10. Peace
While we affirm the duty and necessity of defensive strife, we also celebrate and seek peace. National peace, relational and familial peace, and inner peace. Being a shining example of peace and being peacemaker in your relationships and families is the best way to show that degeneracy is a mistake, and unity is a much needed product of peace.
9. Kindness
The left has filled generation after generation with the stereotype that all right wingers are mean, evil, bigoted, hateful, etc. don’t play into that stereotype. Be kind to others, be polite and respectful. Hold doors open, say Ma'am, Sir, Mr or Ms. Look presentable and approachable in public and generally be a good example of our movement. Within our own ranks we are a brotherhood for the right, an emotional sanctuary for weary brethren, be as such to one another. Uplift and edify.
8. Chivalry
As corny as this sounds, we must restore the good, moral, western man and woman in society. Chivalry touches all aspects of life; our relationships, our actions toward our nation, our moral and religious beliefs and our day to day interactions, but put simply and most importantly, chivalry is our beliefs and duty put into practice.
7. Restraint
Whether it is food, sex, our words or our actions, restraint is important. We must restrain ourselves from immoral and degenerate activities or objects, and limit things that are negative in excess.
6. Duty and courage
A wise man once told me that "duty is the ultimate mastery of emotions; regardless of how busy you are, how afraid you are how little you want to do something or how you may feel about it emotionally, you do (or don't) do it anyway because you KNOW it is right". This is necessary for society to function, and for our eventual victory as an organization. You have a duty to your family, to your nation, and to your God, and you must have the courage to live your principles.
Right Wing United
Other urls found in this thread:
5. Trust and faith
Our organization involves real world action, for that action to be successful you must trust each other, have faith in your leaders and subordinates because they are all your brothers and sisters. Take someone at their word until they prove themselves false.
4. Respect
For a civil society to function, we must respect one another; respect shows that you value someone else besides yourself. I am not asking you to respect evil, that is cowardice. I am asking you to respect those who deserve and have earned respect, as well as a basic level of respect for everyone at face value.
3. Honor
Behave in an honorable manner, do what you know is right and moral. Honor your family, your country and your God. A lack of honor is a lack of morality. Honor each other, give credit where credit is due.
2. Brotherhood and fraternity
Joining our group is similar to being adopted into an extended family, tied together by common goals and beliefs and our willingness to put others before ourselves.
1. Love
Love is best described as putting the needs, well-being or existence of something before our own needs, well-being or existence. So when we say we love our nation, we must be ready to put the survival of our fellow countrymen before our own interests or needs.
While you do have some points, you failed to recognise the key facts. Firstly, Wh*Teoids are inferior to BLACK men, and AFRICA is better than Wh*Teoid Europe and America, until we reclaim what was once ours. We were Kings, and we will be Kings again.
Sounds rad
>1. Love
>>Love is best described as putting the needs, well-being or existence of something before our own needs, well-being or existence. So when we say we love our nation, we must be ready to put the survival of our fellow countrymen before our own interests or needs.
Good, we need a stand against degenerates on the feelings stuff. We've got to fight them on their own soil before they do it first
>mfw nazis ask to be my ally
we aren't an exclusively natsoc group, m8
sasuga ausscunt
How to join?
(our website is dead atm)
Depends if you know what this means
is a discord invite m8
More 'research' today? Man, you're a busy guy. But I guess it's takes a lot of work to 'shape society'.
>Mfw some mouth-breathing natsoc porch monkey tries to talk to me
>The 'movement' is so cringey now that they are relying on vaporwave meme edits
Vaporwave is so n a t u r a l l a w.
Joined long ago, Hail right-wing-united.
Hate begets hate are you not hating on the left blaming all of them. Divided all ways, black-white, left-right, men - women. Hypocritical much?
Are you for real? progressivism and communism are lies made to Divide all ways, black-white, left-right, men- women ... educate yourself. Promote truth, promote virtue, promote security of all people, Join the Right!
The world is infested with degeneracy and the left wing does not see a problem with it. Come join us and restore morality. Together we can become less addicted and more disciplined humans. We can prove to the left that it is within our own control to become stronger and more responsible human beings.
Is JonesWave acceptable to your group of rabble rousing young lads???
we made that vaporwave pic, its an illustration from the divine comedy, you should read it.
we do not hate the left, we oppose them
Quite an amazing group, I'm impressed
>inb4 someone calls it gay
but other than that. sounds like a nice concept. although you need a solid goal to reach after. those are one of the drivers of civilization.
like a goal might be "making our own country" or "slowly turn every leftist to the other side
It's a rEVOLution!
Who here /nobis/
So you want a dictatorship? What if you decide you dont like the dictator you will be stuck with?
.t faggot
Really, you want to be dictated. No more porn for you, you can only wear this, you can only read these books, only this music, ect.... Dictatorship is just great look at North Korea. Surprised they dont all get the same hair cuts. Oh well it looks like a law~mart concentration camp.
It is totally gay. I'm a cocksucking commiefornian who believes the white race must be preserved because they have the best cocks and this group makes me hard.
The dictator might think you are a perverted piece of crap, off your head. Martial law.
dude, that is not what we feel at all. we want people of our nations to make ethical choices and live decent lives. Of their own free will.
Thats not what it sounds like. Goodluck
But I have good genes with blue eyes, strong build and above average iq. I'll breed women for the dictator and wet his knob while we're on the road purging the root of society.
So they can just take your sperm and use just it for designer babies and they really dont need you do they.
Whats to stop your government from doing that now?
Question on these designer babies, am I being cucked or are they being raised by a single mother? I doubt either of these options will raise a well rounded future generation.
Cardinal rule? Universal law live and let live. Reap what you sow.
Of which your society doesn't practice.
And what society does these practices?
Research it yourself
Obviously the one that makes as many assumptions about peoples good nature as Communism does.
about half our group is libertarian, bud.
Upcoming race war yall will hang off of every single tree mother evropa provides. I will make sure every single man, woman and child dies the most agonizing and brutal slow death imaginable. Enjoy your 2 years of life at max.
Dont wish anything bad on anyone you wouldn't wish on yourself. Go find a bible dude, read Matthew, Luke and Mark. Lord have mercy. Good day im off to studies
check this album
Start with Matthew chapter 5 for his words.