How do we solve the US debt problem?


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Spend the money on big guns and kill the debt collectors

us gdp is rly big m8o

By ignoring it. It's already basically meaningless.

Gas the jews

What happens if they pay back all their debt

I can actually see this happening. The only problem is the US defaulting would be a catastrophic blow to the global economy.

Shit on globalism all you want to, it's the only reason why our debts haven't been called in yet.

That and China has you by the balls

It hasn't been called in because we fund the protection of most of the civilized world and get nothing in return for it.


No. You interfere in global events to further your own interests which is why the world despises you

We're buying Canada.

stop spending.

meme flag with meme opinions

>Shit on globalism all you want to, it's the only reason why our debts haven't been called in yet.
Yeah, your taxable income has been sold to rest of the world. Not a good deal for you, in the long run.

Have you ever been outside the states? Do you even have a passport? Educate yourself

Stop spending so much fucking money.

Since fed reserve act of 1913, all US dollars issued are debt instruments with interest payable to fed reserve bank.

Want to get out of debt, we do what Trump is doing and return to a value-based economy where people produce goods, skilled services, and trades. Tangible stuff, not pushing paper around or office jobs for do-nothing companies.

It's time to put the millenial soyboy generation out to pasture and go back to a more traditional set of values for Americans...including the nuclear family, gender roles, the Bible, and patriotic nationalism.

UN has nearly 200 member states all with equal representation, yet the United States is responsible for a quarter of all UN funding.
We're literally supporting the world.
Don't be ungrateful.

China can't call us on our debt. We don't owe China money. We owe the bondholders money. If China wants to sell their bonds before maturity (which would be at a loss) then that is their prerogative. They can't demand we repay prior to maturity.

We issue the bonds and we make the rules.

Just conquer the world.

>Have you ever been outside the states?
Have you?

We dont. We go back to the stone age in may respects and white people finally have an excuse to use all of their guns and take their country back.

Audit the (((fed)))

Exterminate the jews.

Eventually we'll hit the level cap then we can prestige. Financial crisis averted.

Kill all jews, burn all degenerates and commies,hang the lefties, ship the nigs to We Wuz lang, glass the middle east and develop alternative fuel sources, deport the illegals, burn the entire country down, build a suprafascist empire with an economy where the money's worth is decided by work done, i.e labor, just like papa Hitler did and boom. Problemo solved.

Or just hang the bankers that like to rub their hands a lot and switch NatSoc economy.

Just let the boomers destroy the currency while the youth gets rich from crypto. It will be a glorious generational reckoning.

>It's time to put the millenial soyboy generation out to pasture and go back to a more traditional set of values for Americans
That's never going to happen and you know it
Cut your losses and save pain and time

Been to the states 3 times

No one except the third world are asking you to do it. Even Nato states dgaf about you. Make America great again? Return to your pre ww2 isolationist policies and sort your own shit out. You will find the other western states will then no longer be laughing at the world police

Good post.

Grow the economy. The debt exploded under Obama because that nigger ran the economy into the ground. 1.5% average growth, complete failure.

the libertarian way, 1% a year

I don't believe you. I think you live here.


We get rid of the two party system and actually vote people in who know what the fuck they’re doing.

debt is not a probelm

I have. A few times around Europe. And that was before they started importing muslims by the boatload. Other places in the world are irrelevant.

Agreed and desu most Americans I have met outside the states arent typical yanks. You meet any hostility?

Make more guns and use them to invade other countries when they start asking us to pay debts or try to use other currencies to trade.

Haha beat me to it. It's what's worked since the war of 1812. Why stop now!?

Abolishing welfare would be the easiest and most effective thing.

So if we pull out of Germany and let Russia have their way with the continent nobody would care? Shut up faggot.

Unironically waiting on the next market crash to buy a foreclosed house out from under a Boomer. They fucked me over with a shit economy and high interest rates during college. It's time they lived out the rest of their days homeless. It would also solve the social security meme.

Sell the blacks into slavery. Then we don’t need welfare or prisons, so we have a massive cost savings already. The slaves will be more productive than they are now (any number is greater than zero), so that will help the economy. Finally, we can apply the proceeds of the sale directly to the debt.

The George Carlin prison farm idea

Russia wont touch us you paranoid fat american cunt. Go back to sleep and believe your media

That's just the national debt. Some economists beleive that the the international debt is in upwards of 140 trillion dollars, more dollars that even exist on planet earth.

We should default on the debt and do what the natsocs did in the thirties. Create a dictatorship, eliminate usery, return the money owned to the kikes back into the pockets of Americans, create work relief programs (infrastructure) and remove jews from positions of the media, politics and finance.

Get rid of Jewish banking and welfare niggers.

See you there, Hans. Personally I'm with you. We should remove our military from all of these locations and watch you get stream rolled by aggressive nations that aren't attacking simply because they fear American retaliation.

ya don't, hope you have gold or preferably bitcoin

Bomb the city of London and Israel. Kill all the puppet masters using special forces. Outlaw usury.


expel the jewry