Poor Randlet :,(


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....and he folded like a bitch

every fucking time

What was the point of an hour long shutdown?

So Rand is the only non-RINO there now?

What a faggot

Where's his neighbor when you need him?

Rand is the best.

Where are all the fucking conservatives in the Reupublican party?
A libertarian is the last fucking conservative in senate?

and it makes me sad
He is definitely not his dad

>He is definitely not his dad
Because he's better but he obviously does a bad job of rallying people on his side

The neo-con GOPe cucks don't want real conservatives in the Senate, just look at what they did to Roy Moore. They're intentionally trying to ruin their own party and turn real conservatives away

Either way, it takes some fortitude to always be the odd man out.


Why the hell are you guys supporting this again? There is no long game. You cat come back from debt unless you use government grants, which puts us more in debt. Or you borrow from countries with money, which means we'd owe some world leader money and our country is not a piano.


So why the fuck are you supporting him? You're alt-right utopia cannot be worth putting us in more debt than Obama's handouts.

How exactly is he better? At debating? The reason Ron Paul inspired so many people is he knew the government was so corrupt that he wasnt actually trying to change it from within he just used it as a platform to spread his ideas of liberty for over 30 years and he never expected to get as popular as he did in 2008 and 2012 there will never be another Ron Paul

Fuck you faggot

Rancid Paul and his nutcase dad need to go away. Stupid southern white trash that is living in the past.


>when the libtard is the only one that gives a fuck about the debt


Rancid Paul has the most faggoty hair. Definitely closet fag.

How the fuck is he a libtard you dumb fuck?

He only spent 3 hour at his hairdresser, to get those curls just right.

Sexy as fuck, my dude

Fuck you faggot show some goddamn respect

I will show respect for Rancid Paul when this board shows respect for the great patriot John McCain.

I need my bantz pill cause I cant even anymore

>calling Americans "RINOs"
This board is a fucking joke.

He is literally the only guy making sense in that room

We really need more right wing libertarians.

Easy, psych warfare. Just pressure to push more people to one side.

But why would they be trying? What's the fucking purpose?

>literally no arguments from a literal meme flag

The leaders of the party call the shots dude, the GOP and DNC literally collude with EVERY SINGLE spending bill.
You know (((who))) pays them.

Notice at 5:50 CNN skips 7 minutes of the speech just as Rand starts talking about the Fed. The establishment does not want people to hear this.

it takes nothing for a democrat to change their party and run as a republican, or register as a republican, win, then shit all over those who elected you by going against their desires, or even halfass supporting your constituents, but turning around and voting for the democrats in big issues. thats what the RINOs are doing, and whom throw money at party headquarters to do everything to deter real conservative runners and shit.

Don't mind the faggots.

Wait...isn't the whole thing about Alt-Right is returning to the better times of the past before the SJW/Antifa/Militant Crazy Liberal?

Ewww, that A in a circle...

obv. However, I'm pointing to something else. What would be the goal of publically shredding the image of one party now? To shift the balance of power in the eyes of 'murican public?

What is this? Are they losing their fucking grip just now?

with all the filthy jewbux this self-appointed doctor has, why won't he buy himself a passable toupee?


It is.. but as they say 'you can't go home again' so the alt-right is doomed.. last of a dying and hopefully soon to die breed.

We need to retake the country

I am an anarchist. The state is the sole cause of degeneracy.
They're loosing power, the democrats will fall first, the republicans either get reformed or they will fall too. I think either this one or the next economic depression might lead to secession.
What jewbux? Are you retarded? He's literally anti-war, anti-spending and anti-regulation and anti-fed, he's literally one of the most anti jew politicians in your congress.

Israelis getting biggest aid package ever. Calling it now.

Rand wasn't bullied enough in high school. He should NEVER of been able to have the confidence or nerve to be Senator at that height. If he went to my high school he'd probably STILL be in his locker.

He looks like he's the only one in the room. Seriously where the fuck is everyone?

>The state is the sole cause of degeneracy.

but people choose to be degenerate. the state doesn't force them to be degenerate.

The state has done nothing to curb down degeneracy it subsidized it at every step.

Was the wall even funded?

>I am an anarchist.
Don't brag about it.

all bux are jewbux, is it your first day here?

