of tits on a loli and it is a oppai-loli. Remove the tits on Nene and she will look like a loli.

It's a harem anime, but I feel your pain.

People post images from other boards all the time.

Yeah, it's a slight advantage the anime has over the manga. The girls he's already acquainted with are actually there from the beginning, instead of being mysteriously absent until exactly when the plot needs them. At the very least, the childhood friend would have had more time to dwell on the fact that he chose Yukana, rather than deciding on a whim to break and enter. It's still a shitty thing to do, but it makes the act more deliberate and less like the writers just came up with something on the fly.

Not big enough!

Honestly the best thing for this manga is to cut its losses and end the series shortly after chapter 37. The relationship is at a peak, and both side girls already had their "arcs". The writers aren't skilled enough to continue this series in any meaningful way, and any attempt to do so will only infuriate the readers.

Wait does the anime have anime original scenes or something? I'm not watching it but I don't remember her showing up this early in the manga.

this anime seems to be pretty good, at first i was sceptical when i was watching censored version, but uncensored version really peeked my interest.

Navel is my limit

bullshit nene is only 98cm!

she should be over 100cm easy, her breasts have twice the damn volume of Yukana's! they should be like 110-115.

She's a midget. How big do you think her underbust is exactly?

as big as second place, at the most.
its probably the way its drawn too, but that is my thoughts on it.

who draws this shit, i want their twitter.

This is the same girl as Nene in right? She transforms herself into a gyaru to grab mc's attention or something?

>too big
How can Nene even compete?

100% Correct.

I get that anime often exaggerates and artists have no idea of actual measurements, but all these girls are too big for their actual measurements and that upsets me greatly.

What was that anime with everyone having boobs bigger than their entire bod-

Boobs seem to be getting bigger on average every new season.
I for one welcome our new cowtit overlords.

Lucoa's tit size would have been a joke during Eiken and Grenadier days, now it's just accepted even in mainstream KyoAni.

What a time to be alive.

is it not because japan has a different measurement system so they can pretend japs don't have tiny breasts?

I remember watching Grenadier just for the tits.