Why are people with big penises more savage and uncultured?
Does small penis make your IQ higher?
Why are people with big penises more savage and uncultured?
Does small penis make your IQ higher?
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More blood to the brain
BBC, white medium and smol yellow is just a meme, propaganda by (((them))) to make you insecure. Also as black guy, cuz' you're suposed to have a pussydestryoing massive dingdong 3000 between your legs.
>The absolute state of Poland
Probably something to do with a dominant male appearance being valued over personality and social standing.
Same thing in the west, dudes with big dicks and big muscles get more women.
1. Sweden's 14.8 so should be light green.
2. Got an 8 inch dick and 140 IQ
3. You're a fucking dicklet.
It all has to do with the area's climate. Warmer climate means less clothing, and therefore women will select mates based on penis size. If the penis size is covered up by clothing needed to keep warm then mates will select based on this less. At the same time, consistently warm climates require significantly less IQ to survive in than having to make it through a horrible northern european winter.
Oh, also Poland should be orange.
Nice fake infographic OP
another meme flag create another thread where Poland data is faked so we look bad.
jewish butthurt is so loud me ears hurts
Did the Romans fear the Hunnic Penis?
Someone tries to say that Poles have small dicks behind some memeflags.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind these posts...
yes but us Italians have the highest IQ in Europe and we have big Italian sausages feels good man
Asians are smarter because they have smaller cocks, more blood gets pumped to the brain rather than the dick,
Also this is why Africans are retards, more blood pumped to "muh dick" rather than the brain
High test and low IQ is a good predictor of violent tendencies.
You do realize we're not the same poster?
That map is bullshit
The Polish cannot have dicks 2cm smaller than the Russians and Germans, it's genetically impossible
My penis is smaller than the average here, 13 cm. I kind of fear the moment I'll lose my virginity because I think women here are used to big mulatto dicks.
Not that I'll use my virginity with used goods, but still...
Think he figures a lot more than you.
Haha kikes have gone apeshit and is creating fake stats and maps to smear Poland. How does it feel to get outjewed by the poles kikes????????
yea, but you are part of the same tribe who got mad at our latest decisions
Jews cut their dicks in order to discourage excessive sex. The logic is that if you cut your foreskin off, you inoculate yourself against the pleasures of the flesh, allowing you to focus on more rarefied neural stimulation/abilities like philosophy, engineering, science, or fine motor skills.
You're not a human in Judaism until the eighth day after you're born when you've had your briss (foreskin cut-off + rabbi suck + cocktails + assorted hors d'oeuvres).
>baiting with a meme map
Sweden used to have 102 IQ... but it "disappeared magically"
What about high test and high IQ?
Italy used to have 95 but went up after the refugee crisis.
Is this board Sup Forums?
Nice pic.
You need to take back your disgusting commie-brethrens here in Sweden, Zamorano
actually thats incorrect Italy's IQ became higher because we improved the education system in he South, most African refugees are too retarded to even take a simple IQ test