Your goverment hasn't passed any spending bill yet.

though I do love Rand.

Top pip


that means there's a problem with the current state, not a problem inherent with having a state itself.

Well sure, state is just defined as a bunch of people with the same political thought basically, the problem lies within goverment. I believe in private law societies, any goverment is proven to at some point grow to the likes it suffocates the taxpayer and eventually falls.

A state is designed to control you so that those in power can pluck your fucking fruit and eat it whenever they desire.
They use schools to teach you from an early age that you're supposed to want this. Thus you do want it. You know nothing else but to be taken advantage of.

it's because his speech is laid out like he's talking down to you. i mean i like him but i can see why people don't want to listen to him.

People did not need a state for tens of thousands of years, we lived in very high trust societies. The state isn't natural, voluntary association is.
Do you even know your neigbours? I certainly don't, but what's the need when the state gets me gibs such as tv education and healthcare amirite?

>private law societies
Looked that up. A definition from Mises describes that as "a society where every individual and institution is subject to one and the same set of laws".

That sounds like an idealized form for a government.

There is another path....

I love some Randstanding but kek

> Rancid Paul and his nutcase dad need to go away. Stupid southern white trash that is living in the past.

Dumb fucks in this thread will a forced meme like rancid

That's the best you faggots have? Holy fuck you're retarded.

>"""conservatives""" mad that a Republican Senator voted against a bill that continues the reckless spending of the Obama years
What did the shills mean by this?

I noticed this too right when he mentioned interest rates it skips then

Oy vey look over there he hate the military and gibs programz

you're a moron


Feelin Randy

Anarcho capitalism is a meritocracy. We only want land owners to compete with each other with law, we don't want goverment to impose monopoly with force.


>the state of randlets hair

dude cut that shit or grease it back u look like a curly yid

Lot of leftist faggots on this thread. You critical cunts fail at life so you criticize an accomplished statesman. Fuck you, hope you fucking starve when this shit collapses.

They really did cut it out! Here's the rest. What the fuck is going on. Why don't they want us to know.



Top kek! He really did! Someone please cut it out as a gif!
Rand knows!
7 hours 31 minutes 5 seconds in
Also it's quite obvious they cut out the FED, they don't want the goyim to know about that.

he's literally doing it kek

nice insult Reddit.


America is fucked boys.

I'll be honest, I always want Democrats to win inevitably when the race boils down to 1 v 1. If you'd have asked me who my 2nd to 5th choices to be president in any given year since 2000 I'd say a democrat, but my number one choice was always a republican that got washed away by the yells of violent leaders. Ron Paul and Rand Paul were always my first choices but they just get blown over so softly, leaving dumb and dumber to fight for the honor of who wants to fuck up the most.


God shut up you fag. You stick out like a nigger at a klan rally wearing a neon sign.

Rand Paul knows about (((hand rubbing))).

>he wasnt actually trying to change it
maybe don't answer your won questions you fucking faggot.
>he just used it as a platform to spread his ideas of liberty for over 30 years
lolbertarians will never learn.

the fuck is up with these retarded ass shills?

my god, he's so logical

A nigger at a Klan rally wouldn't stick out under sheets you moronic leaf.


>What would be the goal of publically shredding the image of one party now?
they have been doing the same shit for over 30 years. people are just now catching on is all.

>don't get married we will pay for you kids
>don't raise you kids just send them to (((us))) we'll teach them
>let pharmacies pump out heavily additive pain killers and make billions fucking over millions

As our money isn't real neither is the debt.

It doesn't matter. Enjoy that red-pill.

no but the "we wuz lynchin' and sheiiiit" might give it away.

What's happening to pol?


if you don't realize that money (worship of mammon) is a jew construct, you are beyond both help and hope

Dude the only reason people use the money is because it's a crime not to.
Sure, you can declare bankruptcy and loose all the debt, but this doesn't come free.
The jews are waiting for that exact moment they can come in and buy out your entire goverment.

Prove me wrong.

They already own it dude.

They own it indirectly, through your politicians, find out what happened to countries like Greece.
They'll never allow you loose the debt.

accomplished statesman?

the same guy who couldn't pass review for licensure, so he created his own?

you memeflags have a short and selective memory